Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

What's this? WHAT'S this?

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I am totally against the bill to have private investigators brought in to investigate military abuses. Talk about 180. If I would have known that by advocating allowing them to serve the first thing they would do is "cry rape" to shake the very foundation of authority I would not have suggested they be allowed in.

When you take orders from people it's possible for them to abuse that trust. That's called "changing the contract". The image that comes to mind is Mel Gibson's Road Warrior. Mel is almost let go after beating his man in a "2 men enter, 1 man leaves" judgement. But later on the ruler yells to the crowd that she had something more to say before it was over. Her law says "break the deal, face the wheel".

On a personal note, wouldn't that be a great way to minimize prison time? I think people should be hauled off to the Empire State Building and strapped to the spire and told that if he survives 2 hours during a storm, he is free to go. This way it's up to god if he gets to leave. Of course, the fear of what he would do given this "chance" probably doesn't sit well with those that may have caused him to be arrested.

But that's how it is in the military. You get a chance based on "how useful" you are. There are no crimes unless you make them crimes. And some crimes are not even crimes. Bouncing a check is a court martial offense for example. Obviously, this means every officer follows a strict code of honor.

Now it is the height of arrogance to believe that some few people walk "above" this code. The more charged you duty and honor, the sexier you feel and the more engaging you are going to be.

I don't believe in criminals, I believe in culture. People do what they can get away with. They don't walk over a cliff when ordered. They don't understand what RIGHT is anymore than a teenager past his curfew.

I do believe in animals and in loss of faith. Sen. Chambliss had it right when he said what he said about hormones being responsible. People that do crimes for the most part, have no paycheck. People that are 20 are exceedingly young and trying things new and frayed from the norm. They aren't trying to hurt anyone unless they themselves have been hurt.

Ok that's enough defense for people accused of sexual assault. Now in defense of people being victimized, it's their charge to tell a great deal of people what has happened. Fact is, they can lie. That's why it's good to remember my famous age old motto from the bar.


If your suffering is so much that you can't take it anymore or if some terrible thing happens, like rape, and you feel somebody's gotta die, well then you should have the right to have "harassment transfer."

It is everyone's right to kill one person. That's why guns are allowed because if someone is coming for you, then you can give up and kill yourself or you can help the world out and "take care" of him like the emperor from Star Wars would say. But you gotta pay for that so in an effort to minimize escalation in the military, you should have the right to claim exile instead of death. But to minimize victimization which rewards bad behavior with glory... you should have the right to exile your opponent.

It's not new. Duels date back to David and Goliath. You don't have to lose control to get satisfaction if you can just POOF this jerk and accept exile yourself. It's good for him since he won't like getting POOFED all over the country, and it's good for you since you avoided having to store any more of the hate the builds as you have to sit there and watch him/her that either got away with the rape or got away with accusing you of rape.

And it's good for society. People like closure. They like to know that people got what was coming to them. Everyone knows there are two sides to every story so why does ONE person go to JAIL?!

I believe we need to trust the leaders. I always believe in that. Trust engenders peace and even if you trust the wrong person, that person that wrongs you, eventually moves to somone else, and then someone else and then you get your day to speak out against them.

It would be faster to POOF them. Especially if you trap em. You know they can't help themselves, the poor suckers, so TRAP THEM!

I was trapped when they got me in the drive-thru. Still raw about it somewhat but now that I understand good and evil more, traps are what cops DO! Animals can't help themselves and the only way to stop it is to trap them.

You ever notice that in Chess, the Queen moves this way and that, the bishop moves diagonally but they all move consistently. All except the Knight. That's because Knights are SUPPOSED TO TRAP YOU if you are out of control. Pawns can trap too but its easy to see pawns ahead of time.

Was I out of control? I don't believe so but I am much better with it now that I realize what the other side was thinking. In my mind trapping people is evil, but fact is traps are made to catch animals. They are made to catch evil. They stop chaos. So meh, I accept what happened now, despite all the LYING that took place!

Ok I am so sidetracked now. I was supposed to make this quick. Lessee oh yeah, might is right is wrong. People should not be at the drive-thru trying to find out if they can get extra fries or pick up the window girl. Equal respect is what we expect from our civilians. So as civilians we should not have to stand up for ourselves because our role in life is to produce. TO PRODUCE. SAFETY IS A GIVEN!

This is far from what the norm should be in the military or in the family or on the wall. Producers produce, destroyers destroy. So children should be beaten up until they can beat you up and then they can go. They are adults. Harassment as a child is expected because you are bouncing this way and that trying to find out what you can get away with. That's family. Same thing goes for military. They aren't comtemplating their thoughts and wondering if orders are justified. They are following orders, period.

In the words of Patricles from the movie TROY, SOLDIERS OBEY.

Doesn't mean we can't hit somebody with a room full of smelly underwear when the rest of the men find out. You will find that my take on CODE REDS is much abridged now that I understand that self-righteousness has NO PLACE in the military. If you need a movie to remind you of what duty and military is and just what an enemy Captain is capable of, watch the movie U-571 where the acting captain cries out...

"This is not a democracy!"

ps. think of McCain telling some "trusted" and non-elected aide to keep his secrets while he makes another trip to Syria right after he meets with Gen. Petraus to remind him who's got his balls.  Do you really want to mix the public with the military?