Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Power in the blood


Today at church I learned something.  

Usually I go to church not to learn things but to find out if their teachings are right or if they are using their position to forward some central power.  Thankfully my church hasn't... yet.  But the real joy is hearing music and listening to basic teachings that don't really tell you much about your life but about these people that possibly need church because they have problems.  

The bar is like a church.  In the past I have frequented bars merely to share good times with others that want to have a good time.  I show up at night to sing along with the band or during the day to play NTN games with a few others that like cards.  It's supposed to be a place where we all can sit and talk maybe about things important to the community but mostly to get along top to bottom with people from ALL walks of life.  

My practice has been that if people wanted to do illegal things that it was their prerogative to do so.  Some people simply can't live quiet like and keep to themselves and have to go out and seek risk.  Others are SO BROKE that they must seek to do risky behavior to get by.  Still others have such bad reputations that they are NOT ABLE to get a job simply because they have lost control of their morality or eithcs too many times to be trusted anymore.  

I'm guessing.  

Now it is not my intention to judge others and often I have said that this should not happen but in today's sermon was a message that we SHOULD judge others and they explained why.  They said that if you are a DISCIPLE of Jesus, you should ACT like it.  Moreover they said that if you SAY you are a disciple of Jesus and you DON'T act like it, you should be thrown out of the church.  


Still, I took it to mean that a disciple should be a leader of sorts.  Someone that is DRAWING people to him or her to become like him or her.  Obviously this should NOT include someone that breaks laws or who is amoral sexually(their words) or who is addicted.  This left me puzzled and then left me clear.  You can't be a disciple of Jesus if you don't practice what he teaches.  You can be in transition but you can't be a church goer and then go out and go drinking and driving and whoring and watching porn, while smoking something illegal.  

There's a line of judgement there isn't there.   Because every church is not a part of the state and the state must ALLOW people to exist and to be free to break their laws until such time as proof is provided.  Such is the way of things.  In most things I find that happiness is best achieved when something unattainable is attained.  Ok I'm losing my point but what I really wanted to say is that the church can't be the state.  Jesus said to eat bread and that this was his body.  

The church is the body.  It is predictable.  It grows and heals itself.  It sustains the rest of the nation.  

The bar is the blood.  Small wonder that you drink wine to remember Jesus.  The blood cleans.  The blood uses up failing parts.  The blood POWERS the nation.  

So the next time you think you are free to do what you want try to keep in mind where you are and who you are a disciple of because if there is a heaven or a place of peace you are a regular member of a church.  EVERYONE knows you there and life is relatively boring for you since most of your excitement comes from singing hymns and contemplating sins you might do but that you know you wouldn't do.  

If there is a hell, it is to be NOT a part of either.  You might be getting thrown out of the church, because you are addicted, and even if you are part of the blood and follow the laws, you might be getting thrown out of the blood because you are not loyal or disingenuous.  Trust me that people at the bar are FAR MORE honest than regular people, most especially the older ones, so keep that in mind if you decide to "belong" there.  In fact I dare you to go there and tell someone a lie and then time it to how long it takes before you get called a liar.  It won't be long.  Sadly, in the blood some people are better than others.  It's just a part of life so expect that.  Expect domination.  

About the worst thing there is is to be thrown out of the blood.  Those people end up in jail, possibly betrayed or trapped or abused or beat up but always there is a power there that you can't put your finger on.  The power of God.  

God is the people.  You should have faith in God.  Our President has faith in God because he is a good person, imo. Even people that dominate are good people right up until you try to take their power away lol, but that's just the way it is.  They are forced to "never sleep" because to dominate is to be in danger.  The old saying said by Quigon in Star Wars' The Phantom Menace, "there's always a bigger fish", is truer than you might think.  If you are willing to dominate then that makes you a fair target for predators.  

You remember how to fight off predators from the movie Predator right?  Drop your guns.  Why?  Because there is "no sport" in hunting someone unarmed.  You have to be unwilling to dominate.  You have to be a part of the body and not of the blood.  The blood cannot penetrate the body.  

Well, it takes a long time perhaps, lol.  

Now to remind you, addiction is the enemy of all civilization.  Once you like something you are a tuning fork for others to liking it.  Once you are addicted, others become addicted. It's like the zombie apocalypse where eventually everyone becomes a zombie.  Addicted people are not of sound mind.  

Porn is legal, but it's addictive.

Drinking is legal but it's addictive. 

Smoking is legal but it's addictive.  

Porn leads to prostitution, which is not legal. 

Drinking leads to drinking and driving or to drinking and using heavy equipment which leads to lost limbs.  

Smoking leads to marijuana which may be legal but leads to the black marketing of other drugs.  

You remember what I call this don't ya?  The ole' SWITCHEROO! 

That's the ability to take your addiction and switch that leash into something that is useful to me.  I can turn off your porn that you streamed and make you angry or make you desperate for some "relief".  I can mess with your liquor to keep people that don't like whores and drug dealers from coming to my bar which I don't even own but look how easy I can get rid of people by just putting "soda" in their scotch.  Switcheroo.  I can give you free drugs and then switch them out to more powerful drugs and then switch the price once you need them and then I can get you to get naked because my penis is not that large and "it'll be over before you know it!" 

There.  Hope you get my point... my blunt blunt huge huge point.  

I can't say that I won't ever go back to the bar because I want to be free to go anywhere that's legal and not be afraid of people.  But I understand things much better today.  

If I belong to the body, I CANNOT belong to the blood.  

But you must understand both, if you want to be successful as a leader.  I think I get that now.  I think I have suffered enough.  I am ready to rule.  

PS. Bwahahaha, I honestly am not sure I even want to now.  Oh and ruling is addictive, just so you know. 

EDIT: You know I just thought of Bill Maher and there is NO WAY the President is going to be on his show for the same reason he won't be playing let's drop eggs on my head with Jimmy Fallon.  In fact, about the first thing I would expect Bill to do with the President there, is to pull out some bong or make a joke about how far we've come ... even though we BOTH smoked pot.  OR in light of his willingness to dominate a President, Obama might wanna show up with a surprise guess Loretta Lynch... emphasize the Lynch... and how funny it would be to arrest him on camera ... just sayin'.