Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Now you can do colors


I missed Joel Osteen this week and so I thought I would add some comments about what I said.  Long ago I told you perhaps that judgment is a sword.  You divide a people with it.  You make them either FOR you or against you.  You could say then that when you are given a sword that it's time to wage war.  

It's time to decide who is on your side.  

Always in the past I have been on the side of noone.  A virtual Treebeard as they call it.  But if there is one thing that history has shown, especially to America, is that if you are powerful, you will not be allowed to sit THIS ONE out.  

Even in the first World War we tried to stay out of it and then that turned into we help the "good" people... that wanna destroy.  

You all know the old name for the devil is Beelzebub right?  It's in that popular song "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, For Me, FOR MEEEE..." (air guitar solo!)  

Well, the name Beelzebub means "lord of flies" right, RIGHT ALL you Jews? It's hebrew.  But if you say it slowly you end up saying Lord of lies, see?  So it's like even his name is lying to you.  Well just think what if you say destroy slowly... it's like saying de-troy right, RIGHT ALL you stupid people?  Tay it wit me... deTRoy.  lol... 

Wasn't that fun?  

People that can't learn, people that can't be trusted, that's all they have to offer is their willingness to fight.  Small wonder that black people couldn't be trusted not so long ago... why?  Because there weren't that many of them educated and they couldn't be trusted because frankly... people were TOLD they couldn't be trusted.  That was the culture.  (Now's a good time to look up and read James Baldwin's Rage) That's why whenever you used to see some black person in power you could expect them to ACT right away, without considering options, without checking his subordinates, without looking stuff up in history or with historians, because basically if a black guy was in charge, he was PUT in charge to do what ethical people wouldn't do.  

But that is changing.  

We now have an educated black President.  We no longer can "just assume" black people are all the same.  And along with that doubt comes an age of trust and of leadership and of confusion.  You remember me saying that confusion is the goal, right?  Well now we can't be prejudiced.  Now all black children can see people of all different colors and not FEEL that they are that different or that they are SUPPOSED to steal stuff.  

But, like I said it's a new age.  As we prosper and want others to prosper and as we seek to let everyone live in this society of "wealth", we seek to allow more and more "LESSER" tropes qualify as deserving of equality.  

Now the handicapped deserve equality, gays deserve equality, and even trans-gendered people deserve equality... and even illegal aliens deserve equality.   See, it's important to deal with this stuff.  

I told you before that, like in the movie, achieving Serenity does not include fueling some psychotropic drug into the water supply like PAX right?  And even though it would be nice to have a BEER pipeline flowing past your house, like in Belgium(thanks CNN) that you could tap into, there is a drawback there right?  Too much equality lends an advantage to people that refuse to allow themselves the PAX.  

So now we have to ask ourselves SHOULD we allow gay people?  Should we allow transgenders and illegal aliens.  Where is the disadvantage there.  One sure thing you will find at the bar is prejudice.  And even though black people are free to go anywhere they want, you don't see a lot of black people in groups at certain bars.  They KNOW where they are welcome and where not.  It's kind of exciting and also NOT so exciting because you get the impression that it's not a very "egalitarian" environment and if you haven't learned this yet, then trust me on this... it's not a very egalitarian environment.  If "people we don't speak of" want your ass kicked, noone's gonna know WHY you got your ass kicked, even you.  Lucky/not lucky is the fact that they can just call the police and report you as a DUI and that is plenty of ass-kicking to your life, without the broken bones.  

Oh, so we were talking about how far we should go and about Joel.  Well, since I am going to church more, I am getting re-introduced to disliking gays.  Sad state of affairs and since I am not fond of msnbc atm, Rachel is foremost in my mind about that.  It's strange to watch her show because it's like a past self of me wants to be like I was and now I am not.  

Oh boy that reminds me of another ton of stuff I want to decompile regarding conservatism.  Ok so I am, at this point, not fond of gay people but it's weird because girls that are gay are not sodomists.  Sodomy is bad for you and addictive.  I think girls that are gay don't get that they are not gay but maybe they do.  In any case, homosexuality is frowned upon in religion probably because you are not rearing a child.  In my mind, rearing a child is the point so if you are gay and have a child, you're good.  And I don't care if you rear a child and teach them to be gay, just teach them to rear another child.  Remember, country first.  Ok so in this Utopia I just created I am actually a flawed individual because I have not reared children.  But it's because I am at the bottom that I can see the stacks, people at the top cannot see the stacks looking down.  

Transgenders are ok but please please don't teach your children to transgender.  If anything teach them that it's ok to be a snitch and then to DRESS as transgendered and then to betray shitbirds.  THAT'S OK!  Send in the CLOWNS!  Because... clowns keep the BETTER people at bay.  You are getting it ya?  So transgender = good , transgender children = no, pretend transgender child grows up to be in the CIA = OFFICER material... square peg into the round hole...  BINGO!  

Lessee, ok so you don't have to be religious to see that illegals shouldn't be here.  If we had umpteen million jobs I wouldn't be unemployed and they wouldn't have had a part in getting me unemployed.  Everything illegal begets more illegal stuff.  My mother said this yesterday, wages of sin are death and what she meant was it all goes to shit.  I mean if you are not building then you are destroying and that leads to nothing.  You can't build with illegal things.  

You can't ADD a hole.  

AND Abortion.  As you might imagine noone religious believes in abortion.  Me, on the other hand, do.  Me do.  How's my English?  Women control their bodies and if we don't want to start jailing people for cleaning their mouth full of living stuff(get a spit cup and watch that stuff grow and smell... poof, now you understand abortion), we better let women do whatever they want to their bodies before birth.  Abortion is not covered in the Bible and though I would  like to point out that drinking is covered in the Bible plenty... drinking and driving is not.  Losing my point... oh so abortion I believe should be allowed and drinking and driving should be allowed also and even though everyone righteous doesn't believe in drinking, I would like to point out that Jesus got drunk regularly, how do I know? 

~so you think you can stone me and spit in my eye... so you think you can love me and leave me to diIIEE... oh baby... ~

If there were a place out there worthy of being called a people's church, people would get drunk with each other, that's because they would all TRUST each other.  I am not saying orgy, no.  I am not saying do this every Sunday.  I am saying there is a balance and that balance must be probed and probed... not very deeply NO not very deeply ... trust me on this.  

You are supposed to "please clap" now.  

Ok so now that we got that out of the way I still got Joel and the other stuff.  Now you might wonder WHY it is that we SHRUG and SHIVER at the thought of communism.  I was totally set on people being the reason that systems fail and since I have had time to think on it and decompile and decompile... I have a new theory that is probably MORE true than just PEOPLE in power get corrupted/we can't help it/might as well quit now.

Communism is having a bunch of government.  It's a great idea like having a corporation with employees be equal shareholders is a great idea.  They want to grow the company and as soon as wage theft occurs via one manager wanting more than others, EVERYONE immediately looks at him.   

Good idea. 

Conservatism is the other side.  The idea of conservatism is that little government is better for society.  People that believe this make their podium out of lacquer with obsidian trimmings, it comes with a FAN attached and powered to elongate at the push of a button and you have some OFF-color people carry it for you when you give your speeches.  Without government oversight, he was allowed to collude.  You remember Donald Trump talking about collusion right?  Ted Cruz and Kasich were going to collude, which means they were going to gang up and basically outpower Donald.  Collusion is like price fixing.  The customer is paying more but since the customer can't go anywhere else they must pay it.  It is like price gouging.  Since customers can't go anywhere else and it's the apocolypse happening... they must PAY it.  lol.  Anytime companies work together, it's like your left hand wanting to do everything... it's stupid, but you can see how it's smart... but it's stupid.  In other words, the country suffers and you just added a hole.  That industry is now destroying the country.  That's the IDEA of conservatism.  That's extreme.  

So way over here, FAR from monopolies and rich families and off-shore accounts (because omg WHY, what could happen to our country) is communism.  Now the problem with communism is not that people can't be trusted, because it's possible they can be trusted but fact is, new people come along and are given power.  And that's the sad part.  Can have a nice system going along fully regulated and if you don't have good people, it's too much control.  Once people regulate an industry too much, they are the ones in charge.  And what do you know now such and such families always get elected and now they have their people working for the leading companies and whatdoyouknow... off-shore accounts... because what could happen?  So same thing ya?  Now communism is families in charge of industries = people find out and their children get sent to other countries with a HUGE bank account = Superman... what? 

And if people don't appreciate that, they come LOOKING for Superman, lol.  

So that's the IDEA of liberalism.  At one end one ideology and at the other, the other.  Now, it's ok to have parties that have those ideas, but to PURSUE those ideas like a religion is to be extreme.  That's the problem with ideology.  Religion is the same.  I have said this before that fundamentalism is how a nation begins.  I learned this in Civilization Revolutions the game.  It's a great game that teaches you NOT JUST A LITTLE about government.  BTW, a new one is coming out and I totally recommend it.  

Now, I am a practicing Baptist.  I used to be an atheist.  But consider, that everyone and I mean everyone that is raised religious should pursue missionary work.  You are after all one of the FEW that were protected from the only option there is besides religion for a child... domination.  Even dogs practice biting each other thereby preparing for the day they will learn to hunt or preparing for adulthood.  And as such, you might think to yourself, like Bill Maher, oh woe is me I was raised Catholic and I was lied to(most adult atheists probably think they were lied to).  But consider, you were taught how to be civilized.  See that?  The only other option was to raise you Muslim = not so bad or Jewish = not so bad or TV ministry like Joel = not so bad.

Atheist = bad?  

Yeah, atheist is bad.  Not for adults but for children.  Transgender is not bad for adults but for children is bad.  Confusion is not bad for adults but for children = suicide.  Children need something or else they get nothing or worse(maybe not worse because at least they not suicidal) they simply learn domination, like many orphans.  You see first you have to learn religion and then you must understand religion.  And the signs are all around us TEACHING us how to behave or perhaps re-inforcing our civility.  At least I hope so... at least I HOPE the CIA or NSA or whoever has a good heart.  Once you understand that the enemies of society are addiction and domination and insanity, you understand WHY we are here and who is a threat.  God put us on this Earth to grow, not to destroy.  

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valerus, not the end - Spock

And even though you might think I am at the church looking to supplant what they believe,  the truth is I need their basic knowledge to be the foundation of my vision for the world.  Obviously, that means I will be attacked and that has it's use because...  you know... quality.  

OH, and finally, Joel, I love you man.  It's all good.  

One good thing about living a solid life "without regrets" is that you did everything with good intentions.  Acting with malice might even have been an option once or twice, especially if provoked, but the reality of who you are comes when you confess your sins and are forgiven by God.  That's the reality of "it's all good."  By that token, people that realize, AS ADULTS, that they were led by addiction or by selfishness and can consciously AWAKEN to being civilized and free of malignment can be said to be in NEED of baptism.  Once they devote their lives to a preacher, hopefully someone TRAINED and who is worthy, they can be lowered into a river or into RUNNING WATER, so that they can understand that sins can be washed away and that with constant cleansing that addiction, self-destruction, and bloodlust... is not possible.  

And also that they can trust their preacher not to drown them... it's also incumbent upon the preacher to make that point known.  I choked at my first baptism cuz the preacher's fingers slipped... because... you know... quality. 

Besides if there is one thing that my "missionary" work taught me was that ALL minions need a handler(aka all magic-users that are NOT in a circle, are apostate - Dragon Age) and, by the same token, all people need a preacher.  People need to be able to say "well if he goes ape-shit we will take it out on his preacher"  or "if that drug-dealer goes ape-shit we will take it out on his drug lord", lol.

... what?  See, now you can do colors.

If you see Pan btw you get a good idea of the Bible.  It has a lot in common with Silent Hill also but you will have to "expert critique" Silent Hill to know what I mean.  It's really a great movie with Rooney Mara who is probably the only reason I watched it but some parts of it where she is like a regal queen and then she is like tee-hee I'm girly = stupid.  I know what you're thinking ... 

PROPHETS aren't supposed to like women... especially twenty-somethings and they aren't supposed to pause and play the video in slow motion... it's not PROPHETIC.  

Hey, I am ALL ABOUT slow. 

PS. Doh, I forgot to deal with the handicapped oh and btw I was supposed to tell you that we should all choose a party close to the center, not the extremes, NOT ideological but I guess you guys get that. They can still lean a certain direction but people that wanna preach extremes are kinda tearing apart their own group aka making their group smaller, which is not wise.  I would say stupid but stupid is the inability to learn which is like someone mentally affected by an ape-mentality, being not wise is kinder and is to be expected because NOONE knows all that much, I even just had to look up WWI just now and learned that I didn't remember that much about it. 

I have a LONG explanation of Silent Hill coming up so watch it, hate it, then come back here to get your A-ha moments. The director was immaculate so you might think it awful but if you struggle you can appreciate how complex it was.  He also directing one other movie called Brotherhood of the Wolf that is a good textbook for society also despite how long it is.  And if your old man likes fight movies, like mine, he will love it.