Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Those tweeking congressmen

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So in my dicussion of MBAs you probably now get that "opportunistic" MBAs are nothing like regular MBAs. There is maximizing value that is done much like "tweeking" your checkbook. 

There is also maximizing value that includes invading your wife's checking account.

In the first variety, you clearly identify your clients, make totals more often to minimize errors, you might even use a spreadsheet so the debits and credits allow you to double check your math. People that make up most of your income or spending might go into a separate checkbook yeah? You might even want to KEEP THOSE receipts because the business there is so large that quantifying business there is significant and you could deduct those costs because of the value it does to the country. Good idea.

This is the work of an MBA or an accountant or an economist or maybe even a banker/financial expert/money man. You make the government of your affairs lean. 

Lean government is the goal people!

OH wait there's a REAL government. Why don't people do it that way for the government?

So that's my purpose today, is to advise you that politicians are supposed to be like these people. Tweeking, adjusting, accounting, should be the goal of a congressman. He should not be CREATING value. That's the boss' job( aka the population's job). These people should be servants of the population not their bosses.

MBAs should be servants of demand, they should not be creating it.

Congressmen should be servants of the population's needs, they should not be creating it.

So healthcare... needed? Maybe. Pipeline... needed? Maybe. Welfare, Tax, Immigration reform... needed? Maybe. Gun control... needed? Maybe.

But in your mind, it should not be clear that for the most part, Congress should be doing NOTHING!