Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Aw he's tired

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You know, if you want to do something great for the economy, everyone should go out to their local malls and buy their presents there. It's not savvy to be talking about high unemployment and those selfish corporate raiders who outsource jobs because it's cheaper, and THEN at the same time you order your Christmas gifts online.

So be American, hike your butt off to the mall. The jobs you help save include Sears and your local ma and pa restaurants that depend on you as do their workers.

Take it from someone with a whole lot of time on his hands, if the malls start to close, the theaters will be next, and then the bars and then basically people will have no reason to drive anywhere, which is not a bad idea because it's expensive to drive, but while you do this the people you help keep their jobs are YOUR local community.

Or maybe you think it's a good idea to have people in India, who take your online orders, who are at war with Pakistan, who will eventually get sick of India enough to attack them, who will protest in Edison-like fashion at someone else taking their jobs AWAY enough to land their attacks against companies here... maybe you think it's ok to give THESE people your business.

Oh I just realized who Miss America looks like, I'm talking about the girl that NOBODY knew would be attracted to the most powerful man in the country, who acted like a little in girl in bed asking somebody to read her a story and then wondered what she is doing in bed alone.

She looks like my ex.

Just to mark the date, I just found out my brother-in-law wants a divorce. We spent years together chewing time at the bar and he finally had enough of my sister, who I agree can be a real handful but you don't want her picture up here cuz ya'll would be like STOP the PRESS!

More proof of the old axiom... For every beautiful woman, there's a guy that's tired of [doing] her.