Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dreaming of Angelina

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Ok Im skipping self-serving statement about the difference of cocaine people and mean people. If I can't say something productive, I'm not saying it when it comes to people, for the most part.

I had a dream last night about Angelina Jolie.  Lucky me right?  Well not that type of dream but since it's fresh in my mind let me write it out and maybe yall can figure it out.  

An undefined woman is lying in a bed next to me.  I am comfortable but curious.  She wakes up and reveals that it's Angelina Jolie.  But she doesn't look at me.  She is busy somehow.  She peels off her blanket, smiles, and moves close to someone else but it doesn't bother me because I am just so happy to be near her.  I don't see her actually mount the person who I never find out who it is, then flash to a car scene.  She is in the back seat of a car being driven by some old lady.  Angelina is out of it, either because she is too tired or just woken up; not drugged just tired.  The old lady starts asking a lot of annoying  questions like who she was supposed to meet.  I remember her responding something but that part has faded.

She gets out of the car that was like a taxi and I suddenly realize that me and her are together and we are looking for our car in a parking lot in front of this supercenter type store with no name.  We get to her car and in front of it she points to a yellow curb thingy that keeps the car from going forward.  She smiles wide at this, truly enjoying her smile this time.  She mentions to me that she has never seen one out in public and she detaches it from the ground and starts to fold it up.  It is foamy like that twerk finger foam.  She is very happy now and as she turns to walk away for some reason, I notice her long well made hair with curls like the hair she had the night of the awards ceremony when she stuck her leg out.