Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My cigarette

BLM:75 WHM:75 SMN:60 RDM:20 THF:75 WAR:75 DRK:75 RNG:58

Today I sat outside smoking a cigarette in front of my car and noticed a lizard on the somewhat dilapidated bumper of my car. It came over and suddenly jumped on a bug that was a little larger than its head and tried to eat it but it was too big. I watched for a while and thought it would finish but then it noticed me and jumped back onto the grill of the car. I watched it some more.

Then a small dragonfly came over and looked like it saw the whole thing and I figured it would try to finish off the bug somehow or maybe pick at it. Though the wings were the length of the lizard, its actual body was not that big. After a while it landed on the tire and without warning the lizard was on it and I was barely able to see what was going on but in about 10 seconds the dragonfly was completed eaten up.
Then I noticed the lizard eyeing the bug again. I could barely see its head but it was still eyeing me also. It was probably more hungry now I guess and even though I backed up, it didn't come for the bug. I watched the bug stumble on in an attempt to keep going but I could tell that it was badly bitten. I flicked some ashes towards them as my cigarette grew shorter and shorter. For some reason the bug was able to notice me now and it changed its direction to come towards me. After several paces, it flopped on its back and it looked like it would just spasm out there and die. It seemed to me to be making a statement of indignation as if to say that it was my fault this happened and it seemed like it was throwing a tantrum about it. But it didn't die. After a couple of seconds it just flopped back on its feet and kept stumbling on and about 2 minutes later made it to the garbage can. The lizard disappeared into what the lizard must think is a safe hiding place in the engine of my car.
I started to wonder which of the two would survive the longest, but I was finished with my cigarette.