Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

More fun if I dont

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

Some people believe that weed is for the lazy and the fat.  But even though I don't like weed, I believe that drugs are a good source of fuel for the creative.  I for one consider smoking and drinking as a great source of fuel as a replacement for what would normally be happiness. Along those lines I believe that the lack of smoking and drinking leads to less extreme mood swings so though you are less creative, you suffer less depression.  Just look at this blog.  I can't even think of what to talk about whereas before I used to stream pages of stuff in half an hour.  I am much less happy although I also feel a lot less depressed overall.

Pot is the same.  If you hook up to it, it makes you more happy DESPITE the major problems in your life.  And this makes you more radical, less calm, more bipolar, perhaps like I used to be.  But that's OK as long as you get a full night of sleep and you take that giganourmous shit in the morning so that your system gets cleaned out and you get another "chance" to be calm.   

If you are a leader, you should inspire calmness. If you are a follower, you should follow someone calm.

Now, I know you want to give Trey Radel a whole lot of crap for being caught with cocaine but, you know, it's just another drug.  And now that we gave him a pass, MORE PEOPLE can now find themselves deserving of a pass.  Why does CRACK have to sound so evil?  

Secrecy is evil.  Poison is evil.  Violence is evil. 

Crack is not evil. 

I believe if many people are doing something, eventually we need to bring it to the eggheads to find out if it kills us.  The following are things that kill us:

Skydiving= kills us
Scuba diving= kills us
Football = kills us
Space flight = kills us
Bleach = kills us 

Yeah, so that's why it's necessary to have it researched because nobody in a white VW at the trailer park is gonna quote some scientific study that says by the way(BTW) don't smoke this after swimming because they don't have ANY FRIGGIN IDEA what they are selling to you.   And that's why we need more government and regulation.  Because what that list up there tells you is that we would be a very boring people without the activities mentioned up there.  So the more options, the more SAFE options, the better for our happiness.  

Happiness is hard.  Sex is hard.  Drugs... compensate for that. 

But Republicans might be thinking like an ape that "more government equals bad" right?  But not really.  Government is our shell.  It is in charge of keeping us safe.  And like officers and soldiers and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(CPFB) (that we needed like 20 years ago), we don't have to equate having more protection, with having more government.  

What Republicans fear from big government is the corruption of officials.  And it always happens.  But a lack of regulation, is also an avenue for the corrupt in other ways. Corporations, seeing less and less competition, begin to BECOME the government. (That's why we needed the CPFB 20 years ago and it needs to NEVER go away!) So what we can agree on is that both parties, Democrat and Republican, struggle for EFFICIENCY.  Moreover, they should be struggling for the sake of a stable and supportive government that mostly deals with outside threats.  Yet, they try that by attacking the opposing party based on the principle of winning.  They fight for the sake of fighting because both sides need "charity" from rich people to outmatch political enemies.  So the job of a political figure is to "juggle" opposing beliefs, one, to have no connection to the possibly corrupt while, secondly, embracing the possibly corrupt to help outmatch "better connected" competitors, that mostly just know a few bunch of rich people.   If people would pay more attention as voters and refuse to allow corruption MAYBE elections would be cheaper, but people work TOO much.  

A forty-hour workweek is 1/3 of your week.  Sleep is another third.  The last third is all the time regular people have to keep up with our leaders which is not only made increasingly difficult by party politics like "vote republican or else and don't ask why" but is hopelessly outweighed by the amount of free time rich people have by comparison.   Average people, have NO HOPE of understanding the healthcare act, and yet they agree with it.  


I am all for having more healthcare insurance and paying for it, especially that pre-existing condition crap that basically DOOMS half the population, but there should be a clear cut way of learning all there is to know about it, and there isn't. 

And you would think that Republicans would have POINTED OUT that pre-existing condition crap long ago and appointed a government bureau to direct healthcare, to keep people safe  from financial problems, but no, every new bureau is MORE GOVERNMENT to them so now we got what we got.  We have a HYBRID MESS of a healthcare system that is going to need refining like a shaggy dog needs a bath.  

All we needed was a healthcare bureau. (arrgh, I changed the subject)

Some Republicans, like SECupp, believe that Obama is not about to support new drug laws because they would make him less "presidential",  but you have to remember what country this is.  We are a democracy.   There is little more that defines us better than ACCEPTING foreign ideas and integrating them into our "melting pot" of people and cultures.  

That is our religion as a country.  ACCEPTANCE.  Free speech.  Diversity.  Winning by submitting.  It's not weakness, it's sophistication.  If I change to be like you and you reject me, YOU should be destroyed.  

As a final note, I will mention Colorado and the nature of darkness.  Darkness seeps into everything.  People that used to work in secret will still have ties to secrecy.  That leads to a funding of dark networks that maybe don't deserve more power.  As the networks become more powerful, they will demand fewer suppliers etc, a power play.   This darkness will pull dark people from other states and bring them back to infect their home states.  It will be a volatile time in that region, not the least of which is due to the proximity of Nevada and California.  Vigilance will be crucial, but how can you watch what most people don't want to watch.  Here's my theory on Nukes and Gun control and Marijuana.  Only after every single nation has a nuke, only after every single person has a gun, only after every single state passes marijuana laws, can we agree to do without them.  Only then.  At the end.  

It's like smoking.  Only when everyone has access can people all agree that it's bad.  They have to PREFER not to do it. But I fear sometimes that rich people(aka. the possibly corrupt) won't allow it.  

And I believe most people agree with Mr. Pewterschmidt from Family Guy, that the rich and powerful COULD make everything a little less lopsided... 

"but it's more fun if I don't".