Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Finish something

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I saw some guy complimenting Mitch McConnell for resolving the crisis on the TODD show and that reminded me how much I missed Robin Meade. So off he went. Chuck Todd is good person btw, just some things he does are like, California Mountain Snake bad.

You know my mother reminded me yesterday of something SO important that it made me realize how important it is to talk to people because without her I would not have made this distinction. I was complaining about MSNBC and talking about how they avoided calling the Shutdown a turning point and avoided mentioning the petition to defund ACA and proceeded to put "experts" on the show that called the other side NuTs. Then she explained it to me, "That's because it's their opinion." (Ah, no Robin Meade today!) So I realized that MSNBC was opinion TV, and that CNN is real journalism. Or at least, Crossfire is, or at least some of the time. Or at least that Erin Burnett looks better than Chris Matthews, um yeah that's what I realized .

Today I caught the end of Bed of Roses and I haven't seen it before and I usually like Christian Slater movies but I hadn't seen this one. It reminded of this old friend of mine. Her name was Sarah and she got her degree from the same University as me. I remember making an exception in her case. I never buy women flowers because in my mind it is like buying their affection and though the intention might be noble, the precedent is to buy her something to make her feel better from now on. So it sets a bad precedent.

So she tells me, (anyone noticing how people are answering questions with SO now?) that she had a bad night with her boyfriend and was just having a bad day. She also worked with me. So I wish her a good day and go off and sit down. But it occurs to me that it would really make her day to buy her flowers and have the guard downstairs call her to go get them. And sure enough, it's a big hit. I swear if I woudl have just picked her up and hauled her off to the stairwell, it would have been some nasty foot-smell sex going on in there.

But no, I was too much of a gentlemen, (aka. young) to take the opportunity made available so I settled her down and told her I would call her, but I just proceeded to be the good friend I always was. Of course that didn't stop my warped mind from imagining the sex I should have been having and even though she was a little overweight back then, she later lost weight and looked fantastic. She was kind of an amazon woman, big-boned. She was a brilliant person otherwise and her father was like a professor from Harvard. She showed me his picture. But I was too principled to ratchet down my inhibitions despite how hot-blooded I am and our good friendship continued with varying degrees of frustration, probably on both sides.

But flowers got delivered to the guard much more often after that. I would like to think that my idea was what started the practice and good or bad, that was ME.

Well, I'm hoping to catch me some Lisa Bloom and nothing. She tweeted she would be on the TODAY show but I've been watching for a while and I guess I missed it.

You know I used to think I was such hot stuff. I have an old picture of my two best friends and we are there with two girls, one of whom is having a party at her father's house who has a steel factory named after him. Of all the people in the picture, I am the only one without parents that owned a business. And all this time I thought they were lucky to have ME along for the ride. It boggles my mind where I got this idea that I was such hot stuff.

Of course, I was tutoring Calculus to freshmen at 16 in college so maybe that's it.

But what I never understood was the concept of badges of honor. I never collected my Math degree, despite taking almost all of the math courses. I never collected my Accounting degree, even though I only have maybe 4 more courses to qualify for that. I only need maybe 4 more courses for my MBA but too bad, now I gotta do it all over again because I failed out.

It's a schism. I get super close to finishing something and then I think it's more fun to ruin it. Is it me? Like this article... I