Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Message from the President

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I had a dream the President was using my brain to speak to the nation and this is my interpretation of that because in my dream the message was perfect, but perfection is fleeting. 

My message for you today is one of hope. I hope for a brighter future. I want you to hope for the same. We are stuck in a place now where we don't know if the words of tomorrow will be improvement or decline. We don't know if the instructions of how to run our government, have been lost. And most importantly, we don't know what our purpose is as a country or where to go from here.

Why are we here?

As president I am going to try to lead you today, into the future. First an example for you Christians out there.

Zacchaeus come down from that tree!

Another example for you Jewish people.

Let my people go!

You see in the first example Jesus had come to teach to Zacchaeus how rich people get into heaven. Heaven is a place of peace, of calmness, of enlightenment. To get there YOU must be at peace, YOU must feel that the money that you earn is ALL being used well and that NONE of it is being wasted. Slowly you and we should all reach towards this goal.

A goal where the money we make goes back into society just as smoothly as it comes in. Not MORE, not a lot of it, but a "smooth" amount, an amount that can be expected. And it's with this example in our minds of camels going through the eyes of needles that we can FEEL ourselves either at peace or, as in the camel, notsomuch. 

(EDIT: so after some research I realize I know NOT very much about Zachariah or Zacchaeus or even the young rich man of Jesus' parable, so maybe this is my last time talking about the Bible ya?)

And what about that second part. Today being passover, should remind us all of what oppression is. Does it still exist? Slaves and masters will always be with us because just as BIG JOHN was the hardiest worker to ever walk the earth so was TOM THUMB able to see better than anyone. Mutant people are not rejects, they just need to be coupled with other mutants of "matching" variety like the previous two examples. For every worker there needs to be someone pointing him where to work next.

A master and a slave.

But it should not mean oppression. I man doesn't need the whip to make him work harder, a man needs a break. As sure as we can each arm ourselves, we can understand when someone is oppressing us. Don't do it. Stop. When you get to work and wonder why people show up later and later and work slower and slower, it's not them, it's YOU. People should be inspired to work not driven. Did you get that?

Not DRIVEN, not made into slaves.

Now I want to talk to you about the direction the country is headed in. I want you to understand what it means to do the right thing. In the past some people have sought to make a boatload of money by keeping secrets. It should be obvious now that the way to make money is to save up a bunch of it, appoint someone TRUSTED to manage it and then have some accident occur where some of it goes missing but for totally understandable reasons, like those ones we don't totally understand. That's why things we do everyday should not be hard. If they are too hard to understand, someone is making it seem that way.

Someone once said, "kill all the lawyers". Because in making things more clear and accurate through EXACT wording or semantics, they managed to alienate all the poor people from due process. Look now at the arbitration clauses added to many agreements. A poor person might understand this to mean that it's easier for them to sue, but what it means is that you dont get full access to the constitution and its trial by jury. Let's try not to repeat history TOO many times.

I offer you this as your goverment. As a people, let's try to have less secrets.

Notwithstanding, our intelligence agency MUST keep it's course because as long as there is good and bad, half will want to be bad. And that means our agencies need to keep stealing secrets from the secret-keepers, that is, we've got to be better at it. Now I give you my word that the people I approve and consult with from these agencies will be of THE MOST trustworthy sort and you will just have to trust in me as your leader that I condone their actions because they are the actions of our MOST trusted government officials placed there because of their love for our country and not for the sake of selfish or vain reasons.

If I find otherwise, I will make a change in leadership, indeed a whole range of changes, if I find otherwise. 

Starting... now.

But I want you to trust in our secret agencies again. In dealing with secretive people, they must THEMSELVES be secretive. They must understand the flow of gel that is the muck of dishonesty and see it safely out to its logical expulsion. It's their job to see if you are doing your job well or if your job is to feed others information that works against our country's well-being.

Now you might think that corporations are the logical next step of government dominance but I ask each of you to find it in yourselves to be clean of group-think when it comes to acting for those companies. Don't believe that because your boss hunts for better interest rates, he must not mind that the SPANISH in this message is not all that accurate. Don't believe that your boss must want you to leave this oil cap slightly undone because this makes the guy come back to the get an oil change more often. Don't think that saving bottles of chemotherapy means MORE money for the hospital.

Stop yourself. Stop the group think that tells you the company wants you to FEED off your customers or to hunt them. Think for yourself a moment and have FAITH that others will follow your example. Believe in doing your job... so-so. Ask yourself if this you would do to your family and then you will know how to treat your neighbors and customers.

Secrets are the source of mistrust. Yet they are fuel to the fire of our lives. So if you must have secrets... GO AHEAD. I as President authorize you to do something illegal.


That's right, I am authorizing you to go out there and do something illegal. Get to work early today by speeding,, ring the fire alarm, ruin your neighbor's lawn. Be curious! But, if you do these things, I also demand that you do them well.

Get away with your secrets. Clean up after yourself.  If they capture you on camera speeding, never do it again.  If someone breaks their leg running out on a fire drill, never do it again.  If your neighbor complains about the big S mark on their grass, never do it again.  Be effective. If you test the limits of drilling oil and then spill some, do some OVERKILL in cleaning it up so that it can't happen again, because darkness is fuel for our happiness. Doing something sloppy is like bumping into your neighbor's tray full of food. What a mess. And all you had to do was be careful and now he's looking at you wondering if you did it on purpose.

Don't be sloppy, understand darkness as that which you are able to do to feel good about yourself and about taking risks.

People need to FEEL they could get away with things so that they can feel freedom. You need to be able to walk around the block as though you own it. Stomp the mall as though it's your mall, walk the beach like it's your beach.

So our future is going to be one of enlightenment. I want you all to understand that things work better without secrets. I want you all to reformat your hard drive every once in a year or so. Take all of your secrets and flush them out and stop asking others about their secrets.

Delete your browsing history. It's not hard.

Save your game. Take pictures of your house and your car often. Write a personal blog once a week or month just to keep yourself attuned to your immediate goals. Flush your mind once in a while so that making decisions yay or nay don't become an exercise in economics. You might be surprised how happy you are to see old pictures of yourself and your house as the time goes by.

With this understanding, I want you to LOOK BACK at our history. Look at Christianity, at Naziism, at Lenin, even at Moses and his brother Ramses. Their systems weren't bad, the people turned bad. SLOW things down now, watch Superman save the planet by spinning it to a slow speed. We can undo the past merely by giving ourselves the chance to CLICK this belt or click that light on and then starting over. We have to learn to backtrack and then move forward with the right shoes.

Seek a balance in your workers, and in yourself, and in your police and your politicians. The rich people are not merely attuned to your actions they depend on them. They, we, and the police ALL watch you constantly and though you may believe they will abuse their power, YOU have to be the first to say I believe they won't, and then others will follow, and then they will see that the little set of cogs in your brain are "working as designed."

People want to come here. It's no secret that the smartest people do their jobs the best and make the most efficient use of their resources. But let's not over-progress ourselves out of the planet. Let's not lead the entire mammoth herd over the cliff and doom ourselves out of food. As we find better ways to process energy, let's set up competition and funds to develop them.

In parting, I want you to believe we treat people right, OUR people. People getting deported are NOT our people. People in Syria are not our people. People elsewhere are not ours. We can send food and water to poor people or to Ethiopia and WE DID, and instead of a improving the barren wasteland into farms, what we got were warlords who scooped up the remedies and sold them at THEIR prices.

Expect this (and think of Christie when you do it oh wait Prez wouldn't say this part)

As though looking at a petri dish, you should expect groups to want to get larger and expect less attached, peaceful individuals to get weakened or pushed aside. This is the natural order. This is what we MUST NOT do to each other.  

We are not each other's food.

We are a body politic. An animal so large that it has to filter out the food that is dumped into its gaping maw like so many plankton. In the effort to make eating more efficient through solar energy and through an efficient use of waste disposal or recycling, we must make it our goal to SLOW our progress down so that we can refine our consumption.  This way our lives and our children's lives contribute to a symbiotic animal that will NOT over-progress, and will in all things ACT just so-so.