Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, October 12, 2012


BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

In math there is a strange series of numbers that appear as you get close to zero. In fact I would rather state that this is what it is like to change dimensions. I don't understand what the fourth dimension looks like anymore than I can recognize what the first dimension looks like.

We are in the third dimension. Everything has length width and height. Since we have two eyes we can sense depth because of the difference in images sent to the brain by the two eyes.

If we had only one eye we would all be in the second dimension. Everything would just have length and height and though the forms would change, we would not be able to tell depth or width unless we got up next to the object. It would be unsettling to suddenly be blind to depth though once trained to sense depth, even with one eye, you would still be able to sense depth with just the one eye. Just close your one eye and test that for yourself.

And this is what it is like to be able to sense evil. Once you can sense it you are forever "sense"tive to it. Like having a sixth sense. You can detect evil. Evil once it knows this, especially the higher up ones they are going to want to ruin you or at least to discredit you so that people won't believe you. I have to say it does sound rather selfish to say you know who all the bad people are hahaha. So I will leave that there.

So the fourth dimension would include length height width and perhaps heat. If there is a spidey-sense, then this would be it. An ability to sense danger or animosity. My guess is that all wild animals have it. They all have 2 eyes so why not have this. So since domesticated people don't have this sense, you could say they are inferior. They are less aware. But if you have this sense then people that care, like police or criminals for example, will want to know who you are because you are no longer domesticated. If they "train" you to be wild, you can no longer be domesticated. Paradox.

If you are blind, you are in the first dimension. You can only sense how far away something is by sound. By the one dimension you can sense. If you once had sight you can imagine an image of what you are seeing but as your life goes by your images start to fade and you forget what everything looks like, except your mother's face maybe or having sex or what pizza looks like but for the most part you won't be able to add image to every sound so, in that vein, there is hope that someone free from danger, can lose his sense of animosity. He can lose his Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. His PTSD.

I hope so. For all of our soldiers' sake.

But that main reason I am writing is to tell you about the interesting that happens as you get to numbers below one. Can you have HALF of a dimension?

Our elements go from having a balanced 1 proton 1 electron atom in Hydrogen all the way up to Uranium 235 or Carbon 14 or 7 or whatever. All balanced atoms that interact with others to create the various structures in our world.

Now in numbers if you want to divide something BY something else, it yields a number. Something solid. Imagine a Carbon 7 atom divided by Helium 2. That makes a 3 and 4 atom. Take a Uranium atom and divide it by a Gold atom and you get? Who cares. Hah, you women instantly know what I mean when I say that. You know more women should insist on orgasms out there because none of them ever asked me to finish them off.. like I mean ever. A lot of times I have but many other times I haven't and they didn't object from me just getting up and stopping and even though I was grateful and stuff that I could stop and I got mine, if I think about what I would feel like getting sex and getting close to orgasm, IT WOULD REALLY MATTER how to make a woman come! Just sayin.

Ok sidetracked. Now take this example of division and divide 235 by 5 and you get, 200 by 5 is 40 plus 35 by 5 is 7, so 40 plus 7 is 47. Ok easy.

Now what if you divide it by 2. 200 by 2 is 100, 30 by 2 is 15, 5 by 2 is 2.5 so 100 plus 15 plus 2.5 is 117.5. Nice, but notice how 117.5 is much higher than 47. So if you divide by a higher number it creates a smaller actual residue but in theory the same total.

Keep in mind we are liking this to elements.

Now if we divide by 1 we get 235. That's much higher than 117.5. But that's the end isn't it? We can't divide by zero. We can divide by negatives but there are no negative elements out there. All elements are solid. But the smallest conceivable element is hydrogen. There can be only one. OBI-WAN!

What if we create an element smaller than one? It has to exist right? Somewhere close to the center of the sun, something in there is more stable than hydrogen at higher temperatures, right? Maybe a half proton and half electron yeah?


What happens when you split real stuff with this material? Let's divide 235 by a half. 200 divide by a half is 400, 30 divide by a half is 60, 5 divide by a half is 10 so 400 plus 60 plus 10 is 470.

So somewhere in the sun, matter that is less than one is taking all of our trash and creating MORE material than they started with. MORE.

This is what they mean when they refer to anti-matter. It's not that matter can be negative, it means that matter at very high temperatures with perhaps unique properties, can pull matter from another dimension.

If this were possible for us to harness we would indeed have unlimited energy. But then what. It pains me to give this information to you because everytime I give monkeys stuff they just use it against me. They abuse it.

Our earth is exploding even as we speak but that is because close to the center of it there is anti-matter or more appropriately perhaps, nanomatter. This is the fuel that could take us to other planets. This is how we maximize what we know with what will happen.

There is a cost off course. Everything comes in pairs. This matter that is exploding with matter at the center of our planet is in fact imploding in a parallel universe. In a black hole I guess. So I guess there must be black holes. It's hard to explain and it will take me some time to understand it but just like with the ejaculation suction theory of mine about orgasms, it doesn't make sense but in a small way it does.

Hope this helps someone.