Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Anything more annoying than a curly mustache?  I mean here you are typing and thinking up stuff to do and twice now you've wiped your nose only to get that itch again.

Where is it coming from? 

Now you have figured it out and you are trying to bend the TWISTED hairs back and keep them all in place and all it takes is a swallow or a yawn and BOING, there goes that itch again.  Worse part of it is now you KNOW why it itches and you know you are not going to be able to fix it unless you do something capital.  

Speaking of capital.  Let's talk about capital punishment since Rachel was on it last night.  You have to ask yourself, like I did, why would hospitals NOT want to provide the lethal injection drugs for a state-rendered execution?  Aren't there enough doctors in that state?  Doesn't every pharmacist know the formula? 

It takes me back to my first college philosophy professor who was good looking in a Rachel way not so much an Alex Wagner/F40 = useless except for the ALL THAT power/charisma way = no air conditioning but who needs that you've got Alex/Ferrari!  

In fact yesterday I was kinda hoping she would walk across the set of her show in the background with a huge paddle in her hand, maybe wearing something sexy, blithefully suggesting to someone what exciting looks like.  

In her class, the professor's(sorry side-tracked ya?!), I learned a great many things that weren't covered in Sunday school about right and wrong.  It was the first time WOMEN thought about things critically and I realized it was just WHO you talk to.  To all these people, that was important, to a great many others, it wasn't.  In that class, one day, we sat there discussing the arms race and how important it was to keep nukes away from fledgling countries.  I was being difficult and was pontificating about free speech and giving people choices, I think, and then the conversation turned to books and censorship at which point I said I was completely against it.  Then the professor, a second male professor, asked what if the books had details on how to make a nuclear weapon? 

What then? 

Hard question.  And with that he said now imagine it's not even a question of money.  What if in a book somewhere, there is a formula for creating a deadly disease right in your own home?  Should we allow people access to that?  An even harder question now.  You see I had NEVER once questioned people's motives about things.  Ever since I realized there WAS such a thing as forbidden knowledge.  Ever since then I realized that governing isn't about protecting as much as adjudicating who gets freedom.   A tenable position.  Because once you start to regulate others' freedom, they start to want to regulate YOURS.  Once you start us/them-ing the world, you have FAILED at governance.  

So fast forward to today and our problems with capital punishment.  People exist that want to know that formula of drug that stops the heart.  What could be MORE valuable than an injection that causes someone to die of "natural" causes.  And if it exists out there somewhere, it's just a matter of time before some millionaire somewhere pays someone off.  Naturally, this implies a great deal of trouble for a hospital or doctor working in that field yes? 

As Rachel said in her show, only the worst doctors turn out to work in that now you see why.  They are the rejects of the profession and in their last throes of existence... a questionable act allowed by the state for dark reasons, an act of vengeance.

It's not surprising that in early days, when the chopping block was NOT JUST for chickens anymore, that executioners wore black masks.  In a peaceful society, where noone has killed anyone before, noone suspects anyone of murder because noone CAN kill unless they have done it before.  And that is the doom that brings you down in the end is people finding out that you have killed people before.  Once you do it, it's possible to do it again, and then some time later, it becomes possible to LIKE it.  

In the movie, THE EDGE, with Alec Baldwin and Anthony Hopkins, the center villain is a bear.  It makes mention of how bears never attack man but if they are starving enough and if the man is injured, the bear may try out of curiosity to kill a man.  And once he does that, he will eat so well, and it will be so easy, that he will never hunt anything else.  

He will have become a maneater.  

Such is the life of a murderer.  It's assumed that if you have killed people, then the disease of killing people and liking it, may be inside you like a sort of lycanthropy/werewolf's blood.  

So the mask must stay on right?  Because in polite society here comes THAT GUY that kills people but it's ok cuz he does it for the state but ... WAIT what's that look for?  Why is he SMILING at me?  

What's even more disturbing you say?  Well, the guy they actually killed with that botched lethal injection made mention of the fact that assassins always get away.  I wondered about it because there's NO WAY the police would allow assassins in today's world... am I right?  And he said he did it like a profession and then it occurred to me that after the botched injection much like in Flash Gordon's botched execution, the curtains came down and the doctors pronounced him dead but noone might have actually SEEN him die!  

Food for thought... or should I say forbidden fruit for thought.  

So these doctors, that administer the lethal injection, must remain HIDDEN to society because like their older placeholders, they scare people and not for invalid reasons.  In fact a lot of my reasoning for NOT allowing capital punishment is that it allows a whole group of people/law enforcement officials to FEEL the emotion of vengeance.  

This is wrong.  Vengeance is a normal function for animals but it doesn't belong in society.  

People in civilizations kill for many reasons but for whatever reason it is, it was someone who did it and someone else who caused it to happen, much like the red card given yesterday to Pepe in the World Cup game of Germany vs. Portugal.  Both are guilty so let them have their fight or eject them both but always there are at least TWO.  So whomever survives, that person must be treated and healed, not discarded.  And he can still be productive albeit in jail but he should NOT be providing others with food for their spirit like vengeance does.  Once you like killing or like the act of getting someone executed or like playing TRICKS on people... you are an agent of chaos.  You no longer serve the collective good, you serve yourself and others like you. 

Us/them remember? 

So that's my take on capital punishment.  The way they do it now from what I learned from Rachel is that they first inject anesthesia, then they inject some sort of local something, and then they inject the killer drug that stops the heart in an effort to kill a person as gently as possible.  

After that show that explained lethal injections, I started to think about the electric chair and shooting squads and guillotines and tried to imagine some humane way of killing someone.  I remember thinking to myself what it must be like to die in your sleep.  

Two days ago, it was Father's Day and though I shun the thought of my father dying, every once in a while the subject comes up, then he goes off on his rhetoric about hoping he dies in his sleep or he talks about someone that died in their sleep and went off into the nether land peacefully.  

This is bullshit.  Everyone knows that a heart attack, as described by EVERYONE that has every had one, feels like you are DYING and there is incredible pain and even though you can't speak you don't pass away blissfully in the night, your entire body drowns as the blood it needs to survive slows down and stops flowing.  It is probably NOT very peaceful at all.  A fact that I made as clear to him as possible so that he not "accidentally" try passing away thinking it would be easy.   

The way I play devil's advocate in arguments, my philosophy professor would be proud.  

So by the same token then, I started to wonder what WOULD be the best way to die.  I'm thinking gunshot to the head now or what about alcohol?  I mean don't doctors often LOSE patients because they gave them too much anesthesia?  Couldn't they just sleep the guy to death?  Isn't that what they do to dogs?  Hmmf.  Or how about drowning.  Couldn't we drown them in water in front of everyone?  It works for fleas... if you read my previous blogs hahaha, you probably like that one.  

And even BETTER how about drowning them in alcohol?  The sensation can't be all that bad if you go numb and then drown while numb right?  

Of course if you raped women and people of the state want to see vengeance or want to get paid by some millionaire somewhere that knows who to pay off... 

it would be unfortunate if a match were to accidentally cause 45 minutes of suffering...

ps. My thoughts are with my sister this morning who has spent a month mourning her dead boyfriend. If I think about her too much I can feel SOME of what she feels and it's overwhelming, please pray for her.. I know I don't pray but if YOU do then do it... and shut up about me and by the way I'm not in such a good mood now. (Joke.) 

I remember long ago... ooh when the stars were shining (beat) ... and the sound of your laughter... as I held you tight... so long ago.~