Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What normal is

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I guess it should be obvious that I get into moods.  I have a long spell of irritated, followed by long spells of happy followed by depression followed by hopefulness.  Some might call it bipolar disorder.  I would rather call it normal. 

People on drugs are people that are "unnaturally happy".  Drinking does this.  Cocaine and Marijuana do this.  Even people playing a video game could be said to be "unnaturally happy".  All of these are substitutes for what should be making you happy in life.  All of these are substitutes for sex. 

When you visit the extremes of what you can be in life you can use that to become a better thinker of where the center should lie.  First of all you should know what you are talking about right because all we can be is either completely controlled or wild.

I am about to tell you what normal is.

To be completely controlled is to be completely civilized or sophisticated.  Like me.  You have to have no urges to do anything.  All actions are for a set purpose.  Once you realize that you need to pee, eat, masturbate, poop, sneeze and clean your eyes and ears, you can do those with increasing levels of effectiveness.  The government could be run this way to achieve maximum levels of civility.  It could clean itself on purpose.

So at one end, to be completely in control of yourself is to be completely civilized.  This is hard to do and it must be done intentionally I might add.  You can't accidentally do something civilized. 

At the other end, is what wild is.  This is the natural order.  To do this takes no effort.  You are stomping your enemies,  seeking revenge, pissing your pants and humping the first girl that doesn't give you too much trouble.  This is what NO civility looks like.  Pure emotion.  Some people would call me THIS too.  

If two people at these opposite ends were to meet then you might have a discussion about what is wrong with you. (Lawrence, you are in my thoughts) So you might wonder to yourself, HOW DO I FIGHT this guy? Was I wrong to post a selfie of my wabbajack online?

No.  Remember that you are REQUIRED to respect the law of diminishing returns in life.  Some people will be more of the other while some are too much of this.  So when Lawrence gets too WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU on TV, it's time to add up your life and defend the 50% of people that are like you and not the other 50% that are not like you. 

If are brave, you are not cautious.

If you are brazen, you are not thoughtful.

If you have a lot of sex with questionable women, you are not very innocent and may not care for that sort, making you heartless. 

If you have a large prick, you are more likely to have trouble finding the hole. 

Simple things remind us that NO MATTER WHAT, there is some counter to any attack we may be under.  So if you find yourself being called a jackoff because you are so arrogant that you will not allow sex until it is the perfect person, then you know what to call that other person that is so wild that he would do it with anyone including his mother. 

There is a lot of value in playing it safe.

I am sorry to attribute everything to sex.  My sister says often says this, but it seems to me to be the best way to explain why we do things, as opposed to basing desires on fake needs. 

Earlier, on twitter, there was mention of Bill Clinton and his affair and it reminded me of how it was at the time to listen to people SO OFFENDED that he would cheat on his wife, but at the same time them not giving any value to how difficult sex is sometimes.  It's frustrating to me to hear people talk about how easy sex is.  It's not easy for me.  Earning money is easy, having sex is not.

Sex is hard.

ps. I know, more ps, I am editing and here goes the unforeseen addition.  The law of diminishing returns applies to life as well.  If you experience as much as there is to experience in life as fast as possible, you may live out the rest of it bored yet if you take no risk at all you may not ever achieve a sufficient level of joy so it's important that you realize the value of SLOWING things down.  Slow your life so that pictures of your great day in the mountains don't become a life long yearn to look out an office window and pine for that long ago moment.  Everyone's life follows the normal curve.  Meaning that eventually it slopes off and then you are on the downside.  Slow things down. Get your fix.  Get your too drunk bar fix, your questionable sexual moment fix, get your I played an RPG for 3 straight days fix, get your I ran across the highway fix.  But don't make those things normal in your life. 

Or just maybe you can make doing those things the goal, in case finding that perfect girl didn't work out so well.