Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Rock Paper Scissors

BLM:75 WHM:75 SMN:60 RDM:20 THF:75 WAR:75 DRK:75 RNG:58

Philosophically speaking I was smoking again and a large wasp started buzzing around me so I noticed it. Then I noticed a large web and a spider at the center. Then I noticed a nearby lizard. So I thought to myself this is like rock, paper, scissors.
Lizard eats the spider and spider catches the wasp in its web and lizard eats wasp too. But then I thought about it and that didn't work out.
Then I got it... wasp stings lizard.
This reminded me of Obama. Bush eats Clinton. Clinton catches Osama in his web and Osama stings Bush. Yeah I know, nothing to do with Obama but oh well.