Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Working as designed

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Just watched Cloud Atlas and I must say I got about as much out of it as I did at the movies. Nothing. But in fairness, the astounding transcendence will be apparent after a couple of more viewings.

I am now watching The Hobbit and I find it appealing if only to learn the similarities that it has to the Bible. Well, what do I mean you say? Well I mean that the magic and spells and even the seasons are meant to lend us a vision in our heads of the feelings that abound at the outbreak of corruption. Monsters are simply men that have turned to violence. Men acting in unison mean more hit points. Say you have 100hp and wield a long sword which does 10pts of damage, well a Troll would have 1000hp and wield weapons capable of killing a regular man with one hit! But that is all a troll is is a "gang" of men. You could liken this to trolls on the internet because verily how can anyone be insulting and daft in front of others unless he was able to brag about his actions to someone "as uncaring" as he is.  And that's a general rule about people that like to say "I don't care" or like that bully girl said about bullying that girl to death, IDGAF.  

Remember the story of the troll and the 3 billy goats gruff?

Well, enough about the Hobbit. I am dismayed by the amount of spying that is going on and not just by the NSA. It seems to me that a GREAT DEAL of spying is going on nottheleastofwhich is happening on my computer.

I even sent some feedback on spying and how it is like harassment. I wonder if people realize this. You know, you need to have a sharp mind to understand things and if you have any bigotry or prejudice about things, it is MUCH more likely that you will succumb to darkness. This is why I don't like to talk about the dead because of the fuel to the spirit that it provides. People need causes to fight for and death is MUCH more convincing than simple signs and complaints.

I was in St. Augustine watching out over the ocean and talking with my mother about how the beach has changed since we came to Jacksonville 20 years ago. 20 years is the length of one generation, so a generation ago people could drive on the beach yet ONE death was all it took to close it off.  

No, I say the gun control laws are working as designed and I apologize for my harshness but a society without weapons is something closer to a factory than a community(qv cloud atlas). Violence is part of any gathering and if only the leaders are capable of using it... it is used much more often than if everyone is capable.

Just look at prisons and solitary and sentencing and drug laws and drone programs and spying. All these things are advantages that the leadership has over the common man and ALL have been abused to the Nth degree.

I wouldn't put a man in solitary for more than a day or two and I hear tell of people being there for months maybe years. I mean I agree some people need to be kept apart but solitary is, well, cruel.

I keep needing to find someplace I belong like a tower of philosophers writing in tablets all day and yelling outrage at the dogma of the day, but here I wait knowing that as soon as I have a job, I am going to be treated to a fight and then I am going to be treated to a jail cell. There is no use having an outlook when cops are capable of lying. You've made it, you're there, you're in hell... a place that makes no sense.

ps. but I would point out that since I have stopped smoking, it is much more difficult to get depressed or even angry so that leads me to believe that drugs help make you less stable, so I have hope.