Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rarab tail aint all that

BLM:75 WHM:74 SMN:47 THF:75 WAR:61 RNG:44

Full moon usually means it's time to do some farming. Just getch u butt outdea as Ahnold would say. But it usually isn''t worth it. Most of the things that are worth farming are farmed regularly and once you start on something that people want and noone knows people want it, miraculously, competition arrives.
I just finished helping some JP people with "Puppet in Peril" mission. One JP just up and left once I got there and asked them to use the Auto-Translate function. Too bad for him tho cuz even though we were doing dd with only one monk, we were stable and the win with nary a bump, although he did throw out the fire bombs by the dozens towards the end of the fight. I was so sure I was on Aht Urghan Mission(AM)29 and 30 and no it was 30 and 31. I got to the door and it gave me the option to do an ISNM so in I went and not with anyone else. So I exited and then I couldnt get the option for battle until later it just seemed to pop up.
I have sent off my XBox to be fixed. My brother in law says that it only took him 10 days to get it back so I hope it doesn't take too long for mine.
Tomorrow I find out about my new schedule I think. I have told many people that my life will turn around after this but my team leader seems bent on giving me errors and getting me fired. I told my sister yesterday that maybe he was giving me the dilly dally errors so that he would not have to point out the huge ones that I made.
Sometimes I think that they are monitoring every single call I make just to make sure ... something.
I was supposed to see this girl for the last time yesterday and wasn't able to make it to the dinner but expected to see her at the bar but she didn't go. Nice looking girl and really outgoing and funny for someone single and in their 30s.
All but us.
If she's reading, I wish her well on her trip to DC.