Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Am I wrong?

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So you want to ask yourself am I wrong? Have I done the wrong things that got me to where I am? Are there others like me or are they all out to get me?

I was imagining myself on the Chris Hayes show, he's a protege of Rachel Machow-chow from Ohiowa, heh. I love her. And I was wondering if I would be able to get a job on the show. I could discuss righteousness for the nation with the best of them I think but at some point I would AGAIN become the devil's advocate. Meaning that while they all start to agree that Sunonu is a racist I would have to chime in with something... antithetical.

He said that General Powell's support of Obama was not for political reasons but for "other" reasons. And then the journalist did what all Journalism intern 20-somethings wonder about... he pressed him for his answer. This little pressing is why we have Todd Akin's name as a household word instead of some people in his state knowing who he is. This is where journalism falls apart and politics takes over. If he is unwilling to offend someone... WHY GO THERE?!!!

TWO people are to blame for Sunonu's racist comment, his and the journalist. We can all relax because all the black people that didn't give a damn about Sunonu's personal views now DO because this fatman of a journalist decided to "get his cut". And in so doing now has riled up the fatheads at the center of the black racist movement. Yay, one for the fatheads! Fatheads untie!

Sunonu then goes on to spell out that Powell's "other" reason for supporting Obama is because, in Sunonu's opinion,  is because Obama is black. BWAHAhahahha. That's SO disresepectful, it's funny. But the truth is that the Republican mentality is such that they are a bunch of betrayers.   Sunonu was probably feeling a bit of that betrayal at the time.  That's why instead of forgiving Akin they served him up on a platter despite his local support. That's why if there is any chance that you can be brought down, your buddies are the first ones to say yeah man you had a good run. That's why if you are Sarah Palin or Paul Ryan, you have a chance at being president, because Newt Gingrinch, haha, has done so many of these oops things that his long history of being a politician and his sheer genius can be discounted when coupled against Palin's pristine record, despite that's she's like half his age.

By the way, if you want genius you have to feed your genius.  Think of "Hasaan like" and stuff and imagine him with like 5 women in front of a fire, him eating pork with his feet in warm salt water getting his feet scrubbed now you have the essence of what I imagine about Newt Gingrich.  Tomorrow he can conquer the world but for about 2 hours, let's do this!
I want to retire and be like him.  He is terrible but SO useful.  In fact I imagine Bill Maher becoming like him only with perhaps less of a following but still likeable and with his affable take or leave it sense of grace... which is not so gracious hehe.

Republicans are all about sacrifice and betrayal.

So if Powell were a GOOD SOLDIER, he would still be a faithful Republican, instead he says that he not only supports Obama NOW but that he THEN voted for Obama 4 years ago as a member of the Republicans.

I mean WHO made this man a GENERAL?!!!!!

So... you have three people there and you wonder which of them to feel MOST sorry for. Sunonu, Powell, or the journalist. 

One of them is leading the blind.  Maybe all of them.

This reminds me of that commercial where the black guy is talking on his phone but is good friends with a white girl that has his complete attention but that keeps on typing on his phone. She goes on to say that she found out stuff on the internet that was true and that nothing on the internet is not true. Then she remarks she's on her way to a date with a french model from the internet and this guy shows up fat belly no ass with glasses and says bon jour. So we have good looking girl that wants a french model, like the one from Along came Polly no doubt, but spends all her time with a black guy that's more interested in a car crash and then gives it up to the liar. The black guy is me so nuffsaid there, and the guy getting the dates is a liar who doesn't work out his body because... lying works.

Who should we feel more sorry for?

So after candering this up for the moderates and saving face once again from being called an extremist, I would take off my dunce cap and for once speak and offer up this view of America on The Chris Hayes Show, because if Rachel were there I would just not speak I would just have like a think bubble over my head with the picture of the Man from Atlantis there and with my face on him.

America is like like Angelina Jolie.

She has too many kids, too much money, too much fame, her eyes are too big, her lips are too big, her husband is too good looking, her movies are too good, her legs are too long, her boobs are too nice, her fingers are too nice, her knees are too nice, her hair is too nice, (what hair, how does anyone see hair past those eyes?)

If she speaks nothing bad comes out, if she breathes you kind of want to jump over there and smell it just to see what it would smell like.

And with that I would pull out a big huge fan poster of just her face on poster board and put it up in front of me. It would be fully 6 foot long and then I would pause and say...

Am I wrong?

Am I wrong to like her?