Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Stephen is King

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A great movie I just finished watching 3 times is called The Mist. I tweeted Stephen King a while back. He got harassed by a bunch of "trolls" that probably didn't care what he said except for the fact that it was Stephen King so now their words matter.

That's sort of like the whole Pyramid instructions erasing thing where I look good if I just stand IN FRONT OF someone famous.

So he erases a tweet and then it reminds me of when I first erased a tweet. The feeling that came over me because everyone that had seen the tweet was now "doomed" to know what I wrote and not anyone else. It's sort of like the seed of evil ya? They could produce a printed copy of it but in reality only I and them would know if it was true. And if it was true then they could have INFLUENCE over me.

So I saw that this movie was written by him and I thought to myself "this ought to be good" and besides that I'm a write a blog about it if it's good because everyone thinks he's awesome but only lately have I begun to really appreciate a well written horror movie.

In the old days I wouldn't watch horror because it was too realistic to me. In my heart I knew there had to be two sides and I was somehow sympathetic to the killer sometimes.

Now I take it all in as a euphemism not as reality and it sits much better in my head. Can you imagine asking yourself what makes a serial killer do what he does?

The movie is great but like before you have to watch it once just to get background and then watch it the second time and fall asleep to it and then a third time to really backtrack from the ending to the start to see what the whole point was.

In the movie, the main character is this artist, rich, who lives with his wife and child in a secluded area in NH somewhere. His macho painting that he was about to finish which looks like Clint from "A Few Dollars More" in which he portrays a man without faith, gets destroyed by a tree that fell over through his window during a storm. You see he really liked this man without faith and the first time through you think he is a hero the whole time but after the second time watching the movie or so, especially after you see the ending, you have to re-think the whole movie.

Later he visits his neighbor who he has problems with but after seeing that his neighbor's car was also smashed by a tree, they kind of make up and he gives him a ride into town for supplies.

At this point, the whole town has no power. The storm was such that even the military is called in to find out what the problem is and soon you see a mist coming down from the mountain of where the base is located.

Prelude right?

So soon a man runs yelling saying he is afraid of the mist and that it sucked one of his friends and not to go out into it, then another man says screw that and makes for his car but you hear something happen to him.

The movie sort of plods along at this point with everyone mostly giving cameos to what philosophy they follow and we get to wonder which of these will prevail in such times as FEAR grips the populace.

I believe it was King's idea to have the philosophy of waiting be the one that prevailed but I have a different possibility that I will present.

So first thing that happens after the mist sets in is this lady shouts at the lot of them and asks someone to walk her home for the sake of her children. A sad moment for everyone because she was only going to be gone a moment and she must now go back to them while beset by this mist.

The camera turns to all the people there and they ALL refuse her as they BOW to the fear of the mist. But she must go and in a huff she damns them all to hell.

Even our hero refuses her because he drove into town with his son and his neighbor and he is too concerned for his own son to help her out.

Soon after this he decides to go into the back to check on what is going on with he generator of the store and he hears noises. AT this point the movie sort of alludes that the noises may be in his head and as he comes out he debates with some others not to go back in there, and since they begin to doubt he really saw anything... he starts to get pissed. Because he gets pissed, the others, irritated, agree to go check out what this might be. So they have this big argument about going outside to turn on whatever is blocking the intake of the generator and soon a teenager agrees to go out there much to the disgust of our hero.

And sure enough, teenager calls him a pussy, opens the cargo door to reveal a huge mist and right after he smiles derisively at our hero... he gets pulled down by a tentacle. After much fuss and shouting, boy gets taken away, a piece of tentacle is chopped off, blood gets everywhere, and our hero finally has his proof that he needs to scare the crap out of the rest of the store's people.

As you can tell already, our hero is a false hero. He is the cause of all the fear in the movie and though there is a legitimate reason to have doubt because of the loss of power and the storm and such, it's our hero that really begins the path towards people doubting EACH OTHER and finding fault with others as a release for being insecure.

So first thing he tried to do is convince his neighbor of tentacles. The neighbor, who is also rich and a renown lawyer, refuses to believe it and finally has to threaten the guy to get him to stop trying to take him into the storage room to see this "tentacle" that was chopped off.

After this though, he DOES manage to convince the store manager and because of that the store manager begins to section off the store front from a possible tentacle invasion.

In an odd scene, the tentacle pops open a bag of dog food and begins to eat that just before it pulls the boy away. So their idea becomes to stack piles of dog food in front of the windows.   It's sort of alluding to the fact that wolves and dogs MIGHT prefer dog food.

Poignant.  People are already thinking of feeding the monster as opposed to killing it.

Soon after this an old lady begins to call out scripture pointing to the end of days. In a personal scene we can see that her "storied" life is for sale as she begins to pray as though she were God's partner in punishing the heathens.

This reminds me of someone.

The neighbor, being too smart for his own good, takes some few people out to the front of the store and tells everyone that there is nothing in the mist, to which the hero says "what if there is?" "then the joke's on me" says the lawyer.


That would be a good name for a movie. As in all things, it's very noble to THROW yourself at the problem in the hope of protecting your siblings or your lessers, but simply denying there is a problem... leads to CHOMP, which is what the neighbor did with a small group of denyers.

So the movie really picks up at this point. If you haven't watched too many of these types of movies as I have, you probably are making the typical swirly face of disgust at the gore. So next we come to a scene by the pretty girl that waited too long to make it obvious to the young army guy. Finally they make out after having grown up together and in a fitting response to teases everywhere... she gets killed with poison from a bug. HAHAHA, and her face gets REALLY swollen with it too, HAHAHA, and I can't say I didn't smile a little when I saw it.  

In an odd twist the naive Army guy gets betrayed for knowing too much and gets stabbed with the same knife he was given by his own people he grew up with. 

Doesn't... remind me of anyone.

So bugs are now flying into and out of the store and larger bird creatures are eating the bugs and an occasional person that gets in their way and all the while the people are lighting fires, using rakes and mops and whatever just to MASH em up.

As you might imagine there is a lot of emotion and pain in deciding what to do with the injured. Some have to be given medicine, most of them dead from poison and bites and whatnot so now it's time to... can you guess it?

Go to the pharmacy. 

For everything else there's drugs er uh I mean Mastercard. Instead of curing the people or doing nothing and waiting or finding their way out of the maze by going back the way they came... they decide to keep searching.

So a group gets together and by this time the spiritual queen has rallied quite a bit of followers who, in the name of God, are assuring themselves that THEY won't be the ones who get sacrificed when the time comes. But they push through them and go out to find the pharmacy which is next door I think.

What do they find? Spiders. Why when it comes to drugs does it always end up with spiders?

So they get their drugs together and find a slew of people all webbed up and providing food for the younger spiders, and this doesn't remind me of ANYONE I KNOW BTW, and as they start to sneak out, the bigger spiders start to attack them and some of them get caught which makes for a great movie reel.

When they get back, they go to sleep because who wants to deal with the fact that we lost 2 people trying to find drugs for 1 almost dead guy?

When they wake up they try to sneak out to our hero's car which can carry 8 people but they are stopped by the witch lady who in her defense is really loving it at this point. Who wouldn't want that?  The Finger of Death spell is highly underrated in my opinion. So she is finger pointing and she points to our hero's son and the lady carrying him which is like "omg riddick", right Sarah? But all of her people are convinced that they gotta give up someone to this beast to keep him satisfied... and this they call the word of God right?

Does it remind anyone of Al-Quaeda? Does it remind anyone of New Jersey? See a group massed in fear is a moral mess. Instead of reverting to a calmness and equality in themselves... they search for the prettiest and most outspoken person and offer them as sacrifice as PROOF that they are calm.

You getting this? Bwahahah... hah.

Well witch gets shot and then gets shot again and fast forward to our little group escaping (score one for the NRA) and it's off to the car and driving around. Oh and on the way to the car two people get eaten and one of them, the store manager, doesn't make it to the car and goes back to the store.

The movie is on its last legs at this point, it's two hours long. It seems like our hero is going to win right? He is safe in his car with his son and blond girl and two old people and they drive around hoping to make it to somewhere OUT of the mist.

They go back to his house to pick up his wife and she is all webbed up and dead. He cries wondering why he never fixed that old tree that was put up by his grandfather.

You see this is a HUGE lesson for people here. when you have families that have been around a while, they tend to be either VIGILANT of out-of-towners or simply artists that USE UP the name and place that they hold in town. So the point of this story could end here by just pointing out that because he became an artist, working alone, not involved in politics, he allowed the government or whatever DARK agency to come into town and do their experiments. He simply expected everyone to continue to do well much like I did oh so long ago but fact is there are gypsies in all facets of life, waiting to use up and plunder whatever store of goodwill there might be hidden at the center of any group of people.

But the story doesn't end there. Soon they run out of gas. They find that their gun has 4 bullets and they are 5 people. Since they all know that going out into the mist = getting poisoned or worse torn apart and eaten... at our hero's direction they all agree to get shot.

So he shoots them, even his son. He yells and screams and pitches a FIT and wishes he had ONE more bullet for himself. He gets out of the car, steps into the mist and yells and waits for the end and you might think this story is going to end with the word ODIN meaning to do nothing and wait.

Because he next thing you see is tanks and soldiers step through the mist. Trucks full radioactive experts and people ride behind having been rescued by waiting by having FAITH that people would come. He should have waited yes? He should have been ODIN and had faith that things would right themselves. And as he pitches another fit now on his knees bulletless, sonless, and wifeless with all the destitute answers to what happened, you'd think the movie was about having faith ya?

But no. On one of the trucks was that first woman that wanted help getting to her house who was refused by everyone. And as her eyes blazed at the camera safe with her children and with others oblivious to who she was, a name came to mind...
