Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, January 20, 2014

No hospital

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I'm going to try to explain some things about women and you are going to think they are bizarre.  That's fine.  I have had a lot of time on my own, compiling, you all have had a lot of time learning nothing about relationships as you jump from bed to bed not even understanding why your feelings are so shallow and stay that way.  So you can call me a fool but as Kenobi once said "who is the more foolish the fool or the fool who follows him". 

Hah, some of you can't wait to hear what craziness is about to come out.

Ok so I made mention that Jesus wouldn't approve of marriage.  So by that you are going to wonder if I expect to ever attend church again since this is the FIRST thing anyone who has read this will bring up in sunday school.  

When you have contracts, people can abuse contracts.  This is why making a bargain with the devil is such a bad idea.  A contract with a person of power, almost always leads to a line drawn closer to YOU than to him.  This means... breaking the contract almost never happens to him, it happens to you which then makes you his slave forever and OFF to hell you go.  

Imagine a  prenuptual written by Donald Trump for example.  Will you hold him to it as he changes the weather and your route to work and has your car and your family poisoned?  I'm not saying that he would do this mind you.  I like the guy and my mother bought his book for me to read and sometimes I go on his twitter to see if he has said any good things.  

Sometimes he does.  

But this latest debacle with Christie has left a twinge of fear in my back.  Poison is easy for people of power to inflict and they aren't held accountable because of the invisible nature of inflicting it.  

Poison is like chemotherapy.  

You are poisoning yourself but only the strong parts will survive, the ones that are connected.  Is this what we want?  We want the strong parts to survive only?  Is that like might is right? 

Ok so sidetracked again, He does not like contracts or oaths.  These are meant to keep a populace in check, they are not meant to promote freedom for your soul.  In like form, a marriage is meant to keep other people's hands off your spouse yet some marriages are less formalized than others.  

You should stay together as long as you BOTH are happy and when one of you chooses to leave, it's over.  So I am going to give you 3 rules about dating that I have come up with that make things clear for me even though evil forces would rather MUCK that up so that the public is controlled. 

Rule #1 If you have a girlfriend, she ain't your girlfriend unless you live together. 

This is perhaps the simplest definition of "marriage" there is.  You have the same address, you share the same food, you take a crap in the same toilet.  Someone who breaks in can expect both of you to attack them; there's no doubt that maybe one of you works for the burglar.  And whatdayaknow, living together means paying less rent in some cases, so logically she says it means you have to move to a more expensive area and buy some nice things(NO!). 

The downside of this is that it isn't forever.  Secrets still abound.  You're not sure as to whether next week that HOT babe will want to set up a nice dual action with your man.  You may not even KNOW your man well enough to decide if he is into one person girlfriends or if he likes to juggle.  You STILL might be lying to each other.  Your purpose or BELIEF in each other is temporary to some degree, even though it doesn't have to be.  For guys this is all you ever wanted, for girls, you might need to demand quite a bit more BLOOD for your enamorement.  

Rule #2 You can't fall in love, until you have had sex.

This is basic.  Every girl out there is just WAITING to call the cops on you for publicly "proclaiming" your love for a girl you haven't had sex with.  THE PERVERT.  So don't get your hopes up, don't leave her flowers saying FOREVER, and don't talk to her mom first.  If you want to know what love is, you are going to have to ASK her for sex.  You don't NEED her until then, and she STILL only MIGHT need you after,  but there is NO CHANCE that she needs you beforehand.  She might need your MILLIONS, but not you.  

Rule #3 The "Until death do us part" is written as part of marriage mostly for the sake of children.  So the only REAL marriage is signed the day you and her orgasm at the same time. 

Yep.  You may as well ask her to marry you RIGHT in the MIDDLE of sex and honestly I can think of nothing more romantic.  Is that funny?  Because when she stops saying "I'm close" and she stops saying "Don't stop" and she starts saying "YES" and you feel that "OMG, it's too good, I can't pull it out this time GAAAHHH!"  poof... You're married.  Hope you planned it because it happened.

This is where my belief on abortion splits because although I think young people will experiment with a broomstick (who me?) if given a chance, I DO believe that sex, if done properly should lead to children EVERY SINGLE time.  But that's freedom right?  We must choose what we ALL want to be the norm.  A couple that wants to be together forever should have that ability to BOND in this most extreme method of bonding.  

But I still think young people make mistakes.  And worst thing we can do, especially for those that don't understand things like a 40 year old when they are 20, is make them run around with a child separate from their other parent.  Still it happens and that's the world we live in, but I believe that this should be our goal. 

And now that you know what the goal is, now you can tell it to your children because I was never told and it would have been nice.  And by the way we need to stop circumcision.  Women and men having a foreskin is a way to "double seal" the process of injection.  It's obviously TWICE AS HARD to keep all the sperm inside if only one of the seals exist.  

And if I hear about another JEW practice that has secretly been making me and other men less aggressive as a man that I don't know about... there's gonna be ANOTHER NAZI MOVEMENT coming out of here. 

Ok, one last thing.  People are going to treat you different if you start to spout this stuff and you are religious.  That's because some religious people want you to be soft and others want you OUT of their church if you start to have NEW ideas about improving it.  This will lead to various public exclamations of "what you said" about marriage. 

And if you find yourself being carted off on a cross, and you start to wonder HOW can all of these people be wrong, I point you to a famous saying in The Seventh Sign(Demi Moore is fine even while pregnant and so is Erin Burnett, lousy editor, me?).  At the end of the movie, the last martyr is about to be executed because he killed his father and mother blah blah who cares, but he won't let his lawyers claim insanity because he knows he is right based on HIS understanding of the bible.  

And this is my final point to you is that NO MATTER WHAT you think is right, you must be willing to change, to conform, to understand.   

The Bible is just a book with many examples, there is nothing in there about dealing with rifles and cars and computer viruses, similar things yes, but not specifics, so before you go off being sure of what you know, like SNOWDEN, gather together with people you trust (aka a priest), so that at least you have a chance at not burning out like a flame and thinking the whole world is wrong.   

If you are unwilling to curse, people will curse around you.  If you are unwilling to vandalize, you will be vandalized.  If you are unwilling to poison, people will poison you. If you don't like spitballs, you will be spit on.

Our enemies force us to carry weapons, as so do our enemies in other countries.


ps. Too many good people lead to more bad people, too many bad people lead to more good people. You can't fix this; the world is 50/50.