Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What do those religions types want?

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I was wrong to say things about Reagan. When more than 50% of the country elects someone as their leader, they can't be wrong. So even though it sounds and feels good to say "to hell with God", what you are doing, even in your own mind, is saying that YOU don't belong. So I will have to choose to abet my scorn or choose to simply say that I don't like the world, which would be stupid.

People talking that the world is wrong are letting others know that they are a bad influence to others. Many times this can be said to imply that a person has a chip on their shoulder. But what it means is that they are simply bringing others down, so you have to realize it's you and then resist the urge when you feel the need to speak out. Of course you should not resist it for too long and certainly not resist repeated attacks from one person.

I don't wish to say people have done things wrong as our leaders but when you choose to respect our leaders, you show others that you have self-respect as well.

I am watching a Jimmy Carter special and my friend used to talk about how Carter ruined the economy etc and was the worst president. He was talking about Israel and even though there are real problems out there, I am often apalled when people simply assume that to be Jewish is to revere Israel. As though the country was holy and that it was the same country the Bible speaks as as god's people.


And also it's annoying to discuss anti-semitism. I grew up and for 15 years I didn't know the first thing about a Jewish person(Jews). I remember the first thing I learned was this girl Robyn in class that was really good looking but odd and she was Jewish and found out that she could only marry another Jewish person. It made her more interesting than the other girls and I remember just looking over to her and wondering what being this "special" person was like. It was tantalizing.

Even now, I find the religion interesting. I watch the Jewish network and find out what it would be like to be Jewish. It's strange to have a religion in your country that is all about being a part of another country.

It's treason.

Well, it would be treason if this were not a free country and so because of that, my argument is that there can be no treason here. If we attack a soldier, that is just straight out assault. But you can't be against our country unless you are from another country with the intention of instilling your government into power.

So even terrorism is actually just criminal activity, outside the scope of the military. Strange huh.

So who are we afraid of when it comes to treason? Well, let me tellya. We are afraid of people who will use their influence to instill their people in power for the purpose of changing policy to accomodate foreign interests.

So what can we do? We have to decide if we are going to have a national belief system that defines what our God is and what it means to believe in him, or we are going to have to do away with God.

Of course the option of defining God is what is going to happen but how and for who's benefit is an age old question. If we leave God's will vague, then in the end, we will have to take a vote.

Since religion is inherently Republican as I said in the last post, then what will happen is there will be a battle of religions that end as you might have guessed with the two most popular religions eventually acting like monkeys. Small wonder that noone intellectual will be discussing the greater good or the public welfare or the love your neighbor clause of the bible when this battle gets brought. It will be us and them and the loudest person will be the leader and I guarantee you that he won't be good looking or be a female. It MIGHT be Oprah...

Btw, do you know what happens when monkeys don't like one another? They provoke each other, you know how? They shit themselves in front of each other. So if I ever tell you not to shit yourself, you've been properly insulted.

So it's not a stretch to see people trying to bring religion to the US and to make their religion the ONE. Meh, you have to watch AGORA to really see the direction the country will take. It was a great movie.

But like it says in the bible, the world is not without hope. It's surprising that in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah you find an example of how religion didn't work. The cities became completely independent of the rest of the world. They achieved all that they desired and eventually they fell into the desert. The bible says that God destroyed the cities and if the rest of the world had religion then that very well may be what happened because people without religion are on what Ben Stiller sed to Jennifer Aniston in Along Came Polly. She sed she had no plan for life and he sed sure you do. "You are on the non-plan plan."

That what it means to be democrat. But in the end everyone is happy you see? And with happiness comes a lack of reliance on others. If we asa country were completely happy there would be no war no hunger no suffering and we would want the rest of the world to join us but that would never happen because the rest of the world would have religion. They would have fear. They would attack us and we would take drugs to make it hurt less. We would pretend that they are going to stop once they get past their jealousy, but what they will want is not to feel right again they will want OUR BLOOD!

Whew, betcha wished you hadn't read that.