Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

In remembrance


 Well, here comes the election.

We have seen important things come out on both sides and what is left to decide is what kind of government you want to have.  On the one side we have Clinton that apparently is an insider.  She has the support of all of the people in charge and some of the people NOT in charge.  Then we have Trump who has NONE of the people in charge.

Now, first let me say that CNN despite throwing their weight around sometimes to make a story greater, is NOT, in my opinion, in support of Clinton.  And when I hear people say that it is the Clinton network, it reminds me that not so long ago it was CLINTON who was against all of the media.  You can't say it's Clinton's network when they were that much against her before.  Suffice it to say that you don't become a multi-millionaire without some people becoming averse to your decision-making skills... that allow you to get rich and hoard money.

That being said I believe the Clintons knew they were going to run again and amassed this "war chest" of money for that purpose.  If that is the case then it's not exactly selfish in my opinion.  It's like Joel.  If he has some great plan or has faith that God has some great plan for his wealth, then more power to him.  I know for certain that most of the people that SAY they don't like that you have money, aren't all that earnest about it.  They want a piece of that "shut-up" money and if so, that makes them witches.  Well at the least it makes them mercenaries(people that believe only in money) and at worst it makes them witches(people that want their little gang of people to end up better than the regular populace).

Today, I don't have an agenda because I haven't been able to write recently.  It has something to do with Google but by going into Fox I resolved it.

I have been toying with explaining my father's death but it's all negative and I wouldn't want to "blister" your thoughts with my experiences.  It's funny because I was going to tell SarahK that Trump really WAS a human blister but that we could heal him like we did her.  In the end it's all about control.  People like people that don't wanna copy the actions of someone that curses and frets and perceives negative things (even though that's what a comedian is).  People wanna mimic someone that inspires.

It's all about molecules, cutie.

SarahK used to have this as her motto and she maybe didn't know how right she was, cuz she changed it.  People are binary.  Their little light is either overflowing with energy and attraction or it is dim and needful of support.  It's like the song says from deadspace... twinkle twinkle little star... how I wonder what you are... up above the world so high... like a diamond in the sky(getting ready to fall perhaps?)  The reality of a flickering candle that is about to go out, is not lost in the verse where the star twinkles or flashes ... like it is running out of energy.

Such is the way of things.  But if Sarah is right then people can be brought back.  The need energy but not support.  Just like she can inspire people to vote for Bernie and fill people with hope and belief in a future where someone she trusts is someone others can trust, so can we fill her with OUR trust and belief that she, just some common girl that made it big, can have good judgement and would make a worthy leader.

Such is what I want for Trump.  I want to heal him.  I have HOPE for him.  I realize he's a human blister, so ... blisters can be healed.  America can be healed.  The only problem I have with Trump is that he MAY not be earnest.  I realize he does a lot of comedy and all he wants is to win, but WHAT IF he hasn't changed.  By himself, I like him but next to other officials like Giuliani and Christie,  I have to wonder.  I don't have a lot of faith in EX-law enforcement.  It's nice that they have experience with bad people but as shown repetitively in history or with Nietchze's saying, if you fight monsters you have to be careful you don't become one.

I have first hand experience with this because people are forcing me to choose.  They don't want me to be free to roam around undecided.  Because they know I have a connection to the darkside they want me with law enforcement and the harassment I receive may or may not be from government or maybe they just want to out me so I never go back to TRYING to be regular person.  I have spent too much time with monsters and now either the monsters want me out or the fighters of monsters want me on their side.  But that's just what should not happen is that I tell people ... IT'S OK TO FIGHT PEOPLE.  Counterattacks, evidence, and faith; these are the weapons of a true warrior of God.  You must TRY to inspire people to act like you do, with trust, with faith, and with goodwill.  It's not just a coincidental that God's will sounds like goodwill.  If we ALL act within the law, God is a being of forgiveness and reflection.  If we start attacking(which is easier) God becomes a dragon, an ephemeral being that you see only on your last day on Earth because ... it's the end of days.

Fighting is not hard.  It takes no intelligence.  You need no school.  Pick a person even a general or a karate fighter and blind-sided... they stand no chance.  All you have to do is believe in gangs(YOUR set of people) and now you can rest easy that you are doing some good in the world with your hatred.  And even as your blood boils even at the sight of said person, you can rest easy that it's only temporary; you won't be this THING... for very long.

I saw Jerry Falwell on Erin's show last night and on any other night watching a preacher I would be like ew, preachers and journalists together... ew.  It's strange yes?  I mean a journalist SHOULD BE all about the truth and gathering evidence and worhsipping our laws by exposing those who don't.  They are like warriors of God, except that they are kind of doing it for money.  Sounds terrible I know, but so is the preacher.  We have this negative connotation about money as though having too much of it relates to inequality but now I, having lost all of MY money, can see that it is a different thing.  It is not a sign of inequality but a sign of trust.  When people fuel you money it shows that they trust you.  When you have a trustworthy BRAND, well then you deserve more money because MORE people trust you.  Now, I have to say, just like appointing a financial manager is a sign that you have too much money and that the money is running out(star turning into a cow) and that the financial manager may IN FACT fire a whole lot of good people to make themselves rich, perpetually; so it is that having a lot of money shows to others that you MAY BE overdoing it.

This is why tax returns are so important.  Even if there is some little trick you used like carried interest or the NIGERIA TRUST FUND, (wow look at that ROI!) it's important to have a reckoning.  At some point, EVERYONE(did I say that right SE?) EVERYONE!!!! should have their income taxes audited once you make like I dunno a million dollars.  That's not YOUR money.  That's OUR money.  You can't take that overseas or give it to your children, WE trusted you with OUR money.  Your job is to build to inspire and to grow our country and our goodwill.  If you do a good job, we trust you with more money.  If you see a loophole, SHOW US on your taxes. GOOD JOB! It's time to close that up cuz we can't think of everything.  Now obviously we can't run this country on you BETTER DO AS I SAY, so anytime you want to retire with the bunches you made, fine, see ya, take your money and STOP saying you don't SUCK!

You know it's not about money right?  It's about investment.  Investment is not about money.  Focusing on stockholder wealth is NOT what works for a company.  Health... people.  Focus on company health.  It's a risk of couse but you wouldn't have shit for brains if you had ever taken a risk so take a risk and invest in company health.  You know how to throw out GALLONS on advertising and on research and development, so do a cost-benefit on your children(employees)... probably should make it long-term at first and then refine it so that your children's health is not just healthy.  See that it is improving AND account for the propensities of children that once healthy, are CURIOUS about wanting to destroy your company(kids, right?)

Ok, so Trump.  Now I don't have problems with Clinton all that much, but I think she is like working BRILLIANTLY in the intelligence community or whoever it is that let's her get away with things for the "sake of the country".  I can trust that, but I can't see that, and that's not enough for me.  I would rather mold a criminal with his whole record laid out before me than depend on someone with a "closet" of values.

In her defense, once I read her record she has an amazing success story.  All the things I wanted to do when I was 20 like join the Marines, become a lawyer, and lead the country... she was actually able to do... once she had money.  See that?  That's not underhanded, that's winning.  That's trust.  Rich families are trusted and hopefully they do "good things" so that that trust keeps money flowing in their direction.  Obviously like children who are instantly happy they become curious what sort of POWER that money has and of course there is an old saying for that but it's not true.  Once you understand power, once you understand that we are all molecules or little nodes/followers of light, you can manage that FLOW of money or that flow of the blood of the country... without it corrupting you absolutely.

Now this is going to sound sacrilegious but I want to end with one more thing about the holy supper(which is like the opposite of holy shit right? just saying)  Jesus wanted us to remember his body as we ate bread and he wanted us to remember him as we drank wine.  But more than that he asked that we remember HIM(his life) and as we eat the bread we should remember his birth and remember Christmas and that STAR, that one little star that could light the world...

And when we drink to his death... when we REMEMBER what MADNESS tastes like... when we contemplate seeing the WORLD END through his eyes... betrayed by EVERYONE!!! we know his message.

We know God.