Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, October 26, 2007

A man of peace

BLM:75 WHM:74 SMN:47 THF:75 WAR:61 RNG:44
You would never guess this by looking at me but I understand the concept of phaser guns and how to make them. I can tell you how we are going to get to the next universe and when Venus could perhaps become inhabitable. I even know a lot about Hurrincane Katrina. As it happens, being the shower releases your mind from having to think a certain way. You become free to sing even if don't normally. Your senses, become numb, and your mind all the more active because of it. It's in the shower that I get ideas and fantasize about what could be.
Always I have pondered the balances of good and evil, of light and of dark. You would think that being courageous is a good trait as is the idea of peace, but those ideas are at odds. So there you go. So much for being smart. The best and smartest and toughest and strongest and most popular person may have NO IDEA what right and wrong is to you and me.
I just got out the shower and was thinking ominously about my new schedule next week that will be full time. With more energy spent I should be more healthy and more happy but what if I have to go thru 5 days of oppression at work instead?
So long ago, I could have chosen to not wait for something better, but now I feel I may have waited too long.
I know what you are thinking is that old saying about "if you are warm, etc. etc."