Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


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Once in the bible, Jesus said that once you grew up you no longer were to be a fisherman, but a fisherman of men. What does that mean?

Should you stay a fisherman of fish or of men?

It's like being Elmer Fudd. Is it wabbit season or is it duck season? If it's wabbit season then you are the hunter, if it's duck season then well...

All manner of life is organized into 3 types. The ruler, the hunter, and the prey. The ruler can only be killed by prey, the hunter by rulers, and prey by the hunters. Which are you?

Indeed noone wants to be prey. But these are the only ones that can be happy. All young people are prey. That is what it means to be innocent which can also mean unwise. So by that definition you SHOULD want to be prey. You should relish it while it lasts... because it won't last. You should know that this happiness, whenever you are lucky to have it, is something other people, a great MANY other people, are jealous of and have observed and noted that you have it.

Mathematically speaking, if there are 3 types of people, 66% of them are in fact "hunters" of prey. The hunters and the rulers because they can use prey to get the hunters once they find some prey. Harsh.

But these are not happy people. And if they have children, they are perhaps deathly afraid of someone doing to their own what they have done to so many. But in the end it's just math. You could seek out these "evil" doers but all that's happened is that you have become a hunter and given up your chance to be happy. Rulers are even less happy so you could hire some people to work for you and the first thing you are gonna want to do is install their heartplug.

What's a heartplug you ask, besides the reference to the Harconans of the movie DUNE? Well, it makes regular prey that work for you, instant hunters. Yep cuz once youve pulled their heart out, several times, by wronging them, they become your enemy which is ok because at least now you know where they are and they can't catch you by surprise. Rulers are the least happy of people. They can call things pleasures and they will often use this to justify their structured lives, but they are the worst of people.

But is there a worst? Kids can do unspeakable things, to each other and even to their parents. Rulers can wash whole cities with goodwill and promise despite the repercussions of exposing yourself like Michael Jackson did. But these are exceptions and not the rule. Most kids are just trying things and most of what they do is accidental, as is most things done to help society by rulers.

My final thought is this. There is always a bigger fish. That means if you have chosen to be an opportunist or hunter, then you will usually stress yourself out a great deal and this makes you weak to new attacks. I suggest you not do it or curb your behavior. People or rulers can't wait to find out what you have been doing and of course find out how much they can take from you. You get tougher and tougher and soon you need a second wife or mistress to keep you happy why? because she is no longer in your class, she is no longer your equal.
Soon you are a ruler and your wife is just a hunter or prey.

That's why you need to talk to your wife about everything, to keep her ability to satisfy you intact. Same goes for girls of course. There is no strength that can't be used to create fear which turns strength against itself... perhaps like my ex-girlfriends have done to me by talking about how scary I am, even though while we were together I never actually scared them... well at least not with intent.

Jesus said that we should be a fisherman of men. This is what it means to be prey. Because while hunters seek out the smaller fish and while rulers tax the hunters to no small degree, a fisherman of men seeks to enchant other men to become prey. Jesus was an enchanter or a bard if you will. It is magic to be sure, but it takes a sophisticated mind to know how everything is connected and to explain it like Jesus did. Well, magic is something created usually with the help of others and with the use of deception. When Jesus did it, it was true magic, it was a miracle.

See, the bible is such that we are meant to decide for ourselves if the pieces of his story fit.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Such is the wisdom of being prey. If he were alive he would probably be SHOWING you what is forbidden.

You know when you chew your food you are actually going to need to chew it a very long time to get the energy you need from it if you are a high energy individual. I used to be a high energy individual and I would smash my food so hard that people could hear me click my jaws. It's probably from an injury or something but I never noticed it myself until someone told me about it and then told my family. Then came the calls to have the doctor look at it so that they could "fix" my clacking jaws. Now the only thing they "fixed" was my self-consciousness at the dinner table, hearing what think is normal but what I know now that everyone else can hear. Thanks a lot!

But more to the point, my theory is that freshly chewed food has the nutrients we need in the size we need. In fact, if you think about the game Asteroids, you can see what we need to do for a small asteroid to dissapear from you stomch and be used as nutrients. Much like freshly squeezed coffee is tastier than regular, so is thoroughly chewed food better or more nutricious than less well chewed food.

But therein lies another thought, do we need teeth and could we not make do with soup and minced meat. I mean if you had a choice wouldn't you rather just inhale you food and get about the business of doing whatever you do? This way you would have no need to visit the dentist and all of those bills could just be tucked away. Stick in your dentures for appearance sake and poof, efficiency.

Same thing goes for hair. Hair is there just to wick off the moisture from you skin so that it doesn't accumulate pests. But pests move to your hairs then to live there and come back to your skin for visits to the moisture factory and then go back to live on your hair when you skin gets dry again. So why not just shave ALL hair. I mean if you live in a clean house, get into a clean car, and go to clean office room that you keep dusted and air filtered, then you might as well just shave all of it off. There go all your skin doctor bills and perhaps there go all of you problems with itching.

Same goes for your balls. If you could just stop wanting all of those forbidden things, then you wouldn't get in trouble. You should just OFF with the balls!

OFF with the balls! OFF with your hair! OFF with your teeth!

But it doesn't work does it? For every good theory, there is a black hole in it.  Most pests need predators or else the predators of the pests become a very big pest. A person with no balls, hair or teeth isn't very trustworthy. Why? Because who knows what else he is hiding from society even though he is obviously not hiding it! What other "cheats" does he have in store for the rest of us. I betcha he likes to finger himself, that's illegal, well it's not illegal but HEY that's like wrong or something. Nope not trustworthy. He's probably out there right now thinking about how to make a woman have a better orgasm, the pervert. Ok off track, but anyways something about society reminds me of the War of the Worlds movie. The aliens just came down and started to soak up the prey like so much sand to be moved from the beachhead but what they didn't count on were the pests. Humanity is sane because of pests. We NEED pests to keep us safe from the rulers. The prey NEEDS its hunters to keep rulers from just walking in and calling this whole country NEW MEXICO.

So meh, I could say I am confused, and it SOUNDS like it, but not really.