Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Red equals meat

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

I got a new idea. The Jesus Raygun. Yep. It shoots people with a white light and a little reader turns either red or blue.

It occurred to me today that if wavelengths were readable, if my mind were readable, then people could read others' minds and see what they were thinking.

I was watching Battle: Los Angeles today and one scene there is a part where the lead, the two face guy from Batman, tells the little boy who he promised would make it and whose father died that he was the bravest Marine he ever met. A touching scene because they are all on the rescue chopper about to make it home and the Sargeant is about to go out alone and try one last thing to take back the city. His crew doubts him because rumors tell of his losing men under his command when he was able to make it out. At this point the Marines jump out after him laying waste to any further doubts he had about them.

I only have doubts when it comes to people who attack others. I have always had the good happenstance I suppose of interacting with people who admired me or at least thought I was charming or interesting. This was a long time ago... granted.

In the latest Resident Evil movie I was noticing once that a guy was caged up and everyone around him was worried that he was dangerous and right about the time he is explained to Milla Jovovich's character and as she gets told that something about his eyes tells him he could not be trusted.

So then she turns to him and asks him what he sees when he looks into her eyes. Hahahaha. Cuz it doesn't take a 40 year green beret to tell you just about anybody caught in a building with a city full of zombies is perhaps just as dangerous.

Then I had to ask myself, which is the good guys? I mean all of them are killers shooting their way this way and that and trying to find Arcadia for the sake of taking refuge and enlisting other non-zombies, who shoot people.

So what is it that makes the people people and not zombies? There is some clue in the movie that tells you how to tell them apart. What is it? Do the zombies and not the people have manners? Yes they get right out of the way of the bigger zombies so that they can get their bites in first. Do they have better hygiene? Maybe. But the biggest thing that should come across to you is that the zombies attack and the good guys do not attacked until they are attacked. So unlike many other countries that attack first and take what they want, we the US and all Americans are the good guys. We don't attack unless we are attacked first.

And that's why this gun is gonna be so useful when it comes out. We already know about wavelengths from my previous post. And we know that somehow someway we should be able to tell if a person is sending off some of THOSE signals. You know the really aggressive, testosterone, I attack people and like it, ones. You know, the male ones. Some females are guilty of this too so yay for equality and yay for the Jesus gun.

So when you get shined with this fantastic gun that decides whether you are poison or meat. Blue equals annoying or anti-social or agreesively passive. Red equals meat.

I mean if we took this gun all around the world, we could use all of this information and rejected people to help train soldiers who didn't think killing people was necessary.