Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Age and Pelosi

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I was about to comment on Nancy Pelosi and her speech when she was asked about being "too old".  For one thing, even though interrupting is offensive, asking questions should not be.   If people wanna say Powell is blacker than black and why is that, well then answer what you think?  Nancy Pelosi was asked if she was perhaps too old and if she should step aside to make room for younger members of congress.  She thoght the question was offensive and I agree somewhat.

Common people don't grow up learning where the forks go so if you wanna be in politics, get ready for the spitballs. Good advice for me even. 

You know it doesn't escape me that after Powell catches hell for endorsing Obama for being black... two other Generals gets told what's forbidden.  So "mystically" we stop talking about Powell and start talking about some white guy Generals that like to shove their show online. 

Coincidence? I guess now we know what a dishonored General REALLY looks like... thank you proud journalist that pressed Sunonu... GOOD JOB!

OMG so sidetracked, ok so I was talking about age discrimination.  Pelosi, she looks like Nancy Reagan doesn't she, defended herself quite aptly and I believe it is in all of our best interests when old people, especially 70+ choose to spend their final years in office.  If anything, we should consider everything done by these people, yes even McCain, as above reproach. 

I watched the show the Men Who Built Our Country last night and saw how the three of them gave away most of their money at the end of their life.  People should be required to do this.  No life insurance and Inheritances and such, just give it all away.  Well that's my view until it changes.
I was playing Blackjack last night and it was so easy just following my method to win that from 1k I was up to 5k in about an hour and I was thinking to myself, this game must be fixed.  But later on I lost it all in 3 or 4 large bets.  That's typical.  Later I loaded it up and tried again and again and the same thing would happen.  I would spend a long time focused and earning money little by little and then poof, all of it gone as I make one dumb bet then double down then double down and a short run of bad luck that can't possibly get worse... keeps getting worse. 

Don't let this happen to you.

Boy I was gonna just say a little something about age and lookit where the time went.  Anyways, the other point I wanted to make however is that power corrupts eventually... so though I revere 70+ people because they have not a long time to live maybe, I am not a fan of people in Congress for 20 years straight.  We know what happens the second someone thinks he is comfortable in power... "now it's time to find out what the red button does".  Plus like in my previous blog, changeable leaders make the government more stable if something goes wrong.