Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Secret of Steel

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Does putting a 2 year old next to the a rich black man's dog remind me of Michael Jackson? Nope. Not one bit. Send MORE children to the White House, because WHOLE GROUPS of people supporting the President have sense somewhere they just gotta FIND it.

I can't restate this enough. False neighbors, be careful of them.

So my message for today is from a Superman. Yeah, you know I wrote about him a while back. He flies above the law and what not but it's ok because his funny red boots let everyone know that it's okay it's not a bird or a plane, it's THE MAN. So here goes a famous quote that I quoted from different sort of "Man of Steel".

Don't let the STEEL work you, YOU work it.

Important words about survival and duress. You may not be able to take a million hits all lined up against you, but as you shape these hits into something you can use, you have to remember to not get too worked up. (This is similar to that last scene in Shaolin Soccer where the unemployed female Master of Shaolin uses her skill of the Ying Yang to shape evil into something awesome).  This quote was taken from steel workers that shape and weld steel onto ships. The patience that it takes to do this is the basis for the quote. And so does harassment make you stronger if you manage the hits enough to survive and not lose control of your temper. This is what I call the riddle of steel. It is something about managing yourself after the evil you unleashed comes back to you... possibly like a whole ship down on your hand.

I was just watching Alex Wagner. I have to say she does NOT like Rob Ford but she's funny about it in a way that is not cruel. She displays her facts and sheer dismay with an OMG face that frankly I share.

I wonder if that would make a good campaign strategy for me to just tell people we are going to do all the things we know we shouldn't do and wait to see how many poor people show up to elect me. I might win... you think?

I have another quote.  The Secret of Steel I call it.  It's from Conan the Barbarian the movie. I'm not gonna tell it to you but when you figure that out, you go up a level. Understanding it makes you see what makes the SWORD so necessary. What makes air so different when breathed by you or by me or by some rich person. It's a valuable lesson but you have to learn it for yourself, I can't just TELL it to you. 

It defines all of life.