You've all studied physics right? Well if you haven't then maybe you should because there is a lot of neat stuff in there that you could have figured out yourself but that takes time to understand. And that is the same thing with psychology. You think you understand people until you sit down and try to understand it some and then realize some things, that are simple, but are hidden, and of course everything hidden is done on purpose.
Billiards is like this. I like to think of myself as REALLY good at pool. I have run a table of eight ball in like a minute flat but ONLY after pretending to not be any good. See that? If your opponent doesn't think you are very good then he makes one or two balls, tries to make it seem like the match is competitive, gives people a show so that it's not like he is sharking you, and then ... after my balls are all nice and set up, I run the table. Cruel to be kind... or something like that. Kind to be cruel, yeah yeah that's it!
That's not very good pool btw, that's good psych-ing people out.
What's my point... oh yeah way back there I was going to tell you about physics. In physics, you can pull a car with your hands. It takes some time. I have done this with a TV and let me tell you it was tough. It was an old 27" tube type and I didn't have any way to transport it to the apartment besides sliding it along the pavement. But my girlfriend was there and since she was like 5' and like 100 lbs, she wasn't helping move that AT ALL. So there I was DRIVEN by my desire to mostly get this nice TV into the house so we could start playing Halo together. It was very slow but after you get started, there is no THINKING about how to do it. There's no, "I should go get the dolly" or "I should go get some rope" because THERE IT SITS in an apartment complex of people watching this nice TV STILL IN THE BOX that you might be willing to abandon for a half hour or so. So I just kept sliding it across the pavement until I got to the apartment and eventually we started playing and I forgot ALL ABOUT how hard it was... until now that I am telling you about it.
Well, that didn't really help my point. What I want to say is if you start out with your hands you might be inclined to tie a rope around it. It's much easier to pull something with a rope than with your bare hands. It's much easier to use gloves than use your bare hands. In fact you might try BOTH gloves and a rope and the pulling gets much easier. And eventually you are going to see that all of that is like a system of pulleys.
In physics they teach you that one pulley takes a portion of the weight off and that another pulley takes another portion and that soon with enough pulleys you can pull a car. See, that's what I want to talk about today is pulleys. It's easier if you don't do the work ALL BY YOURSELF.
In psychology the same holds true, in my opinion. You build this relationship with your boss and he was so sweet to teach you everything. Now you handle his calls and write his letters and work his computer... and now it's time to BOOT the boss and take his job because he's so LAZY, lol. Yeah, that's what people call lazy nowadays is someone that was TOO NICE to guard his secrets. That might be what they are saying about me yes? Too lazy? Why's he giving away all our secrets at pool, now we won't be able to SHARK people? Oh, it's cuz he's too lazy...
So getting someone else to do your dirty work is a pulley. You are still driven by this DARK purpose but since someone else is gonna help you out, now it's much easier. Pesky laws of physics right? They are ALWAYS getting in the way.
AND it's much easier if two or three people help you. SEE? Now you get me. We are going to take your JOB because you are too lazy... nothing to do with you at the nightclubs or not willing to score drugs or whores, it's cuz you're TOO LAZY at customer service... speaking and writing two languages, having 18 years experience, and typing 60 wpm and knowing bunches of people at work and having expert knowledge... doesn't validate him at all... HE is a BURNOUT!!!
And this mass of people, our pulleys, could be anywhere from a couple of people to a MASSIVE bunch of people. And they will hate on you because it's FUN. For free. Don't even have to pay them anything because it turns out people have an innate need to hurt others and WIN. See that? That's why we need to hate on Mexico because if we are going to attack each other we might as well attack an enemy, well actually if you like to hurt others you should join the army and you know what, it's funny because soldiers don't like to hurt others very much after a war, it's strange yes? (Phoenix much?) But if we worry and hate on the illegals at least we aren't in the pot with each other and what's even better is that we don't ALLOW this hidden stuff to go on. Anything hidden is basically working in favor of the cartels. They find out about it they use it. You like to masturbate on the sink, they use it, "OOH someone knows your secret", they score it, once your psyche has been hit some notches they soften you up with an offer to join evil. Noone joins evil if they are healthy. They have to "need help". They have to go looking for "help" from drugs or from whores or from hidden agents. That's why the whole country needs to WAKE UP because these hidden agents want you to be asleep when they bleed you with these hit and run tactics.
Obviously the best way to avoid these agents is to stay busy but what if they want you to lose your job?
And the best way to wake up is to have a war. Now, you might think about me, THIS is the anti-Christ! Well, wrangle that shit out in your own head then. Would you rather people continue to get rich off of our weakened people and become the vampires that funnel that money to Mexico anyways, or would you rather spread our system of laws to other countries and stamp out hidden agents that create these pockets of wealth that serve as viruses to the common good. I leave it to you. You won't want a war until the day someone you love is caught in a web of lies and then it will be too late to wake up. You will look at doctors and police and maybe even the media all wrong; all supporting the drug dealers that want your overdosed daughter in jail for DECADES or BETTER OFF DEAD because "it makes sense" if they are paying us to be PULLEYS... that's the American dream.
By the way, that's all that can happen is we attack others or we attack ourselves. Personally, I would rather we attack each other online in a pretend fashion without hate but even that is being used in a hidden way to work for the hidden powers to weaken our own people... who then seek drugs or porn. So no, online is nice but only if it cannot be abused.
And you know one more thing. You might think, CLEARLY this guy's a mark. We get rid of him and then we can all get back to the way things were before HE came along...
yeah... that...
PS: I watched convention last night and loved it. My dad was my best friend too. My eyes teared up. I keep saying I will do a blog on my dad but it's really too painful but just as Trump Jr is proud of his dad in his OWN way... that's me. I know my dad is a GREAT person... or was.
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