Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, October 21, 2019

February 2019



February 2019 was not so different than January and I seem to remember that my sister was working during the month of January and that that came to an end.  She explained to my mother that her first day at work she worked for this lady that asked her about her family and she blurted out that she had relatives in Costa Rica.  She said that she couldn't explain why it was that they suddenly turned mean on her and stopped talking to her and that at some point she put in her two weeks notice because she couldn't take it anymore.  

But I knew better.  I know from experience that once those "people from the bar" don't like you they will make up ANY excuse to put the word out that you don't belong and use that as a catastrophic event to capsize your career.  In my time at Citibank the same thing happened.  One day some people started to turn against me and I was forced to move to this other area and then move again.  It got so that I was taken to see the higher ups and they could see that I was having problems but what could they do?  They once told me they took the whole team to a focus group to advise them to treat me better and since they didn't know who the leaders of the people doing the harassment were, and since they didn't make an example out of one of them, I was left to continue in the rut.  And I could have warned her that this was what was happening to her but did she want to talk?  No.  She was ignoring me and making sure that when I talked to her that I was stressed out to do it and that if I brought up anything from the past... like OUR "friends" from the bar... that she didn't understand anything I was saying let alone agreeing with my advice.  

So long story short, she's terrible now.  Just tonight she asked me if I wanted anything from McDonald's and I was surprised that she wanted to do something nice and we talked a bit about where she wanted to go since she wasn't sure so I suggested Krystal's and she made it obvious she didn't want to drive far and so I said to just bring me back some fries.  So she brings back fries and some hot chicken wings and I'm all set to eat them and then she coughs as she exits the room.  Yeah, that TOTALLY spoiled any good intentions she had of doing me a favor.  Moreover, it made it worse right?  She pumped me up and then DROPPED me like a wet sack of crap.  And now I have to wonder right?  Did she read my previous blog?  Why after two months is she suddenly in a bad mood?  Who is telling them these things since I KNOW they have no idea about how to search for my blog let alone my identity.  Hmmpf.  

More fantastical clairvoyant ability that tells me they work for a collective.  And this just after my mother tells me earlier today to go to a different church SOMEHOW guessing that it's not going so well for me at the current one?  

How do they know? 

I don't tell them anything is wrong at all and yet up and down reactions from problems this and that, and to look at me my greatest failure was my DUI from 2009... TEN years ago.  I am literally a novelist with a successful monthly income for all they know and instead I have "problems".  

You know, I have to say this and it's a sad thing to say, but this is blood magic.  It's forbidden in Dragon Age to use blood magic.  You spend all this time trying to figure out what they  mean just like you spend time figuring out what a lightning spell is, right?  Wouldn't we all like to fire a bolt of lightning at people sometimes?  Well, you can once you figure out what they "mean" by lightning.  Well, blood magic is control.  You hurt people's feelings in a way that leaves them paralyzed and then after a long delay that lets the enemy get some free hits, POOF, a bunch of spirit damage occurs that coincidentally pumps out a number in PURPLE.  

Earlier tonight I was watching a bunch of Youtube and I clicked on one video where Gwyneth Paltrow told her story to Howard Stern.  She recounted that she had a very strange thing with Harvey Weinstein.  She then came home and complained about it to Brad Pitt and somehow he knew to immediately go up to the guy and threaten him not to do it again.  You see, for a minute there she was under Weinstein's control.  She would no longer be able to promote herself freely because she was afraid and since Weinstein was a "highly trusted" figure, they would take his word over hers or worse she wouldn't even know all the jobs she lost because, unlike her, he would be in the rooms where they discussed whether or not to hire people like her.  That's blood magic, it's really terrible and it has a lot to do with making people feel that they are controlled.  

Anyways, long story short that was brave and sort of reckless of Brad Pitt to do that for her and though I might have done the same thing, I can't see myself doing it.  But that's what a thinker or a "novelist" or a teacher(like me) does, he hesitates... and those that can... DO.

PS.  I have to say one more thing, that maybe they are right(like in Contact where as a scientist I have to concede that there might be a God).  What if they have known all along everything about me and my sister and my brother?  I mean if I have to stay in hell to keep my sister from getting out(before she gets well)... maybe I shouldn't get out.