Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A fat man

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I am in a conundrum about Christie. He made a play to close down the George Washington Bridge. It's as obvious to me as it is to Rachel as it is to pretty much everyone in his home state of New Jersey. What's funny is that I keep hearing about how, if he's telling truth about not knowing about it or not having ordered it, he might be able to ride this out.

Fine. I will give this to a governor or a judge or even a police officer, when it comes to you in YOUR home town, you can pretty much do whatever you want.

I was telling people recently that we only have two types of judges, ie. two types of people that can tell us what to do:

1) ELECTED people that we put in that position because that is what all of the landowners have agreed to do which is like a democracy

2) OWNER people that own the land we live on which pretty much makes us slaves to their will unless that will is unreasonable, which tends to be a line (line of reasonability) drawn far closer to the SLAVE than the owner.

And that is what privatization does. It puts OWNERS in charge of the government. When the companies own the water, people suffer. When they own the planes, people are at risk. When they own the gasoline, some people get cancer. You don't have to go far to determine if privatization works. When CASTRO takes over a refinery and gives it to the state you might think HEY that was wrong of him to do but not really because he was doing it for the people, right? The downside comes when he goes right back to doing what the company was doing which is running the company to profit the government not the people.

That's why ME as dictator... IS A GREAT IDEA! I would never abuse the power, you should give ME the power. But somewhere along the way, while I am running this refinery company, another crisis comes up, now it's the food. Apparently some people have begun spraying ALL SORTS of poison on the food and washing the poison off is getting harder and harder to do because the people there are AT IT AGAIN with the profit motive. So I nationalize that TOO.

SEE, me in charge = GOOD.

Oh here come the planes, yep two or three crashes later people want me to run that too, and the electricity, apparently EVERYONE needs it and people have been noticing 2 cents more = BILLIONS more to the state.

So my point it, I'm sorry. It's TOO MUCH. I would not make a good leader by myself. No matter what your level of intellect is or your charisma or even the amount of money you started out with, to be a good leader you are going to need a good religion. A set of values. A cause.

The first thing you must admit is that the cause is temporary and that when you are dead or incapacitated, it's over. And you have to assume and declare that this cause will have a positive net present value... meaning that it will be productive.

Man I'm already tired of writing. Maybe I am depressing myself, I can't tell.

Christie is having this problem. He needs a cause to keep his administration going but meh if that's the way things get done in his state, more power to him. I believe he is an ambitious little man doing things MORE for his government than for his people.

The worst thing that can happen to a politician is that he gets outnumbered. His will is little more than a rant at that point. He is supposed to shape the river, not damn it, not poison it, or blow it up.

I've lost track of my point.

Well, anyway I can am trying not to come right out and call him a fat, ugly, Nero type because I don't know him or what he has done. And that is prejudice. I don't like it when it's done to me so I try not to do it to others.

But I keep going back to Reese Witherspoon's statement about healthy people not being able to commit murder.  She said this in LEGALLY BLONDE.  It has been something I have kept close to my heart. People that are in good shape tend to be happy ALL of the time. They can laugh things off better they can "switch out" their addictions easier possibly without even noticing the step happened.

(and btw, Reese Witherspoon's BRAND which was that of a girl with a positive outlook despite being "cursed" with money, jealousy from others, good looks and culture, is out the window, I don't know who I'm getting at this point when she is in a movie)

So when I see Rachel on a fishing boat on a ship having a good time, I believe her good will. Same goes for SECupp. Same goes for Ann Coulter, even though I think she is a little more on the selfish side. But I don't believe she would hurt anyone's feelings intentionally. I have a bad potty mouth like Bill Maher but he doesn't do it either to hurt people. We have free speech. I mean, he has a show and YOU have come to HIS show to check out his opinions and that's because he is entertaining. Same goes for Ann.  Same goes for Sarah Silverman.

All those people are in shape. And because they are it tells me they have a high self-esteem and I want that. I want to believe I am the best or at least that I have a way of getting there.  I need to be around people that inspire that so THESE are the people that do it for me.

FAT people do not. And even though I am fat and disgustingly out of shape, I am not going to learn ONE THING from a fat person that I can use.

Anyway that's my opinion and YOU came to MY website to hear it. Oh and good luck Christie... you don't deserve to be in jail, because in Jersey politics are hardball(?) so that's all you know I guess, but there's no way in hell I would vote you as President.