Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

A New Testament

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Communism is not a bad thing. Socialism despite what democrats get accused of so often, would not be so bad if done the right way. But in the end communism ends up helping everyone stay happy and treated equally, but allows the people in government to have all the wealth or a "disproportionate" amount of wealth simply because they are the ones that decide how to distribute it. But all the way up to this, money is taken by taxing the rich and given to programs like education and welfare and the even the military or police. Eventually though this ends in the people in government, taxing whoever they damn well please and keeping their "rich" friends afforded exempt status.

So this is why Democrats, even though you might think them evil are still just another mass of people that might be good or bad.

Republicans all like to think they are the right party. What arrogance. It's obvious now what they were always about. Because nature finds a way. They are the freedom party. You're chance to get rich never seems more true unless there is a Republican party in office. They are the totally against communism party like as if all communists are evil. I saw a recent interview of Reagan who visited Russia and was asked by a small boy "Do you still think we are an evil empire?" This was at the time of the cold war and you could tell by his expression that all Russians were actually wondering if Reagan was the anti-christ. They probably thought the same of Bush but without as much cause in his case imo. That's how messed up it is to think "you people" this and "those people" that, because the only real evil people are the ones against you, but actually this doesn't mean Republicans are evil.

In the end, all the rich people out there will have their freedom of regulation like they like and ineveitably they will applaude themselves with what a good job they did to rid all those people of so much money and soon you will find that the average citizen will also wonder what happened to their government when they got stiffed by the mechanic and the doctor and the contractor and the toll booth person or the cable guy. Why is the rent so high? Why is insurance so much? Why are interest rates constantly going up? As the restrictions and ability to filter your money gets more systematic, you will find yourself getting forclosure, losing your license, getting arrested for no car insurance, losing your job cuz you went to jail, little by little your laziness will cost you what little you had extra and demand that you take your place among the homeless. As the grip of the rich who can easily afford $1000 month insurance, $200 speeding tickets, $2000 property tax, gets tighter and tighter, you will find that your income is not going up that much and then comes the day that all things like police, judges, utilities, cable, and even the teachers and doctors that service your children, are all controlled by the rich people that have decided not to give you a chance.

So what does that mean? Well it means you have achieved through the use of Republican's rhetoric of free trade, have achieved a closed economy where there is no opportunity for advancement and the people with the money will always be the people with the money.

Just look at dictatorships and privatization and now you see what going too much in the other direction will get you.

Open your eyes.

Remember that the old testament is all about Republicans and Jesus was about democracy. Noah saved only the good people, moses saved only the good people, don't even get me started on King David and King Solomon. The old testament is for the Jewish people and it is all about sacrifice and being like God because we were made in his image, which reminds me of Interview with a Vampire because there are none so much like him as ourselves, says Lestat the main character. So are all Jews vampires? Was Hitler right? BBQ JEW sound like a good name for a restaurant?

Well remember that all things come in pairs like Lara Croft said once heh. I like Angelina. I wonder if she has like strawberry bath lotion or would she use more the pineapple or maybe she likes coconut? Yeah that's her wow I can just imagine myself in a bath full of coconut with Angelina, hmm lessee maybe a cup of strawberries and some chardonnay on the side of the bath, woof! WOOF!

Ok, sidetracked. Anyway the second half of the Bible presents Jesus and his Apostles ranting and raving throughout explaining HEY! You with all the money! What happened to you? You used to be such a nice guy!

And that's what our lives should be like though. Even though I am now old and all Jesus-like, I remember when I used to be quite selfish and was told to stop. I was "nah nyah" this and "nah nah" that and you can't stop me" the other. But that's life. Everyone is selfish when young but as soon as you have your children you get older. I lived with some children for a while and being responsible for them made me into someone far less selfish. I became agreeable and tolerant. I was more forgiving and less prone to fly away like I did with so many other things but after me their mother broke up I stayed that way I guess. I didn't want to take someone else's girl because I felt I had already done that enough. I felt there were plenty of fish in the sea so I kept just waiting and waiting just knowing that there were plenty. But what happened was that my selfishness was turned off. I started to watch more porn and to drink more. Maybe that softened my selfishness, meh. But I became a far less involved person and dated hardly at all.

Ok sidetracked again. I better quit before I go all 40 pages of bullshit.

So when you're young you are supposed to be selfish and when you get old you are supposed to be more New Testament. So what happens after the New Testament? What do you do? Give you a hint, it's in Revelations.


Maybe that is what will happen to our government and we can't even stop it.