Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ann Coulter's quote

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I put Ann Coulter up on my wallpaper because yeah, she's a great person. So while I am reading her past about Bill Clinton and while I am totally recanting on my view of the Clintons, I realize some of her past is a bit more feisty than the person I know on twitter. So below is one of her quotes that were on one of her bios on the internet.

"Swing voters are more appropriately known as the 'idiot voters' because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen, you're either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster."

I have quite a few philosophical principles.

I am not a fan of contracts and am even less a fan of quotes. This quote is by Ann Coulter. Now at any given moment, or on any given Sunday, we have the capacity to evolve in our views so taking someone's quote or reading his signature on a contract, or blaming someone's character for some long ago act, is a bit like the devil and his half full soulgem.

If he fills it up all the way, then it's time to take you to hell!

Well how about we don't use soulgems? Yeah, it's a bit opportunistic to say you must do what I say or I will tell people you tried to kill your brother once or stole some candy or had your ass licked and you liked it. It's the people that are willing to blackmail you that REALLY deserve the soul gems.

Let's see now, how do I tell them apart from the good people?

Well, let's forget about hell because the truth is there is no such thing. At least in my mind. But I DO understand what hell is to some degree and by that notion so do I get what heaven is. But before I piss off all religious people, let's skip it.

The quote up top proports to provoke all non-registered voters into registering. OR ELSE. Or else what? Or else you are an idiot. A retard. Someone less able to process thoughts than your average person. You also may have the maturity of a fourteen year old. What an insult. But I can't fault her too much because, after all, she has been plowing away at ridiculousness for decades and it would be an immoral act to push her aside for saying something while disregarding so many other great sayings. But in true-to-form comedy or punditry or "cleaner of oil from ducks with dawn" fashion, I'm going to bring to the fore what it means to be a swing voter.

My father was a registered Democrat. He is a big fan of the Clintons, not the least of which is because they kept their marriage together through much hardship much like my parents did. When Hilary ran, he was all for it. Myself I don't like the idea of another DYNASTY like the Bush era, where all the same people come back and know in much better form how to make themselves rich er uh.. I mean do their jobs better. But when Obama was the candidate, he had a change of heart. So he goes to the poll and his vote is rejected. He had reqistered Democrat so all he could do was vote Democrat.

Is this really what we want in this country? Do we want to have "registered" voters? If you are registered Democrat and you can't vote Republican, why even have the election? Why not just have everyone's vote counted on the day of and poof, no controversy, no counting, no runoff. People can know the outcome pretty much weeks ahead of time.

OH, swing voters that's why.

Because I myself am not loyal to a political party but it seems that the people in charge DO want you to be loyal... to their party MORE than the country. Anyone thinking Heritage Action yet? Yeah because it sounds like a good time club but it ends up my religion or theirs.

Swing voters are the people that keep people honest. The extremist that is not so extremist. Before a Democrat starts espousing principles like world order, (which is not so bad in theory it's just the people that mess that up) a swing voter is going to slow that up. Same goes for Republicans that like to claim God and Country while being cruel to their fellow man. Only swing voters are gonna slow that up.

It is the swing voter that remains the best choice when you don't know who is saying what and don't have the time to follow who's the who in your local area or on the national stage. And by the way the only people that have the time to involve themselves in politics are people that have people running their business's for them, aka. rich people. So when you begin to see people waiting in lines or stopped from voting because of invalid ID or having their votes thrown out because they moved recently(which only happens to non-business owners who rent), then it's time to hook up with your local swing voter agency, and NOT lock yourself up in a political party that is being run by rich people on both sides.

And since she probably wrote that quote before she was forty, I'm gonna let her off the hook with my own quote.

By the age of fourteen you might be either liberal or conservative but by the age of forty you should be quite a bit more conscious of the need to have two sides to ANY argument, which means having more or less govt...

is not really the point.