Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sarah goes hunting


I often used to play in FFXI using the bots for Ayame and Joachim to portray SarahK and Michaelshuh, lol.  It used to calm my nerves to think that maybe, just maybe, she was out there looking out for me in her own way.  On the other hand, maybe she just likes to hunt.  Here is her picture, no not the elephant this time, of her kicking ass and taking names as a samurai, using Tachi: Gekko.  

Tachi: Gekko is a quite famous move for samurais since they use it to start or end the Light skillchain, if I remember.  And true to form Michael's character looks like a pirate but is only in fact a bard, which makes him sort of like ME.  

Except that I am the "one who is many", like the story goes when the avatars speak to you after killing their half-breed 65 level version of themselves.  

I am having difficulty again with pictures and I wonder at how many hands are out there dipping into my personal stuff and rearranging it.  I never used to have problems and now problems again.  I can't put pictures up like I used to.  Today I seemed to work it fine though.  

In other news, I am noticing the races heating up for President so I am watching MSNBC intently again.  Hopefully they don't SCREW it up like they did in the mid-terms.  I wish I could watch Fox news though so that I could get their perspective but meh.  

I also am out of Bill Maher for now.  We can't afford HBO guys, and we also can't afford $150/month to pay for the channels.  This especially since the main TV is broke and it is sort of lame to have nice cable channels with the main TV broke.   

When the repair man came out to fix it, I had faith that he would do a good job so my father asked me if I thought it was worth the 2k to repair it and I thought yes... but it was stupid.  The TV eventually broke again despite his repair.  We should have just bought a new TV.  But more than that I thought to myself that they might be sending a message to me to not try and repair every old thing that we owned.  

It might be a message to me to leave my old "friends" alone.  Who knows.  

What I CAN say is that I am enjoying playing Destiny again.  It is mind-numbing and slow but once I get a purpose down like leveling up a weapon, or finishing up a set of missions, or just biding my time in crucible, I can sit there and watch TV and half-ass most of the time in the game and get my sideshow fare from just participating.  Sometimes if I am in the mood I will put the sound in but I really often don't bother with the sound.  

When I am in the tower, people like to run up behind people as a hunter and engage their invisibility.  Normally, the music is playing, the air is blowing, you are staring out at the expanse for a moment, then thinking of what to do next as you move in the city from vendor to vendor maybe.  As you go into the menus the music and effects sort of put you at ease until... ZAP! 

Someone turns their FREAKING invisible on and interrupts your peace.  Why did they put that in the game?  Worse thing is they don't even have to do it intentionally.  They just squat down as the Bladedancer and the danged thing turns on, then wears off, then turn on again, then off... zap zap zap zap zap annoying the crap out of everyone that thinks "hey, that's annoying." 

So the sound goes off... millions of dollars spent on just the right music and OFF with the sound... what a waste.  

Let's see, what else.  Oh I guess I like Jeb Bush.  I don't like his name so much but that doesn't mean anything really, does it?  I mean it's not like Dick Cheney is going to be nominated to anything right?  And if so, it's not like he SHOT someone right?  And more importantly I think that he should just listen to the lessons of his brother now and perhaps do it better maybe.  Wait, what's that water thing they were doing in Chile?  Who cares.  It's just privatizing water... everybody does it, lol.  

Well, if the world is mad, then I count myself guilty by association.  You know what I just learned is that that broadcaster that interviewed Barbara Bush was such a spitting image of her father that I thought to myself DANG, that's where they get that whole bloodline thing from when it comes to royalty because GW isn't that good looking in my opinion as a guy but WOW, you sure do recognize his features on his daughter and I have to wonder if there is something of those features on the whole family.  So there we have something to wonder about is whether it's better to have the features of your child be more like your family, like brown eyed and brown haired and with features that look like me, or to have a better looking wife and have them look more like perhaps HER family.  

Ok well, so enough banter for today.  As you can see, no ground breaking philosophical moments have occurred recently so I sort of chatting instead of organizing anything meaningful.  

I did notice one thing recently and that is that I was always meant to be a political figure I believe.  I have spent a great deal of my time in distress, either at McDonald's which was high-stress, or on the phones which was high-stress, or here at home fighting off the ghosts from the bar that have haunted me since my arrest for DUI.

Clearly, I was meant to be someone at the center of something, now I just need to find out what.