Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The goal

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This is what it is like in a world that is balanced.  At the center is one "holy" tree, hopefully an Oak Tree or a huge variation of another tree.  This because all the air we breathe in provided by that tree is balanced by the air that we breathe out.  If you haven't learned this yet, plants provide Oxygen, which we breathe, while animals provide Carbon Dioxide, which the plants breathe. 

So what we breathe is provided by plants.  This means that, well, less plants makes us weaker, right?  More carbon dioxide by the way, (btw) also reduces the Ozone layer.  The ozone layer is a layer of Ionized Oxygen that helps absorb radiation from the sun.  If there is too much Carbon Dioxide, then this layer gets used up more.  This in my view weakens the ozone layer and causes weather that is more extreme.  So if there is a normal sized population, nothing special, when there is over-population, the planet rights itself much like the ocean does by sucking in putrid water into volcanic fissures and spewing it out sparkly clean out of another fissure.  Scientists say this ongoing process cleans ALL WATER of the course of tens of thousands of years.  

So it's nice to know that no matter how many nukes we drop, some people will eventually have clean water to start over with.  And in like respect, even though scientists haven't proved it, I expect oxygen gets cleaned the same way over time, through extreme weather.  

That's what led me to believe that good and evil must work the same way.  That the planet rights itself.  That more evil leads to more "opportunities" to be just and more good leads to more opportunities to misbehave.  

It's math.  

So since yesterday I trashed the Mexicans, it would not be fair to leave out the gays.  We have a problem with gays now.  We know that they are out there explaining to everyone that what they believe, which is a speech for acceptance.  

I whole heartedly agree with the notion of acceptance most especially for things you do in private that don't affect me. But as a philosophical concept, I have another view.  because in a body politic, the center is the most calm.  There should be little movement there and it should be richest in it's desire to support the rest of the country.  People in this "echelon" of existence or in the upper upper class should be the examples from which we all draw our inspiration.  They should be Popes or Presidential consultants or Nobel prize laureates.  These are people that eat meat but have analyzed what they do everyday and people not only copy it but write it down and post it as procedure for all of what should be a slew of followers who seek to rise to that level someday.  

As such, top officials that are gay have to analyze if being gay is something that we want in the upper echelon.  We know that using drugs like alcohol is a weakness.  People that are impaired don't know they did crack for example or can get away with buying cocaine as we've seen, so it's clear TOP officials should be NOT OF SOUND MIND, or impaired, in private and away from cameras.  Not because it's wrong or illegal but because it displays a lack of control which CAN ONLY lead to less control by its subordinates.  

In my time at Citibank, we went from Business Normal, which demanded that we wear shoes and tie everyday, to having Business Casual Fridays where you could skip the tie and wear "tasteful" loafers.  Eventually, years later, as the trend continued we got to Everyday Casual, which went so far as to allow oxford T-shirts and allow shorts if they went no more than 2" above the knee.  That's casual!  What did this do?  It took the rigid act of ironing your shirt everyday with starch and the act of tying your tie and lacing up your nice leather business shoes and traded that for reusable clothes that you could throw in the dryer and wear to work the very NEXT DAY without too much unruliness.  

It was the disenfranchisement of the associate.  Slowly and surely associates and supervisors wore more casual and more casual wear, while executives just kept on wearing their suits, knowing full well that to look your best was to inspire confidence and that to inspire confidence meant MORE opportunities and more responsibility.  

Ok I'm taking the long way but I promise I will get back to gays.  

This is what is happening in America.  The rich are getting INSANELY rich and the regular people are becoming more and more casual about working hard.  I don't think this is such a bad thing.  The entire time I worked there I KNEW I could be an executive but it seemed that there were MANY others who deserved those chances to rule.  And besides, being an example of someone un-ambitious clicked with my Christian side of being a humble person while also being incredibly experienced, incredibly knowledgeable of procedures, and incredibly well-educated in banking.  My job was easy but it also didn't pay well, and I decided to make that point to people that we didn't have to ALL try to make it to the top and be frustrated. 

Ok sidetracked, so the rich are becoming insanely rich and this is leading to a separation of people.  The rich are no longer inspiring the regular people.  Just like the officers at Citibank no longer had anything in coming with the average associate.  This "example" of wearing nice clothes was all we had to consider ourselves all part of the same company and there were TWO types of workers.   

To combat this, you have to have my experience and say NO to practices of separation like different clothes and values.  Oh boy I'm losin my point.  

Ok so that is why wearing nice clothes should be practiced by all because it inspires control.  It inspires pride.  It inspires a schedule.  

In like fashion, your sexual practices should inspire humanity to be more in control.  People at the fringes get to have fancy, but people in the center, the ones in the upper echelon, should have NO choices sex-wise just like they should NEVER be out in public "impaired" in some fashion.  So what is gay behavior?  Is it more controlled or less?  I believe it is less controlled.  Being gay is TWO things.  First, to try homosexual acts is simply a fancy.  Nothing illegal, in some states and because it's not harmful, I don't see why EVERYONE hasn't tried it.  Second, once you DO try these things, which are forbidden in some circles, it is second nature to try to do it BECAUSE you aren't supposed to.  It's like marijuana or other narcotics.  It's illegal but you keep on doing it.  It's like driving drunk.  You got away with it SO MANY times, they must not be able to stop you unless you slip up which by your standards would never happen.  You are acting childish sure but Adults just wanna have fun.  So it is my opinion that homos are simply people addicted to getting away with stuff.  There is probably a lot more to that but I will leave it there.  Girls that are homos are like the men, I think.  They mostly just get used to the person they are with and then they imprint on the other person's face and that's sex I mean whoever it's with, you're gonna REALLY REALLY like them after a couple of weeks.  Your BODY is gonna really really need them if you try to separate after a couple of weeks.  And to me that is what gay is, is just people that had sex too long and now they are stuck together much like it happens to regular people.  

The problem I have with it is the inspiration for it.  At the center of the body politic, at the upper levels of Presidential candidates and Nobel Prize intellectuals, I want normal people, attractive skinny people, well-dressed people and people that love our country people.  

This is the tough part because marriage for me is about children so for homos that is tough but still doable.  And I don't like the idea of them inspiring CHILDREN.  Nope.  No thanks.  I am NOT going to be explaining to my child that being gay is normal. 

I am going to explain sex in a way that tells them about inflows and outflows and how porn heightens your level of arousal especially when you don't have a partner.  I am going to explain to them that drinking scotch is wonderful and Amazing and if you do it right you can get drunk on Scotch every TWO days, maybe every day if you start off healthy enough. But after explaining anal sex and doggy style and proper posture and it's benefits especially to women, I am going to tell my children, that if you simply settle for any old girl or guy, and discuss everything possible as though there was noone else in the world, they won't need porn, they won't need scotch, and they won't need anal sex.  They will LOVE it if they try it, but they won't need it. 

And I think it absurd to teach people that children may be born gay.  It was a nice ploy to use when the community needed saving, esp people that were already hopelessly in-love and bonded to a same sex partner, but now that we understand it better, to say people are born gay, is absurd. 

Abortion should be allowed only to the lower classes.  Abortion is something that overwhelms someone poor.  Sex is quite overwhelming.  I said it before that 20 somethings need to have a chance at an education and a marriage and a career before accidentally having to sidestep it all for a family.  To be fair, I have NO IDEA what it is like to be pregnant.  Does the act of it FEEL wrong?  Does the pain or weakness of the baby sound off in the mother's head?  Does the damage of the abortion do physical harm to her in some way?  Since I am not a woman, I cannot vote on abortion.  I simply would be a moron to tell a woman or to tell ALL WOMEN what I think their options should be.  

Women should have that choice, in my opinion.  It's their body and if any Republican out there thinks that people should pull their own weight, then you must agree that the baby cannot pull its own weight and must therefore be left homeless like SO MANY Republicans like to do to people by cutting social programs. 

On the upside, it's better for the nation to make abortions illegal.  The country needs every soul it can muster to keep its place in the world.  

Remember, what is important is the Van Allen belt.   This is the electromagnetic barrier that surrounds the Earth.  It is my opinion that this belt is what deflects asteriods from hitting the Earth directly and further that every living soul makes it just that much stronger because it exists.   That means even animals should be allowed to live out their lives and moreso that a stock of herds should be kept grazing  out in the wild just for the sake of a diverse electromagnetic signature.  

So yes or no on abortion you say? I told you I can't vote. I am not a woman.

Women should decide that and if it was my wife and she thought like I did, we would allow it if we lived in a trailer park but if we were upper echelon, we would not.  

 So what is the goal?  The goal is control.  The goal is to have a body politic that is calm on the inside with varying degress of dissonance as the classes become less trustworthy.  Higher classes dress well, are heterosexual, married, and always sober. They abhor abortion but respect choice because THAT is the VISION that is our country but as an example to others they flaunt their wealth and their good manners in a way that encourages calmness as opposed to excitement. 

Now keep in mind also that this goal is a dream.  Rigid people tend to have the biggest need to break free, so keep in mind one of my favorite sayings that I originated myself at work...

Systems without buffers... break.