Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Is Quadaffi Jor el

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EDIT: Previous was unfinished blog so you get two today

Do you know where Superman comes from? It's an analogy of Jesus. But it's not just an analogy of the one man, it's an analogy of many men that have occurred all throughout history, over and over again.

You remember Jor-el when he was piping off steaming mad with the council that the world was coming to an end. That their ice planet was cracking under the heat of the sun.

Well the sun is what hell is, have you been reading my previous blogs? Heaven up above is a lie, hell is up there and heaven is down here. I know that makes me sound like the anti-christ so resist the urge to hate me. Resist it. Resist it. Ok now go back. Wasn't that fun?  Just then you were under my control.

Anyways, thankfully the rest of you can think for yourselves so try to imagine a world where the system is so rigid that people are frozen in their daily lives. Husbands chosen for them. Jobs chosen for them. Food rationed and perhaps modified for taste. Essentially we become the BORG.  But you could imagine it another way. You could imagine that it is made of ice. Ice where everything you want takes YEARS to achieve. Luxuries are super expensive but attainable for just a little drop of blood.  

So the world could end in ice and as endings go it would suffice.

Things like an education, a home, 2 cars, a seat in congress, protection from your enemies if you don't have any I can find some and when you have it you will be happier than you were before you had any enemies.   These would all be things of the past.  Yeah that's frozen.   Everything would be rented.  Drugs help but as over the counter becomes more and more diluted and as drug companies and doctors realize we won't object to smaller doses costing MORE money cuz we're stupid, then even that becomes a "slowing" factor to our happiness or peace of mind. What is Jesus? Oh yeah, the prince of peace. So peace means happiness? Yes. So joy is wrong? Yes. Joy is selfish and is not peaceful.

Ok sidetracked. So we go back to Jor-el he is ranting and raving telling them the hell is about to freeze over but what he means is that the strict society they all live in that is fueled by the "hell" people that they feed off of is about to overthrow their perfect little structured society.   The sun is about to explode.  They tell him he's this and that and he just wants to be the center of attention and they throw a big loop over him to keep him from leaving. He just wants to be the leader, they say, he just wants us to leave with him so he can rule, they say. 

And this happens. A lot. Leaders of communities, maybe cities, maybe countries get to this point where the revolution is at hand. Where all they can do is save their children but they themselves cannot leave because their trust, their responsibility is to their group MORE than it is to their family.

Like in Anastasia. Anastasia IS superman.

So Superman is sent to the new world, galaxies away but really from just a different culture. He has to learn how to interact with the new people and how to lead them. He has to become an example from which others draw their faith.

Why does he have super powers? How does he get this heat vision? Well have you ever seen a god angry? Heat vision. Superman is a god like Jesus was like Anastasia was. A god guaranteed by the mega-FDIC. The reason he is immortal is because accidents don't happen to gods.

But just to be clear they DO happen to JFK Jr. for some reason.

These people are offspring of old money. In Dragon Age the game, Morrigan is one of these but is not a god herself. She must go through a string of things to create this child of an old god that would become a great dragon. A superman.

But the truth is that these old dragons are just mega influential people that not only earn trust just by being born from trustworthy people with money, they start out believing, like all children, like I used to, that all people were meant to work together. It's not enough to have just the money, they have to believe and shape the world by "keeping the fire" like the son was taught in "The Road".

By being trustworthy.  Of course this fire breathes heat to wolf and sheep alike

Anyways so these Supermen are immune to damage and are fueled by the sun. Namely hell. What hell wants hell gets and even though Superman is off flying and using his heat vision to alter reality and using his cold breath to slow whatever politician's influence, the real reason that he has this power is because hell has granted it to him. He has this power because of his father's great work in the old world.

See?  So this "diplomatic immunity" is why Superman can fly. He flies "above the law". He doesn't dress up to be the superhero, he has to dress up to become the normal person noone recognizes. Everyone knows what he has done and knows each can't do the same. People like Lex Luthor show up because "they want their cut". But actually Superman himself is not all that altruistic.

Another thing that messes with his powers is if he gets married. So this can never happen. Maybe that's why JFK Jr didn't get there? He is allowed his immunity but he can't share this with another because then he would be using his status selfishly and that really messes with hell when you use their power selfishly. They really HATE it, and yet they LOVE LOVE LOVE it, because it's almost time to kill you.

But marriage and children are expected from everyone so it's then that ignorance is bliss and you realize that knowing too much is not very much trouble at all as long as you can spend one more day TRULY in love. So if Superman marries, he loses his powers. His influence. He stops being able to fly because what happens if Princess Diana decides to go off flying on her own and divorces Superman and now we have whole gaggles of flying superheroes that selfishly treat each other anyway they want. What happens then?

Superman 2. 

Yep Superman's nemesis are just people that he loved or that his father loved. General Zod was perhaps the planet's highest general. Would he not be granted the same powers as Superman along with his wife and dummified bodyguard. Well they probably would not give the bodyguard too many powers so... But what's missing from Superman 2?  They fight and we find out what happens if he gets married. We ask ourselves hmm, would a misspelling, not so bright city girl that doesn't want kids because her sister has them and she has one word for it "bleah", would this girl stay with Superman or would she divorce him. Yeah she would, so that's why everyone's gotta go "Yank!" on the wifey for Superman.

Sorry man. Two for me, none for you, cuz you all Superman and stuff congratulations and good luck with that.

My last point, is Krypton. What is death to Superman? Kryptonite. Why does this kill him? What the hell is specific radiation?


Yeah, that's why Jesus said that rich people don't make it to heaven, which is nothing special really since heaven is peace, heaven is happiness, heaven is not joy, heaven is pretty easy btw and what's so hot about heaven? Hmmf. One day you got it and next day poof heaven again sitting on the dock of the bay.. watching the tiiiime roll away... ooh.. I was sitting on the dock of the bay... wastin' tiiiiIIIiiiiime. (whistles music). That's a day in heaven. Congrats and thank you sir may I have another?

Ok sidetracked. Secrets are dark magic. All magic is accomplished with it. You can use them as a multiplier for wealth because the more people will keep your secret or HAVE to keep your secret, the higher the multiplier. So what if JFK Jr wants to find out what happened to his father? What if Anastasia wants to get married to a servant or find what happened to her family, what if Morrigan said to Flemeth that her child was a child of an old god and wrested herself from her influence and bathed in the influence of the new child which is perhaps just perpetuating the same influence into a new era, while keeping all the same secrets in check.

Well see rule no 1 where you do something selfish with power given to you by hell.

Krytonite is just stones. Stones thrown at you from your old world. Stones that you can easily dodge one at a time, but over time one hits you just as you were going to step over a drain, or it hits you just as you were gonna press send on an email you wrote then thought against it. Stones from that old world which you thought was destroyed in the blast but somehow keep showing up like cancer in your body.

We saw in the movie that the stone wasn't actually the radiation rock giving off too much energy that mutated Kal-el's skin into a glob of cancerous monkey doody, I hate that word but if I say it enough maybe Sarah Silverman will poof in front of me and we can rub one out. No kryptonite is not like that. Krytonite steals your spirit. Every hit from a stone stops you, interrupts you, introduces fear over and over. People imagine getting stoned like as though people with a rock would maybe get lucky and the first stone would crack you skull and haha it's over. No. Stoning is like wearing the scarlet letter. Stoning is carrying people's hate even with a stare over and over in society. When you come down from being Superman, you ain't gettin back up. People who all had faith in you, now have doubt. People that were jealous of you, now becry your vanity and how powerful you were. The millions of good deeds done get lost on the few who now hound you with what a "protected" person you were and it's all because hell gave you this power and you must be the son of the devil. And they're right in some ways. Secrets are the work of the devil and these little stones of secrets will suck the spirit right out of you if someone doesn't pull you out of their influence.

But if you didn't abuse your power, you are good with hell. Jesus said let him who is without sin cast the first stone. So if you're stoning someone, maybe you ought to count how many years of jail you get for smoking a bowl of weed everyday for 20 years.

So that's my take on Superman. I used to look up to him a lot like Jesus and it's with some amount of pride that I say that I like to think of them as heroes and aspire to be like them.

Try to remember one last thing from this also, that a genius jew said once everything is relative. This time I am talking about Einstein.  If you have brains, people can punch you shut you up, and if they see that happen, they are gonna stop studying cuz they can shut you up. So why would they ever be like you? But for you it's very easy to be like them so that's why war is inevitable.

For everyone that has spent a long time making money, same thing. One guy schmoozes this girl to walk into your party and suddenly you have a homicide whodunnit who cares goodjob Mr. I-messup-people's-reputations for a price. Why would he ever work hard for money?

Same thing for a politician. You get elected mayor build up your standing with top people that seem to be on the up and up and poof one day you say something about rape, which is actually true, and there goes your career in politics. I realize we probably shouldn't go around sexing women till they come and then calling it love when it was rape, but I also realize I might know a political assassination when I see one.

So again, relative, you should rest easy that I am calm( THIS IS CALM ?) Count your blessings that you are not the Koch Brothers getting stoned. That you are not Mitt Romney who spent his whole life seeking public service to get this treatment from people. That you aren't Bush who gets blamed for the war. That you aren't Quadafi cuz man that musta sucked getting that stick shoved up in there.

And think to yourself for a moment why do they say to fear god? Why always say god is watching? No. Don't say that. Say hell is watching, from above, and it's happy that you are so hateful and boy didn't it feel just so GOOD to throw those stones. You must have LOVED it. Everyone just let you.

Quadafi must have loved it.