Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


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This one is simple.  Like Alex Wagner said in her opinion on the state of the union, its "evolving".

I'm gonna try to make this easy to understand.

In an environment where there is plentiful resources, people don't have trouble with each other.  So in rural or out-of-town areas, governments tend to be more religious and "trusting".  They tend to have less regulations.  They tend to be smaller.   They tend to be Republican.

As the concentration of peole goes up as it does in urban or downtown areas, people have more trouble with each other.  Competition leads to price-fixing, which lead to lawsuits, which lead to judgements and legislature.  After we elect a bunch of judges and leaders, they tend to have favorites.  And as all of these people of "means" begin to become better at working together, more regulations are needed to keep them from "ganging up" on consumers.  So cities with bunches of people, tend to have more regulations.  They tend to have bigger governemnt.  They tend to be Democrat. 

But remember Alex's view?  She thinks that the Union is evolving and she is right.  It is becoming more Republican again.  Why? 

Because THAT is how the rebellion begins.  We must FIGHT corrupt officials and soon, they will ALL be in a network of people that victimize the people that are NOT in the network.  And we won't have to worry about other countries at that point.  The people that wake up too late will find all of their rights to a jury exchanged for arbitration by one person, their guns exchanged for complaint forms, their vote exchanged for paperwork or certifications that make you PROVE you are a citizen. These papers are basically just a way to delay your honesty and incite your aggression. 

Once you see this happening though, we can fight it.  We can STOP the inequality before your health insurance company decides whether you live or die.  There has to be a way to develop our government so that acceptance and VIGILANCE of corruption is at the front of a congressman's job description. 

All this maybe after we take money out of politics.  Remember that Republicans SHOULD BE the rebels, not the rich people.  The rich have successfully shut down teh common sense approach to combating a corrupt big goverment and that is why we have a fractured Republican party now is because some of them get it.  Now I don't mind big government ramping up social programs at the cost of tax breaks but that hasn't happened.  Big banks are doing what they want, Oil companies and Monsanto types are doing what they want and cable and internet companies are doing what they want.  These people have NO competition.  So as we all wake up to reality as our rights get slowly taken away, it's probably the Republicans that will ask that we break up the corporations, because the Democrats won't do it. 

But to Alex Wagner's credit, it's POSSIBLE that we might evolve big government into something that regulates more and breaks up big corporations so that people can ALL have plenty of work to do, like inspiring other countries to CONTROL themselves like we do, if we ever do.

ps. Tonight is the State of the Union. To his credit, not much has happened in Congress. It's my opinion that anything that happens in Congress, for the most part, benefits the rich.  That's why rich people work there.  PRIESTS should work there!