Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Playing healer

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

Sometimes, I like to play white mage.  It is a difficult job to play.  Your focus on the battle and special effects has to give way to concerns over status effects like paralysis and poison for Paladins and silence and slow for Ninjas.  Both are styles of play that I have mentioned before and are attuned to the kind of party you have.  If you have a DARK party, then shadows and speed are more important.  You can survive if you can do enough damage fast enough, preferably before the monster gets TP to do his Weaponskill like move.  As WHM you watch closely to make sure if there is an emergency, you can bomb the group or the Ninja with heals because it's easy to interrupt a Ninja either through silence or with stuns or with spells because shadows don't block spells. 

This is what you have when you don't have regular police. 

Life emulates FFXI? A Ninja is not this bastion of anti-magic, or shield blockage or self-healing.  A ninja uses secrets or lies(spells) and haste and double weapons as opposed to shields.  He is likely to use curses and poison isnt he?  

Anyway before I beat up the police too much, remember that each and every police officer is his own mountain.  He chooses his style, whether it is a Paladin that focuses on being resilient and courageous with emphasis on healing; or it is the Ninja that focuses on being evasive and fast with a focus on curses and shadows, both are effective for protecting your party from damage. 

So now the question is what function do I have as a priest...  as a healer?  How do I help them to protect me and others?  Answer is I can't.  People have their styles and it's up to me to let YOU GUYS know what to look for.  Flash is not often used by white mages but you'd be surprised how useful it is when used with Ninjas.   So this news-"Flash" is to help them understand each other; and you understand it all. 

This picture is similar to what the world is like, partially blue, slightly green, mostly desolate... and me right in the middle. .