Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Stop trying to make a gang

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You know, I have been reading Conan the Barbarian since I was very young. My father would often buy bundles of these comics and always come back with some for me to read when he got back from going on a long trip.

In the latest one that I read, I read about a city named Gizal, who was stated to be 900 years old. Once Conan got there in passing thru he talked to some women at the well and without fear despite his drawn weapon they stopped and talked to him and told him they didn't know his friends that he was trying to follow. Soon after that he drank the water and ate from the fruit.   This caused him to become as addled as the rest of the population that was ageless. 

Some time later some bandits show up, as they often do, and proceed to loot this defenseless city while inadvertently feeding some of their "clean" food to Conan who was taken prisoner without a fight due to the dulling effects of "drinking the kool-aid" from this ageless city. Later of course Conan escapes not before the bandits get theirs from the half-burned city that rises up against the bandits after oh so much killing.

This brings to light what the end result of being "too democratic" means for the nation. If everyone agrees to do their job and gets the same pay, they all become like this city(perhaps like Cuba).  They do jobs that are not important, they don't hurry to get their jobs done, they allow bandits to come and take them over and are frankly surprised that people would want to kill them.

Don't let this happen to you.

Even though Republicans have an awful ability to be under-handed which I may never trust, the movement of being the best, of might is right, of choosing only the best people and the rest get none, this is what is needed if we don't predict correctly when the attack will come.

Luckily we CAN survey the whole planet and limit or at least predict when a threat is raising its head. Now, safe from this threat, electing someone that is ABOVE might is right, is the right thing to do.

In philosophy, one thing is universally true just as "respect is earned" is true at the bar...  might is not right. Might is right is why everyone with a philosophy degree has a job because they teach what we are all taught at a young age, that we need to work together.

I looked it up and Chris Hayes got his Philosophy degree so yay! for Philosophy majors which even though my philosophy professor asked me to major in it because I had a real affinity for it, I didn't see how I could make any money.  Once again yay for Chris Hayes that shows that journalism is the PERFECT place for a philosophy major.  Plus he says that he wouldn't be in his job without Rachel which by the by makes me like her even more.

Now,  there is a time for "everyone deserves respect" and there is a time for "respect is earned". I have said this before that we need Republicans to save us from other countries, whereas we need Democrats to save us from ourselves.

Sadly, people in charge of the democratic party are not so above corruption or under-handedness as are the republican party but how much is too much. How far can we go?

Is it possible that the Republicans planned 9/11? Is it possible that the Democrats planned Hurricane Sandy?  

I was watching Ann Coulter selling her book and though at first I thought wow she's a long conversation that would go into the "wee" hours, later I realized she has a real handle on what she believes, AND IT'S NOT WRONG.

But this leads me back to my previous contention that we are all going to be run by women one day, unless Iran takes us over. Men are simply just not fun to look at. No matter how inspiring their message is, it just pales in comparison to a well versed woman espousing her views in a righteous fashion. In fact, sometimes when I start to believe something a guy is saying that I know is false, like Romney for example, I start to feel like a bitch. Like how stupid am I to believe what a GUY says.  But how much better is it to find out that the guy from AIG is the Treasury Secy.

That's why I like Rachel Maddow.

Either one, Rachel or Ann Coulter, gets my attention, not because they must have an apple cherry pie behind that fridge... but because they have achieved education I was not able to have, they have a fit shape that I know is hard to maintain, because they take the hits from so many common people that I know I could not endure. They are superior individuals and they are worthy of their notoriety.

On another note, I was listening to Melissa Perry I think and she was discussing how far we have come in rascism. You know there are real reasons for rascism that we all need to agree with and that is that people in their groups, based on race, treat others as inferior. So the more blacks get together to stop rascism, the more they are guilty of it. The more illegal immigrants get together the more they are in fact setting themselves apart from the norm. The more Chinatown has its billboards put up in Chinese to help people from the area read, the more people that are not chinese stop going into the area. The more religious people harp on about abortion being against God, the more people guilty of sin are going to choose AGAINST doing what they say.

Stop trying to make a gang.

Gangmembers don't get help from the police, don't get voter approval, don't have anyone from outside preaching that they might be right. So stop it!

Remember also though that while we all work together and legalize pot and gay marriage, that we are LOSING important advantages from our nation/gang.

Gay people can't have babies. Serious disadvantage. We are a nation run by votes and if we have a BELIEF that population rules, people from other countries that have more people that work harder are going to see the benefits of our CHARITY. We should not extend philosophy to other nations that don't follow ours.

Rewind to the British who thought it was "honorable" to walk in lines in combat towards our revolutionary soldiers who were told to "wait until they see the whites in their eyes". That was our soldiers using philosophy and honor against our enemy.

We should not make the same mistake.

So if you are gay and want to get married, that's fine just adopt a baby or two. Do your part. If you think marijuana should be legalized so that you can relax without taking a pill, make sure the addiction is not slowing your productivity.   And if you can't have babies because of the pot, well adopt a baby and keep on smokin. (This coming from a man without children, hmmf, maybe don't listen to me) You like to drink and drive and maybe think more people should be having this much fun, take a taxi or vote for more buses. Drinking is always going to be around but you can bet people in Iran or China aren't having problems getting to work on time... not with 30 people willing to take their jobs. As we make this country more evolved like IBM for computers or Apple with windows, make sure we are amenable to change. Apple fell WAY behind when the Windows technology was undersold from them. IBM fell out of the picture when it made too many restrictions that made other choices more cost-effective. We as a country have to be OPEN minded and have to make changes to keep our engine turning.

To keep that happening we need to have public education, public healthcare, public energy and it won't happen if we don't keep our eyes overseas. Public not private.  But we need both because innovation and choice is how Apple stayed alive and is why a city that sleeps doesn't grow.

One last thing, our constitution is what?  The Law of the land. What are the guts of it? Amendments.

If you see someone making a mistake, give them a chance. If you say something wrong, you can make up for it. If you get hit, take the hit. Jesus said to "turn the other cheek" and that was not so much to make eunics of all the males so much as it was to let us know that TWO HITS let's us know it was no accident! He didn't say to take two hits and drop your pants YOU SISSY, he said this so that people would allow for mistakes. If someone says he thinks rape is this, well that's his opinion and has nothing to do with his ability to do the job but if it has a cost in charm well that is something else. If Judge Santora thinks too many blacks came into his courtroom, that has nothing to do with his job and doesn't make him rascist. If Clinton slept with that girl, what does that have to do with the Presidency? I mean those choices turn good leaders into not so popular ones, true, but it doesn't change their ability to be responsible or to be good people.

So give people a chance and remember that truly evil people, they can't help themselves and they do evil over and over and over. In a similar vein, when we make choices, like healthcare or prohibition, remember that the law of the land was meant to be changed or "amended" and therefore things that are wrong now may not be wrong in the future... and can be amended... and should not be rejected.

Remember Sweet n Low.