Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


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Ok so it's time to talk about be an atheist. I am an atheist. SECupp is and Bill Maher is and that's about the extent of people that I could "call" an atheist. It's nice to be able to NOT talk about people's motivations isn't it?

Today I read an article about a college senior revealing his atheism, thank you Julia, and all this while having attended a christian university. The bells and whistles rang out in my head as warning of the feedback he would get and in response I am going to talk about religion today and it's going to make a lot of people angry.

A great many people believe in a religion and doing so makes them believe that their beliefs are superior because theirs are clear. They are right. They are superior and you have to realize that right from the start. To have a clear faith or belief system makes you MORE committed to doing the public good. That is what we expect of our neighbors, is that they and we are doing the public good.

Now when you teach a religion, the purpose is to establish for children what right and wrong is and to show them that others will also follow these "commandments" in an effort to establish TRUST between people. It is a simple system. Stories are used, some less profound like the "you're soaking in it" type like the water to wine story; to the epic "your name will now be Paul" heard from the booming voice of God.

Paul should be the name of someone amazing shouldn't it?

But the purpose of the Bible is to tell these stories so that each of us, maybe ALL of us, even in countries of different languages, can have these as reference. This way when you change your mind about drinking, drinking water can make you as happy as drinking wine, a miracle; or the burden of fighting for the legion of a tyrant can be discharged as you realize that doing the public good is better served by overthrowing the tyrant. And that's what the stories are for to make images in our minds that ALL of us can use to say OH YEAH, the booming voice of god was ME when I finally stood up and SAID something against oppression.

But these stories are not meant to be the political sphere of the country. Indeed, it should be obvious that as you hold these "witch doctors" as holy, more and more of the stories can be curbed for a political agenda. For example, I might use the story of Jesus' miracle to say Jesus thought drinking was ok; or I might use the booming voice of god to justify "might is right" policies(aka, slavery).

Indeed religion was not meant to be the structure of our society, our constitution is the structure of our society. Religion is a subset to what our order is. If it is a good religion and it has been around a long time, you can rest assured that those people, mormons, muslims, jews, and I don't know Santa Claus believers, that they police themselves at least inasmuch as the "witch doctors" tend to be older and wiser and understand what the goal is, which is ... to create an organization that can be trusted by the public and to motivate them. You could even treat the service industry as such a thing.

But remember that as people trust these "witch doctors", the agenda they have, will mold what their sermons teach. And that's a danger, sure, but it should be obvious to everyone that all witch doctors want as many members as possible and also obvious that it's patently retarded to damage one of your own, because everyone will see that their trust in him... is misplaced.

This is what it is like to have the NSA. Our "witch doctor", The President, is supposed to be explaining things to us but what has happened is that harassment to our own has taken place. Surveillance and money used to harass our enemies and insignificant whatnots are being used to vilify our own. But that's not why I am writing today. It's sad but the NSA itself should be a religion but instead they have contractors.


I still think Edward Snowden was right to expose them for all their worth because not only are they attacking our own, they are using people that don't BELIEVE in our country, better defined as the public good, the body politic, the center mass, the tie that binds, the spider's hub. All things done in the NSA should be the work of people willing to die for our country, not the work of opportunists ready to sell information.   And I don't believe he was like that and thank God he was young because someone older would not have his courage. But I hope that many other young people do.

I have been told several times in my life of people that work for the NSA and always they are, in my view, associated with people of the highest caliber. People that I call friends, real friends because they believe in doing the public... a service.

And there goes the meaning of life. Did you really need a Bible or a preacher to figure it out? I almost wish I didn't say it, because you could have figured it out yourself.

I also read SECupp's article on atheism. I was trying to find an old comment and found an old article of hers.  And after she started talking about her father and his search for Christianity, I came to grips with what an intellectual she is. But insasmuch as her simple take of being an atheist made her an opponent of other atheists that looked down on people like her father, I learned that atheism has a different meaning for many different people.

And that is the purpose of this writing is to show you that THEISM, having a god, is great. Having a god, means you have a preacher, means you are a sheep, and therefore it means that you are a subset of our society, which also means you are not an alien. Sheep people are not dangerous and therefore need no special treatment.

ATHEISM, people without a god, not so great.  They can be called: Godless. Heathens. Monkeys. Young people choosing to be Atheist should realize that these words refer to a people that have no leader. Leaderless. Uneducated. Criminals. Niggers.  It should be noted that fear of these types of people, is well-placed because without God, without faith, all we project is fear to others (read James Baldwin's Rage and you will get a good idea of this) and you can expect that much more of it to be reflected back to you. The next thing to hit you is harassment. Just a funny look or a door shut in your face can serve as the first sign that people don't trust you. That's serious. Because if you don't follow rules or if there is a question of whether you do, people will start to ask "what religion is he", "where is his preacher or handler", "has he been arrested", "can he be", and said person without a nice congregation to support him when these questions arise, will be forced to suffer harassment without remedy, driving him into a discordance, until somehow the public begins to trust him again or until he is put in jail "for his safety". (thanks Tom Cruise - Knight and Day).

So to end this writing, people like Bill Maher and SECupp have nothing to worry about when they claim atheism because Millionaires have trouble caring about justice in our court system, let alone worrying they might be arrested for no reason, but college kids... yeah you BETTER worry, Edward Snowden is lucky he got out because 40 and 50 somethings can start wars, 20 somethings look an awful lot like cow meat already.

And what will happen when they ask these atheists to take an Oath?

ps. Man I thought I was done, but let me say one more thing.  I am on the road back to Christianity. I don't trust witch doctors so I will have to find my own way, but I am almost there. For you young people, trying out atheism, it is VERY helpful for you to watch Bill Maher and SECupp and Rachel Maddow and I know it's difficult to handle but somewhere in there in the middle of all of that conflict about gays and religion and Democrats, despite their animosity towards letting things unfold of their own accord, despite their outright REBELLIOUS behavior, you will get a sense of what doing the public a service is, and that is superior to having a religion.               

Oh, and religion is for kids.

Oh and remember that they have shiploads of people that work for them ... unlike you.