Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Twitter feed

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The fun part about using twitter is that it is so short. But that also makes it annoying. I frequently have to shrtn up words that i dtrmn 2b 2long and sumtims I just replace words with symbols and numbrs esp when running out of space.

I started out initially because I was outraged at how Amanda Bynes was being treated. Actually I heard about Paris Jackson and I was determined to send her a message if it was at all possible. So for that reason, I signed up to twitter. Then I found Amanda Bynes and I thought ok that's cool she's a little older and she will be my link to that age level. Then I found Brittany Snow. Soon after that, I realized that some people really don't use twitter as much as people like me. So I searched for even more people. 

I was into Rachel's and Alex Wagner's show at the time so I followed them and woo boy. Much more interesting to follow a journalist. They tweet ALL THE TIME. So then it got much more interesting. I liked Bill Maher too and Ellen so I followed them with the hope that I could cut up online and maybe give them a couple of laughs. But they hardly tweet at all. And sometimes I wonder if they are gonna turn the tables on me. I don't think Ellen does her own twitter but who knows.  Then I followed Sarah Silverman. I sometimes wonder if she is actually that smart or if some guy is tweeting for her. I know that she would probably be offended by that... right up until I grabbed her, stared into her eyes, and then either bent her over or got punched out. 

But as is usual, with me, I don't like to listen to one side of things. A million fans can't be wrong, like listening to Elvis. So even though I despised her sometimes, I followed SECupp. I decided to break down and admit it to myself that she was OMG beautiful and what did I ever do before her, and Gillian, and Katie, and, ah well you get the picture. 

And since I liked Ann Coulter first, I followed her too. The nice thing about Ann Coulter is that she has a regular blog so I don't have to go too long without thinking about her. It's funny she strikes me as older than me so I wonder if I like her for me or if I like her for my good buddy Bill Maher. Offended?

Hey, YOU are reading MY blog so get used to it. 

Yes, I know me and Bill are not buddies.  Ann is still sexy though and if she needs me to father a child or something, I will do it ONE TIME! (ok maybe twice cuz probably everyone 40+ knows the first time is crap)

That's the beauty of being single and not having had sex in a year, is that HEY, maybe a really special somebody needs some love. Sure I am not as emotionally stable as a cheating husband or a rock star and you are probably waiting... for me to say what the good side of dating me is... yeap, still thinking... trying to think what the upside of dating me is...

So anyways, twitter is like all the rage now and since I am actually contributing to society in a way, I don't feel like that much of a burnout now. I actually watch news shows and immediatelly comment if I hear some emo statement that doesn't add to the progress of knowledge of the discussion. So I feel useful.

What's even more helpful is Erin Burnett. 

So I found a couple of days ago while responding to one of Sarah's (Silverman, I know SECupp's name is Sarah but its easier to type SECupp so I just type that, even though I like her more, but not if I were with her, because I'm loyal, well relatively loyal it depends who you ask, and don't ask a bartender cuz they lie, not my friends that are bartenders just regular like nobody bartenders, yes I pay all my tabs) while responding to somebody's tweets and lo and behold DATA (Brent Spiner) sent a tweet to her list. So I go over to his tweets and he has a LONG set of tweets.

I have to make the remark that MEN tweet a lot more than women. That's not sexist. I mean Donald Trump and Morris Davis do a lot of tweeting.  And OMG Ed Schultz is like I have to page through them sometimes.  Nevertheless, I get this love letter feel to tweeting to women and my spirit feels like it's being productive if only for the sake of communicating with women, so I prefer to respond to women.

So I respond to Brent's thread and start to read the threads and wow those were some long threads. I have no idea why people are SO HARSH to him but they are and I mean mONKEY brain where is the Soap harsh. Still I read them just to see how long they could keep going and eventually I came to the end. Then the little "you might also like" came up with William Shatner's twitter and I was like OMG I have to follow him so I did. It is weird now to see famous people on my twitter. It's like I have ascended to the next level.

The other day one of them responded to me and I was like HUH? I can't talk TO you I can only talk AT you. lol. Still it was nice to have it happen once at least.

I have to say despite this being a lot like living on the BORG with people talking to each other, all the time, for anything, I wonder how it can be abused. What are the dangers? I know that for Brent and many others the danger is to have people attacking you for no reason online, which I guess you could just block them like Marina Sirtis said in her twitter. That's Counselor Troi btw. But what other things and tricks can be used to compromise people's peace of mind? I dunno but I guess we will find out.