Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

RNC comments

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Ok. I am going to start by stating what being a Republican is. To be a Republican you gotta be an opportunist. As a Republican you believe in freedom from government. You believe that you built it.

Whatever it is you built, you did it on your own and it's yours, whatever it was.

At this moment I am watching the Republican Convention. Recurring themes include no "handouts", no new taxes, getting the job done, maintaining a strong national defense.

Now I have to laugh to myself everytime I see a woman talking about a strong Republican party because it's like this, BWahahahahaahahahahaaa!

If I was a prophet, this is how it would go for predictions. I predict the government will have more power. To do this, I need to have the opportunists on my side. To get them on my side I would introduce the old custom of "prima nocta". Yeah cuz all of my friends would love to have first night with all their employees' wives.

What about the women who vote? Well we all know that those women who "hunt opportunity" are really guys in womens' bodies. They would LOVE to do this to their male counterparts because you know fair is fair... even when it isn't.

Imagine a ship. We are all on this ship let's call it the USA and it's sailing and trying to find new land and nourishment, all the while keeping its people happy, women included. Now let's say this ship has 100 people. Is the ship more efficient if it has 1000 people on it? Some people would say that we need all 100 people to have the ship run at its best. But as usually happens, some of the people don't want to carry their fair share. So others have to work harder. Now if you have Republicans in charge they dig a hole in the ship. Oops! How'd that get there?! Well one of the crew now has to work full time carrying water up from the hole and put it overboard. Now everyone agrees this is necessary and NOONE wants to be that guy or girl but someone is chosen and poof, suddenly everything runs better! Much better! Soon people forget that guy is down there and wonder why they didn't think of this sooner. Yeah. Problem is everyone is "afraid". They don't want to be the one stuck throwing out the water and since throwing out water is not "real" work, the guy never gets switched out.

This is a society driven by fear.

This is what it means to be a Republican. This is the twisted, Omelas, musical chairs, let's put Humpty back together again or die trying rhetoric of the opportunist. As long as it's not YOU in the dunk chair, it's fine. Welcome to the Holocaust. Any Jew out there remember that? Well, if you do then you wouldn't be a Republican.

Still, because the size of the ship there will come a time to curb the fat. The ship can't hold 1000 people if it was made to hold 100. Slowly, even in a fixed system, the population without opportunist begins to decay. People on automatic pilot forget how to land the plane. Wives become fat. Workers begin to bitch. Politicians begin to find "new" things to talk about.

So, though I was hopeful to get inspired by the convention and perhaps learn what all of these people are so excited about, I found that for the most part they are just looking after their own interests. Obama bash this, pipeline that, let's put everyone back to work the other, because only lazy people don't have jobs, apparently unlike everyone at the convention.

But remember my ship analogy. We don't need to put a hole in the ship. Imagine a bowl full of water. Now put a hole at the bottom and drip drip drip... human sacrifice. Let's start another war!

Now I might be the first philosopher to think we all would be better off if we could find a way to co-exist but wait no... EVERY philosopher says this. So why don't we do it?!

I am shocked to see a stadium full of people that are electing a corporate raider, who freely admits his job is to find value from undervalued companies, and they all believe that he will put them first.

No, my friend, no.

I am taken in by this Paul Ryan though. I believe him but I know that he is too young to be there. Plus he is an actual politician with experience in public service. Of course a governor should have this experience too but Hmm, somehow I think it's different.

Now there ARE some things that I want Republicans to do for us that Obama won't do:

1. I want all overseas jobs brought back or maybe we could just tax those jobs to help pay for our healthcare. Heh. Even republicans have to say "damn, Hohito that's very opportunist of you"

2. I want the military to be expanded to include local law enforcement. This would make all bases practical and would inspire young people to join our "security" forces and it would make permanent our commitment to national defense by using the same people for local police. But I still want the Homeland Security dismantled. Yeah, we won the war so it's time to cut that terrorist crap out. Even your local gang is a terrorist so the whole organization has no point. Just make the CIA answer to the NSA but only if the FBI agree to this and if not then we need to see what the DEA have to say about it. Yeah cuz we don't have enough law enforcement already we need a new national agency ... hmmf. I mean mathwise, you can expect 4% if you go by standard deviations, to be really bad people using the tri-delta method of statistics so just take 4% of all people and put them in security. See? Was that so hard to figure out. Of course if WHOLE companies are being allowed to invest in derivatives that have no borrowing limit.... well nevermind.

3. I want Puerto Rico made into a bona fide state and I want some land traded to make Alaska connect to the US, and I want all the territories like Guam and such made into regular states. I don't know why but it just seems like it needs to be done.

4. I want NASA to be made a permanent part of the military. Why? Because everytime a scientist discovers some great whatever the hell it is, they think THEY own it and the military is trying to abuse the god-given rights of scientists to make the information available to everyone. I have one thing to say about scientists that act like environmentalists that are worried about global warming and the TREES god save them and what's gonna happen to "mutant" ninja turtle if we put up condos.... Morons.

This is what I tell people that ask me too many questions... "remember Sweet N Low."

In the 70s, everyone was drinking TAB to lose weight etc, and using Sweet N Low with their coffee and perhaps using it in their cereal and iced tea. One day, saccharin was proved to be carcinogenic. It caused cancer. Poof. Out with TAB, out with Sweet N Low, out with a whole lot of soft drinks. A few decades later, after a few businesses go bankrupt, another study finds that it's NOT carcinogenic.

Hmmf. So don't believe everything.

You know in the 90s, cars were equipped with catalytic converters with the intention of saving everyone from smog. To its credit, I think we probably saved a lot of people from cancer even though there is no study that is going to come close to battling the oil companies even if it could be proven(don't call it preventing cancer, call it curbing smog!), and what we got out of this "goodwill" was a huge line of people once a year going to some car wash looking place where they "checked" if the car was ok and if it wasn't, you had to get it fixed. WOW, guess what happened? Twice we had to go to a mechanic to have our car checked and then we had to pay to have it fixed. And guess who DIDN'T have to pay? Rich people. Yeah, their nice leased or almost new cars never needed repairs but if you were me, in my 20s with rent, car insurance, car payment, there goes my check... we couldn't afford the repairs. Well, fast forward a couple of years of "who's great idea was this?!!" and we don't check the stupid catalytic converter now in Florida.

In fact, when your check engine light comes on, it usually means that this contraption is to blame, which by the way has been on on my car for the last 5 years because AUDI has tried several times to fix it and MOO Zointks what's that?! Now that I don't have a job, I really can't afford to fix it.

Don't buy an AUDI. Compared to Mercedes, it's trash, well... I love my car but I'm unhappy with it.

5. I want mechanics to be certified in the military, all of them. Only the people at Jeep know how to fix a car right so only soldiers know how to fix Jeeps, so all mechanics should have to serve... preferably in the front line... where everyone uses cars... you don't believe ME?!! I think that mechanic is calling me a liar dear...

6. I want the Republicans to repeal Obamacare. Because we could use a break from our taxes like when Bush sent us a fat check to bolster the economy and then thru some mishap gas prices shot up and basically used up all of the money that was given to us in a year which it seems to me like we took some money from the government ... and then gave it to the oil companies... and then we all thought we got a good deal... but wait the prices stayed at the new rate.. so it's like we were bribed in an effort to raise gas prices... but we were too stupid to realize it... and and wait how much money did we actually get?

7. If we go to war again, I want our young people to get a REAL pay increase for going. I mean, I might be just a dumb high school dropout or a pregnant teenager who's child is staying with gammy while I go to boot but hey man people are DYING out there. DYIING. It's not Jenga, it's not Jumping Jacks, it's not Jar Jar rehearsal, It's DEATH. I wanna see words like double pay for leaving the country, quadruple pay for missions with a weapon, 16 times normal pay for spy duty. Cuz it's math. and you and me both know that's that's prettty much how it ougtta be.. well ez for me to say since I'm not the one paying. Besides, we all know that M-16 costs probably like 10k and your helmet costs probably another 1000 so if they are spending stupid amts on gear, why not spend stupid amounts on the actual soldiers?

Ok, that sums it up I guess. Truth is there are times when I want our government to kick ass and it's around those times that I want to go out and beat someone up and since that's normal then Republicans are normal. God bless em. I still have to laugh when I see women there though.

I mean earlier, I was watching a show about bride kidhappings in Chechnya. Yeah. I don't even want to talk about it it's so stupid. It's on Link TV and it's real. The government was so radicalized by the war with Russia that the peg-heads left put this tradition in place to make men feel more powerful.

You know, there is a future out there, once the rich people secure their positions, where there won't be a minimum wage, where all houses will be rented and all property will be claimed and not for sale, where information about space and the ocean will be controlled and fictional and fantastic( I honestly believe this is the case about Uranus but meh), where first borns are slaughtered so that the rest of the family's youth are humbled, where money is a thing of the past and credit bureaus are allowed for only a select few who are allowed to borrow, where jail is where everyone goes that doesn't work, where drinking is allowed only in the presence of a physician. And you know when all of this happens, only the strong will be left, and none of these will be women. Why? Because once women have children they can be controlled, men not so much. So for a woman to be in the Republican party, is like a cow carrying a "Eat more chicken" sign except that he is not at a Chick Fil A, he's in front of a McDonald's.

I know this is sexist blah blah and a couple of stuns later I will probably be all "you my mofo" to some woman in a stun gun fight, but I you know women are beautiful. All the ones on TV, especially at my age,

make me soft inside. I dunno. A man that is terrible can still inspire other men because of his accomplishments and holdings, eg. Donald Trump or George Bush or Vladmir Putin. They aren't good looking, they aren't trying to be. But a woman being terrible, there is no way, imo, she can inspire. She must be beautiful and therefore cannot be terrible and cannot be one of the strongest, so by that token, all women should be Democrats, inspiring others to treat each other philosophically, with more government, more trust, more interaction, more goodwill. The ideal leader of the democratic party would be a woman imo because democrats DO want to engender goodwill. They DO want more help made available, even if some people are getting away with double. They are forgiving and are against human sacrifice. Guys when they are tough, expect losers to bow out and if not too bad for them and so what if they're pissed. Women not so much.

Meanwhile I'm watching the RNC and it's a real leap from one Republican to another. I have a deep respect for GW and Condy Rice but from them to other Republicans is like HEYYY where did the high class people go? Sometimes it's like they all feel like they are in a club where you don't have to speak good English or watch your manners.

Atm Condy Rice is talking about the military and I know she doesn't believe in sending people to war so much as she believes people that are not Republican are foreign to her. Once you choose a party, it's all uphill from then on just trying to be more popular than people like you but not like you. But to get to the top of this HUGE structure of people and then know that a whole different set of people could be in charge, well, you know you woudl just be against it like she is. She is against democrats and imo she is just loyal to Bush though she really doesn't sound so self-interested like the others. Man. What a leap she is from all the others. I tell ya.

Always this happens, I'm about to give up on the whole group of people and then the one amongst them, genuine and fervent, determined and plain. humbly outspoken, wow, I would vote for her.

Such dumbasses have been speaking for the last 3 hours that I thought I just had to write about the failed party but at least she doesn't come out and SAY that the Republicans are the rich people's party like the other speakers imply.

Ok I'm tired of typing. I was going to explain how Republicans and Democrats both can be bad parties, and I was going to mention that I didn't know whether to join the Republicans to clean out their bad people or to join the Democrats to straight up fight the now tainted Republicans but meh it will have to