Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

You know that most of the time that people believe there will be an apocalypse, it tends to happen. Such is what will happen in December perhaps. They tend to make it happen without meaning to. I believe that at night while we all sleep we somehow exchange public events in a way that allows each of us some of each other's perspective. But that must occur only in small distances like let's say a neighborhood or something.

The end of civilization has occurred many times over and over again in many countries. We studied this in Business School specifically with Central America in mind. So it should come to noone's surprise that it will happen here. Now some things can be done like killing the bankers, kill all the lawyers, hah, maybe kill all the politicians. And that might work for a while but we all know that eventually your very sons and daughters would BECOME these people and turn out just as bad, or maybe 50% of them would.

We all like to laugh except when it comes to our sons and daughters.

So, alternative, we start to preach Jesus. Yeah, we tell everyone to lighten up and let's not trash our politicians so much and let's not harp about that defense atty that got OJ off, and let's just forget about something something billions of dollars because we can earn it back and at least noone died. Well we know how that ends, always there's this one jerkwad thinking to themselves WOW these people really BELIEVE their own BS, on my way through town I will just stop at a church and ask for a handout on my way cross country. But it's not like they are bad people it's just habit.

If he's been stealing, he's gonna steal. If he's been cheatin', he's gonna cheat. If taking a little off the top of the collection plate, he's gonna keep on doing it. If he's been drinking and driving, he gonna keep ON.

But that doesn't mean we gotta sacrifice these people like as if having a shorter extension cord is easier than fixing the cut wire. That's why people don't wanna go to jail and do crazy things to stay out. I'm not sure why but it might be that police like to just KEEP people there a long time and treat people like dogs cuz that's what they are. Well if that's the way you treat them that's how they are going to act.

Ok getting sidetracked a bit. I am writing because I want to point out that temperature has a lot to do with war. You don't see people in the north fight so much as people in the south. Plus the south tends to get more populated more often with tourists and more people means more warming, er warmth. So that's why we need to join with Canada as soon as possible. I mean they are never going to attack us and you can bet that if one day someone takes over the US, they aren't gona just sit by and say well Canada is just so nice that we will just let them go. No. War is not like that.

Whenever there is a castle or a city or a wall everyone LIVING inside the wall is thinking "I've got to get my children educated" or "I need to find out where the best place to hire good help is" or "Our king sure has gotten selfish of late, he is just taxing us way to much and FOR NO GOOD REASON".

Now, what is everyone LIVING outside the wall thinking? "I WANT IN!"

It's not rocket science, people inside are taxed, people outside are not so that's why they can't come in and besides they can't be trusted. So that's why being at the best place in the world or being the richest in the city or being the mostest of the mostest is not so much fun, cuz people all want what you have, and not in a nice way.

So last week I was all Jesus and stuff but ain't it about time we actually TOOK somebody's stuff for once!

This new testament thinking is just what causes armaegeddon and I for one would rather just skip the part where 1000s of people suddenly realize they have been in jail getting treated like dogs. I would rather skip the part where the politician sends you a thank you note for all your hard work getting him elected while that same week he signs over your neighborhood to the railroad. I would rather skip finding out the cops don't actually know WHO the rich people are YET are ALL somehow having Jewish holiday at the biggest house in town which we don't know who actually owns it.

Fact is if we are gonna start just cannibalizaing ourselves and setting up little pockets for the eightballs of our society to sink into, we should just start taking over the world and be done with it. I mean you like your children and you know they have to be strong but you want them to stay nice RIGHT? Well this is the way.

We have to systemize our society. CLASSES. Yep don't shuck it don't spit on it. If you want all the rest of the world to serve us them we have to serve each other starting with the guy right there next to you. Upper classes get to go to schools not because they cost a lot but because the people are wealthy. I mean look at what happened to India. It was SO belittled and trounced by the British that NO WAY would they allow there to be an upper class again after it stopped being a british colony right? HAH! Look at Panama. Was being owned by the US military so bad? Now they are run by hoods and whatever rich people that all they can do is smirk when someone says illegal. Little bunch of people rich, big mass of people dirt poor paying rent on a shack.

The solution and best thing for this planet is systemization but you have to expect opportunists and applaud them, not put them in jail... but at the same time don't give them a seat in government. Opportunists are open minds that risk it all and whoa turns out there was a WHOLE LOT of money in the well full of overextended loans, EE DOGGY! Good job, but we needed that money to keep our system running smoothly and since you found the hole, got yourself a whole bunch of diggy doohs then what you can do is take your pontificate rearendo out of the picture, have a nice day. Don't start trying to MAKE people guilty, that's how people get hurt. You start to change the rules and the rules start unraveling. Like voting or OJ or that Alabama Governor that's in jail for bribery. I mean if he was sending someone's son off to war, I MIGHT give him 6 years for that but 6 years for accepting a bribe is just what I am talking about here.

In this age, everything is going to be on some server somewhere. I have my personal email read sometimes by god knows who because I have noticed that there is a lag on the MSN network so I KNOW someone is out there committing a felony, oh wait reading email is not illegal since it's not REAL mail! Hmmf. I sent an email to my attorney and she didn't receive it for 2 days and she was like "what happened"? CRIME is what happened!

Still it's not like it was anything secret so that's my point is that getting away with stuff is going to be much harder and if so then good job and eventually we catch you and then nice try too bad, but man people are serving 6 years for accepting money, sheesh what would happen if he REALLY abused his power as governor. Well, let's see certain someone is going to be executed, NOPE, and this guy, NOPE, and let's see... oh boo hoo the rich witch family Wellington has asked that their personal bodyguard be allowed to go free for the 10th time since he really wasn't himself at that strip club when he did such and such but nobody should care, NOPE.

OK so after we take over whoever has pissed us off... wait before that... someone is going to have to tell everyone to choose. We can't have ALL people agreeing to be democrat and then have some republicans over here who are pissed, that's like having a republican vice president that takes over when the democratic president gets suddenly shot unexpectedly... in Dallas.

So after this one religion or the other gets chosen as the main one there is a LAW gets passed where everyone understands that we are going to do it one way or the other for 4 years, then we elect our Republican,, maybe for 6 years maybe for 2 years because wars take a very long time... What like a day? Two days?! HOW LONG does it take to fire off $5000 in firecrackers?!!! Yeah not really. If we are gonna unload billions to our "welfare uneducated lucky day" troops that risk their lives to get more money to watch their buddies go splat, then we might as well have some purpose and honor in going.

I mean what's wrong with Iraq having a new capital called Philadelphia. Why not put a Disneyland there? All this and somehow these stupid people are SO religious that they totally will not accept our dominance there? Everyone that went to the War College knows that maybe 4% of the people there will not accept takeover but that the rest of the people with some drugs and money will pretty much accept anything since they never had it before.


What happens if the girl comes? Well then it wasn't rape, because she sucked it, she sucked the sperm. Hahahaha, every religious Republican out there right now is SO confused. Is that a good thing? Hahahaha, of course it is, she LOVED IT! Just not at first.

That's what we need to do to the world. An open-minded takeover that allows environmentalists to finally sigh with relief that the little people will get what they need and the world will be safe. An AHA moment where the other half makes their O-face.

About 2 years after this happens and the world is all about the US and hoping that maybe they will be next, the first kiddie porn video is released and for some reason the girl slaps the boy and makes him cry.