Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Like an idiot


 I watched Joel again and he said a lot of good things, the first of which was to pray first, decide later.  Yeah.  Truly, if I was praying every day while I went to the bar I would have done things different.  My life was about finding a girl.  I wasn't going to do that at church because I didn't believe in being a hypocrite.  I wasn't "conditioned" to marry a girl first, sex later and I knew that is what the church wanted and I knew I didn't want that.  My mother would incessantly suggest that I go to church and I just didn't want to do it though at times, it seemed like that was truly the only way because I spent years at the bar single.  I had spent plenty of time at the bar and single girls just didn't seem to show up.  But since plenty of non-single good-looking girls DID show up and since I was there with my sister and her husband and THEY met at the bar, I had faith that one day it would be my turn.

Joel was right about another thing... some people are shit(he didn't say this? lol). You might have unbelievable faith in people like I did.  You might believe that all people want to work together and are happier when they are in a group of like-minded people but at some point, ALL people learn to betray others.  It's at that point that YOU as a person have to decide what kind of life you are going to lead. Do you like betraying others and think it's normal or do you recognize what that is?  I didn't expect people at the bar to betray me even though that's what people do 24/7 as leaders of the community is warn people about the bar.  Sometimes people like me are just thick or arrogant.  I thought of myself as someone important at the bar and well-known so I kept showing that confidence to others.  That people could be trusted.  That you could allow yourself to get drunk in public if people could be trusted.  That you didn't have to worry about leaving your lighter at the bar...  But it's a little loopy in hindsight.  You obviously shouldn't have parking lots next to bars.  This TEMPEST of things that happened to me, 1 yr without a license(though I got temp one), one month psychological evaluation, probation/checking in with Momma.. and honestly the judge even hinted that he could put me in jail for a year... all of that... is BS(shortened for clarity)

WITALF (this is what you would say if this happened to you for ordering something off a menu in a drive-thru)

You wouldn't wish this on your worst enemy.  Especially for something so simple.  It's like I chopped a guy's arm off for what they put me through.  If I was working and didn't have a car and if I had a rent payment and a job... my life would be over.  No car equals can't get to work, can't keep your job, can't pay the rent.  It's really ridiculous.  WHO would risk that?  And yet bars are still open everywhere with parking lots right there begging to be used.  It boggles the mind.  What's worse is the DMV is not even connected to a judge meaning they pretty much do what they want to your life at that point... without evidence, without subpoena, without a justice system.  It's all royalty at that point.

That's a warning to people.  Once you lose your job you think you have fallen but you have not BEGUN to fall at that point.  Expect a traffic violation.  I crashed my car a long time ago in the 90s.  I was coasting home(like 10 mph) and fell asleep.  I crashed into a neighbors car (yeah see karma = it's ok to ruin my life) and at that point cops always knew when I was about to get safe driver because right at ~5 years, they would trap me with a speeding ticket.  Oh I was speeding, but it was "abnormal" how I got the ticket.  Usually on a valley or for some small speeding amount, JUST so that I couldn't get safe driver, or so it seemed.  I used to speed a lot because well, I had skill and intensity and I wanted to use it but after a number of speeding tickets and watching my insurance go up, I realized how foolish it was.  It's not worth it and it's really sort of an addiction to go fast when right over here is the cruise control.  You people that haven't used cruise control very much will be amazed how useful that is especially if things roam around in your head on your way to work.  And if you drink and drive it's a no brainer.  You have zero risk of getting stopped if you don't break a traffic law so, it's a must-have if you want to drink and drive.

See, that was a lie.  They arrested me in the drive-thru.  See this is what they mean by royalty and pulling out all the stops.  System works fine and then one day OOPS no system for you... you are going to jail for whatever... it's no small wonder I talk about the apocalypse and understand it so well.

You see that is what hell is.  You are surrounded by haters.  The Bible isn't telling us that you are going to hell AFTER death or going to heaven AFTER death... death is only the beginning(The Mummy).

Ok that was confusing so let me explain.  People care about you equals LIFE, people stop caring about you equals DEATH.  And that's when hell begins... the process of ex-communication.   Noone should have this power (power word kill) but it exists.  In AD&D it's a ninth level spell(maximum) meaning usually only kings can order it.(Is it time for you to join a church yet? lol, yeah get your butt to a "bible-based church and keep God first place")   See that's why I am here, to explain things that you had no idea they got this from REAL EVENTS.  You think the game(AD&D) is all made up and that dragons and witches and spells are funny things and (hand pistol to your head) "where do they get this?"

Well, this is where.  Not only can cops stop having to put REASONS down on paper for things they do, now the DMV can do stuff like order you up some irrelevant questions to answer under oath and the people at gas stations can blah blah their people to turn your gas pumps on and off and make you run around "like an idiot" and your neighbors can suddenly become aware that you live right there and that your grass needs mowing and your house needs to be threatened because you didn't mow it and city needs to put up a sign asking you to trim your trees and it's ok to wake you up in the middle of the morning with car alarms because "what are you gonna do call the police?"

And you know what, I have to take that back about spawns of Satan because I guess they DO come in singles.  Witches come in groups but spawns of Satan come in singles and are created by witches.  Small wonder.

So you see all those movies about zombies and dead people aren't about people coming to life from the dead, it's about people that have stopped caring... about each other.  They will defend the idiocy of people that do care like their children or their parents(immune or oblivious), but they themselves are UNDEAD.  Upfront, or OUTFRONT(winks to Erin) they act normal but in the back of their minds they have this need to bite you, because they don't care about others.

It's strange but also enlightening right?  To learn this?  I have tried not to talk about it because I worried that it would INFECT others but it's not like that.  At any moment people can start caring again and through God they can find forgiveness but it would have been easier to just read this and skip it right?  You can "trust me" now, right?

You should do like Joel and pray first... daily... and decide things later.  There really ARE people out there that are NOT like you, not the least of which are from other countries or from clicks of groups from maybe different races or even from the "Skulls club"(Yale) of elite people or the chamber of commerce.  It's a HUGE amount of people that don't care about others and think it's ok that we dominate them because HUNTING people = adult.

No, hunting people equals a hole.  You can't add a hole.  The wages of sin are death.  Hope you get my message.

Hunting people = A-HOLE

PS. I know what you're thinkin, this guy just LOVES attention.  Well, here goes one last inconvenient truth for ya.  Instead of asking me to turn off the car, he reaches in and tries to turn it off himself.  I turn it off for him.  On the police report it says the cop was "afraid".  Yeah, he was afraid of a guy sittin in the drive-thru... what's that code for ... black people, your response...

Oh, and I am not against groups, like in college, fraternities SHOW you what I have been saying all along that secret stuff (box of secrets) fuels the group and the group can then be "useful" to society.  But one or two bad people or cops and now that whole group is covering up his or her mess... which co-incidentally turns into another secret... which is terrible but also... it's a good thing.