Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


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We need to just take all the money that the banks made in housing decline and put it into the government, oh wait that's what we did. By putting those people in charge we not only advocate opportunism, we guard ourselves from future attacks. Good idea.

Well I guess I'm just one of those few who don't like it. There is so much talk of the debt and where it's going and I have been alive just long enough to see it disappear and come back that I honestly don't believe in ANY sort of doom. There is no global warming, no fiscal crisis, no kingpins of crime, no sharks in the ocean... and if there is I wanna see it.

I mean there is no god so there must not be all of these things either. If there is a god then these things exist too. There I just solved everyone's concern about atheists. Not only are they godless and bold, they are not to be trusted. They probably made up all of this stuff just to control us. Viva Great Britain, wait what language is that? Where am I?

If I was playing FFXI I would be in Bastok but what does it matter since the other cities are doing things almost the same way?

I have a dream that one day every major city will have an aircraft carrier stationed there and named after it. Moreover, people from Jacksonville let's say should have it's street renamed once a decade maybe during the census, to give tribute to our soldiers that died protecting us. I have no small respect for the military. In fact, why do we have the Buckman Bridge and Youngerman Circle and no names for people of our city that died. Even a private has given more to our community than any billionaire ever could. So let's take those names and put them out there so that we remember who was brave and who was not so much. Slowly we can go back to putting the people first and allowing opportunity for fame to exist not at the ruler level but at the entry level.

By the way, people should not be allowed to serve until they are 40. All people should be forced to have all of their children by age 20 or 22 and soldiers should be sent off to war in pairs. See now marriage no longer has to matter since you are off to fight anyway at 40. You can have all the partners you want and all the gayness that you desire but at 40 you get the "boot" camp. This doesn't have to mean that you are gonna die but at least all go knowing that it could have been their children that would be taking their place. And it's my opinion that no matter what the problems with marriage are in private life, you put a pair out to pasture in a war, and there go all of their problems. You don't need to have a Sergeant or Corporal in these cases cuz two people provide the best ability to discuss orders and stay ON MISSION. It's when people despair or lose equipment or blood that they question authority but if this can be shored up by another person there to provide the food they need, the love they need to stay on mission, this makes for the most effective soldier possible.

On the other hand kamikazees have their use too.

At 60 these people, the ones left, are eligible to run for office. Maybe at 80 cuz noone is going to question the morality of someone almost dead or in danger. That's why McCain was such a good pick for president now in retrospect. I didn't want more Bush when he ran and certainly not more war because it's my view that some people think people are like a factory and that means putting the good ones in charge and the bad ones up on the spit to be sacrificed which like in Moneyball could be based on some few jerks that have done it for 20 years . I don't believe this. Yet, security must never be given up, that perhaps is why being attacked and attacking is so important. Question everything or everything will question YOU.

I'm watching The American again and it's such a good movie. Doggie style is the best position for sex. The girl's spine is in an S like it should be, the guy has that nice cushion right where if he exerts enough influence on it, will rock his prostate to tomorrow. Besides, if done standing and both have orgasms, both will have weak knees afterwards. And that's how it oughtta be. It's an odd note that the actress' name is Violante Placido, which could mean "violent peace". What a great name for a beautiful woman.

Someone 80 is not thinking about their family and such as much as they are the world. They believe they did a good job for one reason or another and want good things for their family but most of all they want their part in the world order to have been useful and just. They look to their duty to their country and their community as a place to decide what is in the public's interest. Bush and Clinton and in the future a great many other presidents will use their influence to create personal gain perhaps and though it is not with a wry thought that they try this, it just should not be allowed. Our founding fathers did it right by not allowing tyrants to rule them and by that vote we should not allow our rulers a great deal of time to deal in riches. A life should be just long enough to get everything you want, try or lose but we should not allow say Paul Ryan or Sarah Palin to become president at age 40-48 and then wait and see what happens for the next 30 years of their life as they keep the knowledge of our political structure in their waistpocket along with their whatever spouse that may go all Princess Diana on us.

That's why leaders need to be 60+. There are so many people out there and so many of them without jobs that it makes no sense to elect someone young and fresh to decide what whole cities or regions should do. Even someone 60+ homeless with misdemeanors and bad hygiene is not so irresponsible as putting a 40 year old in charge of the Treasury. It's just a different mindset as I am starting to realize as I pass my 40s.

I am still young but I can feel weakness creeping in. A weakness that I know will not let go. And I used to get fat. Fat is something that once you have it, is insurmountable. It takes a great deal of effort to take it off. And I imagine that this age thing of weakness will only get worse. My actual organs don't allow me to smoke or drink as much because recovery takes longer. But that's good because my selfishness is also in check. I no longer want to compete for women so much. I don't want to be the star of my work area so much and if I were in government, I would not want my party to win so much as I would to do a good job. If I were 60+ this would be even more the case.

And this is what you can expect from Obama and Ryan and maybe even Romney, cuz he's old but having been an opportunist all his life can't be good. You can expect them to be ruthless. And that's just tyrants. You know it and I know it, so why doesn't everyone else know it.

In any case I believe in math. I believe in the three 8s of the day. One 8 hour shift for peace, one 8 hour shift for excitement, and on 8 hour shift for regular work. That's 24 hours. This let's you know if you are spending too much time on something, unbalancing yourself. I used to spend a great deal of time drinking but if you put in the time it takes to recover from drinking, then maybe I was unbalancing myself without knowing.

The same should happen in life. 20 years of education, 20 years of raising a family and sex and then it's OFF with your nuts and you go into the military. Everything we read should be written by people 60+. People should retire at 60, all people, and have enough saved or provided to them so that they can write. Journalism should be done by old people. Blogs are ok but to follow the advice of even the most educated philosopher out there is foolish, if he is under 60. He just hasn't lived enough life to know about risk and reward yet. He is not going to use the words "can't" and "must never" and for other people who have lived, these words are the main point of writing because it makes the writing subjective and therefore worth reading.

So after writing for 20 years or getting out of politics at age 80 what's the desired outcome for an old-timer? What the plan 80-100? What do you do?
