Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bitcoin's luck


When talking about money, I know a little more than most.  Since that was my major, I understand that it is a very important subject.  Once upon a time I was going to study International Finance in an effort to "legitimately" become a world leader but since the money ran out and since "people" found out that was my plan, I guess I will have to do it the "roundabout" way.  

Money is a medium.  All of the most powerful things in the world are medium.  People can be violent or they can be too kind but the most powerful are neither and moreover they are capable of inspiring OTHERS to be too kind or too violent.  Like moviestars maybe or like preachers or rockstars.   There are elements out there that are so heavy that they give off radiation constantly.  

This is how I imagine the center of the Earth, as a substance so dense, that it gives off radiation much like the Sun.   And since it is from the center, there is no hope of containing it.  Everything that comes into contact with it, not only mutates and becomes cancerous, as in living cells, but becomes corrupted and out of control and no longer the element that it was.  It becomes an amalgam of elements.   So the Sun has a sweet spot, where life can exist and over here is too cold and over there is too warm, and now we see that the Earth does too.  An area where solid is definable and then it becomes UN-definable.  And yet WE here at the center shape the Earth more than the extremes.  We are the most powerful beings.  

In all things, you should struggle to remain middle.  Lose your temper, but lose it ONCE.  Get fooled, but don't get fooled twice(shame on me).  It's OK to be an airhead like I was, but don't lose your whole existence believing in the goodwill of your neighbors, or even in the IDEA of goodwill, as though that were a religion.  

There are elements so light that we cannot define them also.  Scientists have given them a name and I'm sure they think they know what they are doing but I don't believe Hydrogen is the end all of elements.  I believe in regularity and so by that token I believe in smaller elements or in laws of physics we have not yet discovered and by that token, I don't affirm FRINGE physics.  When laws we discover happen in my lifetime, they are not laws but theories or postulates.  IN other words we can prove them but we don't understand them.  It's like discovering a gun and figuring out how to pull the trigger.  You still haven't learned about springs or about gunpowder or even about cranks and loops, never mind knowing about barrel grooves or rubber holders.  

Systems without buffers, break.  

Such is the idea of global warming.  We know this much but because it has occurred in our lifetime, it's a bit irresponsible to credit scientists with KNOWING and understanding it.  All they have done is take samples and said X therefore(:.) Y, and said the world is getting warmer.   

Ok getting off topic now since I wanna talk about money but this is exactly what happened to cigarettes.  People say ALL these people die of lung cancer and they also smoke :. cigarettes cause cancer.  But I believe cigarettes, like most pain medication, make people dependant on the medicine.  And this dependency, makes your lungs weaker.  And weaker lungs makes you more susceptible to... cancer... that is caused BY... heavy elements.  That is, not cigarette fumes, not dirty filters(although I have some personal experience with dirty filters and it's not good), not dirty looks from SarahK, no,  what causes cancer is... PEOPLE with poison pills sure, but mostly it gets caused by heavy elements like GASOLINE or XRAYS or prolonged exposure to batteries from say your cellphone or watches, and probably not from cigarettes.  

But that's what I mean about being young is that you can't be sure about anything.  It will take many years before you can filter out what professions are helping people and which should be done away with but this small group of people won't LET us do away with it.   

The people involved in selling cigarettes, despite being scot-free clean of conscience of having killed people, are still not very nice people.  Look at them now, CHANGING whole countries' laws just for the sake of being allowed to sell to minors and this is only possible because we have instituted world domination via the US Dollar.  

It's funny because US is not really a word is it? It's like that word, OK, that noone really knows what it means but everyone is saying it.  When people say "Everything is going to be OK", I think to myself "yeah it's gonna be like Oklahoma(OK), which means everything is going to be the subject of some very nasty tornadoes probably within the coming year and, for the rest of their lives, they will probably be worried about it".  

But US doesn't mean anything does it?  It's like a title where you go "Hey Mister" and everyone in the room looks at you.   It's not really a name.  The United States is a title but it could mean the United States of Mexico or the United States of Russia, verily you would be hard pressed to find a set of states that AREN'T united.  Sometimes, despite how "happy" I am, I wonder if we secretly dominate the planet with our double meanings and money regulations.  

Double meanings are the very essence of devilry.  Just look at the bomber we just convicted to Death(I capitalized his name just in case he was listening).  Switcheroo right?  We don't believe in the death penalty but our COUNTRY does, our federal government does, and apparently so does a set of twelve jurors unanimously.  And, whaddayaknow, now that they did what the government wanted(aka a set of a few people that want to execute a martyr for the sake of propagating hate across the rest of the world most especially in Chechnya) now they are free to talk about it and maybe sell a book or two.  I wonder if they would be able to sell books if one or two of them would have dissented like the REST OF THE WORLD would have.  I don't mean the rest of the world would have found him not guilty, I mean statistically, at least 1 out of 12 jurors would be philosophically against capital punishment and yet that vote was squashed.  SQUASHED.  That's the Constitution working but WAY UP HERE.  

Hmmf.  I don't care.  Fact is, he murdered a bunch of people and if he can dish it out, he certainly is prepared to take it I imagine.  I'm just hoping he isn't the world's last martyr like in the movie "The Seventh Sign".  

Sidetracked, ok so I'm against capital punishment you all gather right?  Defense is the goal yes?  By the way, what happened to putting him on the stand and letting him TELL everything, I mean HOW did this happen that we have umpty humpty sitting up there ready to point out all the people that ever wronged him and somehow his defense thinks NAH he doesn't need to wrong anybody else, it's noone else's fault, him and his brother acted alone.  It's sort of ridiculous if you ask me.   Isn't that the WHOLE PURPOSE of a trial by jury?  To have them listen to your side of the story?  

Ok so you see how I'm not caring.  So anyways, way back there I was talking about how scientists don't really know everything, and what IS known is usually perverted to satisfy an agenda or two much like our government, giving money to poor countries, who then owe us money, who then have their dictator steal half of it, who then need more money, so now they borrow more money but after they change some laws, which include allowing minors to smoke... which is TERRIBLE, except that smoking doesn't really cause cancer.  Truth is we know it's addictive and that people eventually abuse it like they would abuse ANYTHING that's addictive, which is not really the company's fault but it's not really the country's fault that it can't pay their debts.  That's why you can't have ONE dictator, you need MANY.  

What I mean is, you have to break the cycle.  You must stop feeding the people that kill you or that addict you.  It takes work.  

Ok so in reality, I wanted to talk about the gold standard.  It was a nice time way back when, when people all had money that constituted a set amount of value of the gold in Fort Knox.  It was like walking around with a promise.  If I take all of these "checks"(cash) to the bank, the government promises to pay me for the value of it, in gold.  That's how money began.  Based on the gold standard or with precious metals(precious? is that like trust? omg, the ONE ring again it keeps coming up!).  Before dollars we had coins that were actually WORTH the amount of precious metals they were made of.  Pennies were worth the amount of copper made to make them.  Nickels were made of nickel.  Dimes were made of silver.  I am not sure if there were gold coins back in the day but I imagine they were worth a great deal more.  But it was easy to understand yes?   You could melt that money and make whatever you want with it and since there was no global economy and we didn't or COULDN'T talk to each other cross country, the value of it tended to stay the same.  

This part is important because communication is central to how things and systems are distorted.  One person buying up a bunch of stocks can change its price, on purpose, without its value actually being different.  That's why cities are the centers of the destruction of society.  Even the Bible warns of this.  Whenever people get together in large numbers there will be distortion.  Lies.  But I will save that discussion for AFTER the apocalypse, lol.  

But seriously,  after the gold standard is when we started to TRUST in the dollar.  What a great idea right?  And what we can do is put God on the money.  Let's put In God we Trust and it's like everyone is trusting GOD, but really they are trusting the government, with their money.  Sounds bad when I say it like that right?  But it's not so bad.  All we have is our government.  Without them we would each have guns and half of us get to live because other half get shot.  It's much easier to be wild yes?  Yes, MUCH easier.  

We can do this easy, or we can do this REAL EASY. (Reign of Terror - great movie - watched > 30 times perhaps - textbook movie if you ever want to have a long talk with me about nothing)

But that's civility, is that it is hard.  Losing your civility is easy.  So trust your government and participate.  In the movie,(oh boy if I start to talk about the movie, there goes my topic) Bale gets beaten up by a buffed up McConaughey and Bale just loses his mind with anger, he will NOT be bent even though he is bloodied and beaten and McConaughey yells at him "that's what we NEED!" You see, that's what's needed is infection. We have to infect our government with goodness, constantly.  It gets corrupt, it gets old, so we have to pour in some OLD people that understand civility and we also have to pour in YOUNG people that are willing to believe in civility blindly.  But chances of doing this?  50/50.  McConaughey doesn't really get the girl in that movie does he?  At the last moment as he flies into the dragons mouth, I imagine him differently.  I imagine him with bright red boots.  

Anyways, I'm getting misty.  So today we talk about money.  Since the government is corrupt, (hah HAH you don't know WHAT I will say next do you) it takes this trust and abuses it because why because that is the nature of any great sculpture, is to erode.  Any set of laws, begins to erode as people find ways around it.  (Infection folks, we have to infect the people in charge).  So now that you have this money, with serial numbers, the government can, instead of trying to track down coins that have NOTHING on them and allow you earn money any way you wish, track you down based on where the money with such and such serial numbers were used.  See, surveillance.  Who knew?  

Fast forward to trusting the credit card and boy oh boy what a boon.  Now, with this technology, we not only take our money out of the bank and store it up on plastic, but we pay interest to private parties for holding our money.  Suddenly ALL of that TECH allows money to silently move from the public to the private sector.   Well, relatively private.  Remember that this system can be violated but you'd have to be the stupidest person in the world to want to attack people that work with money.  They ACTUALLY own us on paper.  And this is not even the point of my writing today because meh so what if some credit cards hold value that is not really there.  So what if suddenly the government can just "click" you money away if some people don't like you.  Fact is it is VERY convenient and it makes sacrificing people MUCH easier.  What people you say?  Well, the people the "government" doesn't like right?  Before you could bury your cash, now you CAN'T.  Before you could store up your cash and now if you have too much cash, guess what, it's illegal to walk around with too much cash.  Who knew?  

But that's not even the best part, and truth be told I don't even care about that because if drug-dealers are all stifled because they are boo hooing it about their 100k they stole from someone's trust fund then more power to the government.  Truth is I believe everyone that works in law enforcement, despite having a commitment to the system, gets a healthy does of gossip now and again and they probably enjoy putting slimebags in jail a bit too much and to be honest, I would enjoy it too.  They haven't exactly made my life easy despite my "laissez faire" outlook to the whole thing.  Good job guys, send me a picture, I say.  

But we are here to discuss weaknesses, yes?  I want young people to see the direction we are moving so that they have MOMENTUM, so they are moving in the same direction as the government but also understand it all.  It's important to know where we stand.   

Julia Ioffe wrote a great article about a hugely rich man that was competing for Putin's position.  He had made his money vs. during the time just after the collapse of the Russian state.  I got the impression that he was a sort of anti-christ, taking advantage and betraying a huge set of calm and trusting people.  But his example makes my whole set of teachings REAL.  You can wish for peace but peace is NOT the goal.  A calm population is begging for betrayal.  

Anyways, back to money.  So why was this credit thing allowed right?  Why did our government allow VISA and MC reign of the "digital" money?   Because they are on top of it is why.  They not only approve but they can instantly, "click" off your credit.  They can't click off copper coins or silver dimes or even garbage bags full of dollar bills but they can CLICK off your money in the bank or in credit or in even in PREPAID cards.  

AGENT: "Hello Judge we are gonna ruin someone's day today.. turns out he likes to steal people's goodwill and thinks he can just keep his money" 

JUDGE: "click" (signs court order to freeze funds)

But that's not even the worst part, you might think OMG that's awful what if they did that to my money but it's also an improvement right?  It's progress.  All progress should be for the betterment of society.  It's like drinking and driving.  They can just click off the laws and cops are just waiting to trap you, drive-thru people can just provoke you by yelling and lie their asses off, and jail cells can be filled with people that won't abide by the rules this one time while you are there trying to sleep and the whole world can just be "clicked" once you fall on the wayside... of progress.  So good luck with that fraud.  

So what's so great about bitcoin you wonder?  Why is it becoming so wonderful and why are people willing to trust it.  These coins are nothing more than data and yet people are willing to trust them? Why hasn't the government put a stop to this?  Won't people be able to take this money anywhere in the world like the old coins of yore like copper and silver?  

Well, it's just quite possible, that our government has already taken ALL of that... into account.  Good luck with your bitcoin.  

PS: I was going to but no, I'm not gonna tell you the huge flaw in bitcoin because I don't help thieves.  I am also not gonna inject myself with the PLAGUE. (As Good as it Gets)