Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

A brunette is well met


So I was watching this commercial and it was all about Alleve and I wonder to myself why this good looking red-head would need pain medicine.  Later on I think to myself about something that my BFF said once about royalty among the Irish.  His family is Irish or from Irish descent so I took what he said at face-value.  He said that people like US, that have brown eyes and brown hair, were considered royalty and that people of red-headed and blue eyed descent were considered a slave class.  

This of course sounds foolish but it makes you wonder at ALL races and if this has always existed this "separation" of types.  Both of those are white races right?  How can we have a divide of white races?

But it also makes me wonder at my family because it is FILLED with good looking people.  And I would be ashamed to say that I would marry my cousins... IF they weren't most of them SO good looking.... lol.  But let's take a step back a moment before and if I get to the lewd portion of my story.  

Why am I not so attracted to them?  I mean there is something in my bones that just doesn't sit right about the thought of dating them. Why?  And why am I so excited about blue-eyed people?  I mean I love me a nice Alex and Rachel that have wonderful wit and vivacious personalities, but why the OMG when I look at SE Cupp?  Maybe because her voice is EXACTLY the voice of Scarlett Johanssen from the movie Her?  I'm not saying you should watch the movie and think of SECupp half the time... not saying that(I'm also not suggesting she should maybe voice a sequel that has the ACTUAL SECupp as a more refined less-wild counterpart to Johanssen).   Or maybe her fantastical features make you wonder if you could follow her around all day long.  But why the attraction to these when I barely know them and why the differences?  

Today, 06/09/15, I was watching Let's Make a Deal and I saw this lady up there with red hair and blue eyes and she was like WOW good-looking and the host was like where's your husband and there he was pointing back and I was like "how".


But then later she is like choosing from the two hosts in a dating game spoof and she picks "ElGato" which turns out to be Wayne who turns out to have a Zonk curtain and for a moment, after having chosen the Zonk, and as she rode around in a Zonk golf cart with a black man in front of her husband in the audience in front of national TV I realized... omg "philosophical moment" and I got this out of it... 

"it's all about the ride."  

But, still later I was thinking back about that commercial with Alleve, you know the one with that other lady that looks very much like Bryce Dallas Howard and makes you wonder at a couple of ways maybe YOU could cure her of her pain.  

Of course, looking back at that you might also wonder what it's like to live with a GREAT looking girl that doesn't like sex... it might just be the definition of hell... 

Long ago I was with such a girl and I didn't mind relaying it to my Dad.  He is wondering perhaps how I turned out to be such a freak perhaps so I explained to him that I once liked sex a whole lot.  I was once living with a girl and we were having sex like daily.  I was like 19 or so and the last thing on my mind was HER needs.  Eventually, fast forward to I love me some sex in the mornings and fast forward to she likes it too... then she DOESN'T like it too.  Soon after that we start having problems. Other problems too, right? But mostly they stem from now I gotta wait till she feels like it, instead of we do it whenever I want.  So I fix this by fattening up.  I was in great shape at the time and I was quite the body builder in my own way, and further I just liked to run.  I could run 3 miles in 18 minutes, don't ask why... 

But I was in the best shape of my life and being in bed with a restaurant manager was perhaps the best a man could ask for sex-wise because she seemed to like having it all the time.  And then she fell behind.  Eventually though I made up for that fact by fattening up.  I happened to love eating but I also loved looking at myself in the mirror so, being the perfectionist I was, I tried to be the best and my solution to this dilemna was to fatten up and sacrifice myself rather than demand that she lose weight.  I let this go so much that people started talking.  It was a McDonald's after all and we were already the talk of the town.  It's amazing to me the amount of women I could have slept with back then... SO MANY WOMEN, but I was loyal to this girl.. despite the fact that she was someone's wife.  But remember that she was also being cheated on by her husband and further he was involved in a whole lot of other business that well... it's best we not shine a LIGHT on "the funny past of 20 somethings".  

So I am catching up to her diminished libido and soon, since she is losing weight at the same time apparently feeling guilty that I had to gain weight, we are back to having sex all the time... well a lot of the time... and that's ok because getting caught having sex at work and at the racetrack or in the cooler, or in the car, was really TOO much sex going on.  Fact is, I was thinking about it all the time and BOY was I thinking about it with a whole lot of other girls too but meh, I was fatter now.  People would say I was pussy-whipped... whatever that means... and that I was doing whatever she said.  Fact is, I was the dominant one in the relationship.  I worked 40 hours a week and played video games on my hours off and gave her my paycheck.  She worked 50 hours a week, had 2 kids and hauled butt all around town taking them to sitters and didn't have time for sex for some reason, lol.  

Well this story has a sad ending, but wait what happens during our second wind? So we start having sex all of the time again, I start losing weight and looking good again, and I start to look at other women and she starts to not want sex again.  Well now it's time to move the Nintendo to the bedroom...

Terrible idea, right?  Every time she says no it's time to click on that power button.  

Don't ask me why but a short time later, she gets jealous of the video game.  How?  Don't ask me how but soon we are having sex all of the time again.  All I have to do is click that bad boy on and she is like "what just happened OMG let's have sex".  

Jump! For my love, jump in... 

Yep, even the Pointer Sisters would have been proud.  So I recommend this to every guy out there to fix your marriage.  But the story doesn't end there.  Soon we go back to me getting tired of her and she is wanting me to get married maybe or something more I guess and we have a disagreement about sex.  I apparently asked to have it much too much once and I had to go without for more than a week.

Hey that was a LOT back then! 

So I make up my mind that I am going to do that BACK to her.  So I wait for horny week.  What's horny week you ask?  Well, that's the week right before she is going to have her period.  For some reason she "needs" it then and that's just when I decide to have myself a little "fever" and lo and behold a week goes by... then two and suddenly the relationship isn't working out.  

Well, at that point the relationship got worse and eventually we got back together but suffice it to say she had bad memories of me getting angry and I had bad memories of her in bed with another guy.   

Yeah, I couldn't imagine myself ever getting back up to that pitch again but it's a nice memory of a time when I was lighting that candle several times a week... and it's a nice memory.   

Oh yeah, so brunettes, yeah so I now think of Rachel and wonder what kind of children we might have.  You see, in your old age, especially if you were once arrogant like me, you want your children to come out looking like you.  If I got with Alex they might come out sort of Asian maybe or if I got with SECupp they might come out red-headed and I might not want that.  

But there is one more thing I want you to take away from this experience of mine is that, no matter who you live with and have sex with... over time... you will come to need them.  Your mind will "imprint" on their faces.  And as much time as you spent being WITH them... is how much time you will need alone or with nothing people(have I mentioned what it's like to jack off with people?) until you are ready to start being with someone new that matters.  

So if you were married 10 years, expect to it take 10 years to be rid of those memories.  It's all 50/50.  People hate you as much as you hate them.  They need you IF you need them.  If you feel anything... it's because someone put that there.   Everything has a reason.  

What else?  Hmm.  Well I guess that's all for today.  I was going to go into my experience with my second girlfriend that for some reason ALSO has blue eyes that is the spitting image of Christina Hendricks whose commercial kind of spooks me out because... well... I used to wake up to that face every morning, but I guess we will skip a long tirade of my  breakup with HER.  

Oh and one more thing, I was going to say that people that look like you tend to have children that look like your family and if you have a big family you might like that they look like each other but on the other hand if you like WILD or STRANGE well then expect to have children that look that way but trust me that children will always be welcome and your demeanor towards them always be one of enchantment.  

Still I wonder about a nobility.  Would it be better for cities to be different races so that the best of each race were taken advantage of?  Or is it better to just have a swath of mixed people all mixed up on Earth without any of the advantages, taken advantage of?  

I have a Titan on Destiny whose face I chose because I imagined mine and SarahK's son all grown up.  I look at him and wonder about the life that could have been sometimes.  Half the fun of that game(after you get to max level) is dressing him up and changing the shaders to make him look tough and awesome and I don't know, righteous in some way.  It's fun to look in the mirror... 

It's fun to look into the mirror of a nothing.  

PS. Honest people are pushy, so forgive me if I am pushy, I do not intend offense.  Yay, no spell check errors today! 

Oh and btw, a few thoughts about Caitlynn Jenner and a few thoughts about being who he was, being the athlete who he was, whether he got enough sex... if he was like me, I'm guessing no... ok, that's enough thoughts.