Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Human play Domjot


As you might guess, it's difficult to live with a secret past. I have been a part of a major bank and privy to some serious karaoke discussions and have even occasionally talked about politics with some "somos" sanchos.

But it's tidy. I haven't spilled out my heart to people except to say that I want to be left alone and yet that sign of weakness is exactly what must be tested and regulated by godknowswho out there that think THEY were the first ones to keep a secret.

But I have blame.

In a discussion with my parents I made it clear why secrets are bad and then it became clear to me. Secrets make TWO countries out of one. If you let me know there is a secret, and if I like you, then you are TESTING our friendship, and the only thing that can happen is it either gets stronger = you tell me the secret, or it gets weaker = you didn't trust ME with your secret now I'm supposed to trust you, not. That's why Snowden is right. That's why people need to play well. Play poker. Play DomJot.


When keeping secrets, especially in a government agency, you can't cry foul when one of your people spills the beans. You are supposed to inspire them enough, usually with MONEY, to play well and keep the corners tidy and clean and not be overheard or intruded upon. Obviously once this machine is established and "well-oiled", LOKI shows up. Because nothing stirs the devil like seeing a nice well-funded little apple orchard FULL of apples. 

And when the LOKI (loco?) in you has had his fill of apples, what then?  Then it's THOR time... no you would not be Thor in this scenario at this point, you would be the person getting HAMMERED on .

But a secret agency is against us, and like a fire that cooks your food, if it gets out of control, it will keep on cooking. That is what hell is you see. That is chemotherapy again. Cook us enough until only the people without secrets remain. That's surveillance. It's also Communism at its worst. Communism is not wrong, but people being cowed, with an us vs. them mentality... well that is where all systems(religion, democracy, dictatorships, corporations) end up, right before a revolution.

Hell is supposed to cook people of their evil and then they can return to being peaceful. I have told you before that hell is a place on Earth. People, esp friends that gang up on you, introduce you to hell and afterward you either destroy them all, or they destroy you, or you come away CLEANED of all doubt or disloyalty.

(Hint: you probably don't get to destroy them all)

That is the importance of gravity. I'm going off on a tangent but I want you learn something today about gravity. There was a guy in mathematics that developed a new theory about numbers and he said that each of them have loops. In his loop theory, he was able to do math MORE precisely than we are able to do now. You might think our system of mathematics is the BEST but no. It's not. As we approach the realms of prophecy, our systems are not so accurate. But yet you wonder HOW is this possible there is only ONE mathematics. NO there is not. In this guys theory, each number was connected to other numbers like a loop. I am of the variety that each number has a spin to it. I have probably mentioned this before that my favorite saying was an old Schwarzenegger(you know you're famous when spell checker corrects people's spellings of your name) saying from his Commando movie.

What IS important is Gravity! 

Well if you take things in the world and represent them as cogs in a clock, some the gears work to make the clock run quiet, and others are rusting out, making MORE noise. And you see that's gravity because each of those little cogs have to run the same speed as the others, not some running faster, not some going in another direction. The reason a space station has gravity is because once you speed up the floor, and they speed you up along with it, you become a part of that whole entity, you all attract each other, because you are so different from everything else running at a different speed. that's why things in a system need to be run just, so-so. And because perfection is so hard, you need buffers, or soft spots, at the connection points.

Systems without buffers break.

I guess I don't need to remind you that I believe in peace. Your mind should be at peace and after a whole lot of quizzical reviewing of your wanderings throughout the day, you mind should be able to return to a state of peace. If you are a child of GOD, you are a peaceful person. Everything you experience is serenity. "God give me the courage to change the things I can, or the grace to accept the things I can't" or some such thing. Peaceful people wake up knowing what's important and they keep those things close to them. People, FROM HELL, can't get there. It's like in the movie What dreams may come. People that are addicted, cannot re-establish a peaceful purpose. They do NOT let things go. They are vindictive or vengeful. They NEED to find the end to their maze. People in politics should not serve long if they do serve because the only need they end up serving is the need to keep needing. They never find their way back to peace UNLESS they read these words and understand what the goal is in everyone's mind. Systems that are well-oiled, should be the goal. Calmness should be the goal. This much for that. A 25 cent gumball, should tell everyone that prices DON'T need to fluctuate without cause.

Ok so my main point today was to discuss how we should act towards children. I may come across as someone holier than thou, that's because I am. Hahahaha. However, I still have to wipe so take that for what it's worth. And I do a very good job a wiping too... perhaps TOO good.

Oh yeah, children, I was about to tell you some REAL secrets but you wouldn't want to learn any of THOSE.

I was watching today Star Trek The Next Generation (TNG). The episode was called The Host. SO many things came to mind during this episode, for one thing you can't pretend to kiss someone. It's got to be one of the hardest things in acting, especially for someone that's watched a lot of porn. People that don't like each other, don't even bother trying to hide it because it's there on camera for all of posterity to review. Beverly was supposed to like this guy that was coming on as an alien ambassador, and she was hot for him too but it was one step too far when the guy stuck his tongue in her mouth.


After that, I watched her closely and then I noticed some REALLY good acting, lol. Anyways, now that I have had my fun, the movie was more of a representation of gangs. As you might guess gangs exist everywhere, from the Chamber of Commerce, to the Veterans Club, to the Masons, and to the Troopers Association. And as you might think they want to do EXTRA stuff that's not really covered in the law but that noone will mind because HEY it's not illegal if noone complains. Well as you might imagine, some of these "gangs" can last decades, even generations. As you probably ALL have heard GW was part of the SKULLS and no matter what that means, you all, at least all of you that went to college, have probably all had exposure to fraternities or "brotherhoods" that seem benign but yet somehow always end up justifying violence for the sake of initiation... probably to prepare them to INCITE violence on some future punk who deserves what he has coming, that has brown wavy hair that lives with his mom....

But these brotherhoods... are parasitic.

As you might have seen in the episode, Odan has a parasite inside and when he is attacked and mortally wounded, his body dies but the little "box of secrets" can survive as soon as they bring in a new host. As you might imagine, Dr. Crusher not only has to lose the person she loved but has to believe that this new person is the same man. Same goes for people in gangs, if one of them is caught or dies, (you would be surprised how many times I have been told that someone "died" at the bar) then another woman, FROM THE GANG, must be sent to replace her because regular women can't be trusted with the "box of secrets" or the parasite.

You remember the box of secrets don't you? Yeah in fraternities they have the traditions and secrets that bond all the brothers together and even though this might be something as nonsensical as a favorite color, it COULD be something as deadly as a flaming cross.

OH you get it now!

Later in the episode Beverly(Dr. Crusher) has to put up with the parasite being put into Riker, which she loves but not that way but because she cares for him, makes it possible for her to make love to him, all the while hiding small affection for the Captain, while at the same time watching Riker suffer as the weight of the "box" is on him to carry until another host is sent. What tops off the entire episode is that the host they send is a girl, terrible right? Didn't they KNOW that he was getting busy? Well add it up folks... they DID know and that's why they sent a girl cuz this marriage "ain't happenin", not with our secrets you don't!

And that's the end. You see all of these exercises in gangs are an exercise in us/theming the world. It's funny until it isn't. It's like in Sum of Fears when the Russian President warns the US that messing in Chechnya is like a man finding out that someone slept with his wife and now all of them should try to live in the same house. A secret Us/Thems us. A small focus group should be just that, public and focused and televised and recorded. You are working for everyone, not for yourselves. 

US: Let's have a SECRET city council meeting! 
THEM: Bizarre!  

How does this relate to Mexican children? Oh they are not from Mexico you say well ... YES they are. Since Mexico has become irrelevant I invite them to let us have a BASE there. Oh what happened? Oh no thanks you say? You can handle children now?

That's what I thought!

There's only two things children from another country do to us by infiltrating our populace... we become like them or they become like us. Now think of a parasite. Oh you get it now.

Just because they are children doesn't mean they haven't grown to be deceptive and secretive. All we have to do is put out a report of how many people made it to their court hearing to see if you get to stay and we will see how useless this all is. We are being infected and the only solution is to start cleaning, wash our wounded, put ICE on the problem which seems to be coming from Mexico and then flush away the bad, used up skin that used to be a healthy and productive part of the collective.

And I know somewhere in the back of my mind that this whole thing is contrived, that is, a manufactured problem. I just KNOW it. I have been hit too many times with the pickup and now I walk across the street slow. We all have. But it helps to start talking about war again if we are going to stop the nancies from influencing our leaders.

What do I mean by Nancies? I mean people that are NOT from the murder capital of the world. The OTHER people. I mean corruption.

What, you don't like nicknames?

Finally, I don't want Obama going down there. I have mentioned hell and hell is what it is to live on the border. You want to work with everyone, HALF of them want to work with you, and HALF OF HALF of them want the border crossings to continue, which means half of half of them are working for another government. This MESS has NOTHING to do with children, It is natural in the collective to have peaceful people in our cities near the water, and to have our terrible people out there on that wall. It's like a castle and the Bubonic Plague. Only two things can happen, we take them over or they come inside. That's the only thing that can happen when there is a wall and always when a wall goes up, it must come down and I prefer it to be rebuilt just THAT side of Mexico.

So don't sent my President to the wall. I want policemen and helicopters and if you want to have a dog show with puppies there, FINE, but don't be stupid. You see a humanitarian crisis, I see thugs with human shields.

Solution? ID Cards, ankle bracelets, here goes the pledge of allegiance, your TEMPORARY pledge, and if we find you have been acting against our police... OUT. Here goes the reason, here goes your name and picture on our list and OUT. 

PS. I'm going to tell you one more thing about illegals and that is that they are the very embodiment of deception.  When I was fired, I had already suffered INCREDIBLE harassment not from my American counterparts.  All of my career I never had that much conflict with anyone else and in hindsight I would wager the conflicts I DID have were criminals in their off time because they weren't normal.  I suffered nonstop harassment from people of the Spanish team and most of these were people with green cards.  They aren't normal.  They are hyper-active and if there is opportunity, they take it, even if they are risking their job if they see people will let them get away with it, they are risking it because all that can happen is they go back to being nothings which they have been before.  That's why you can't be someone of possession, or of community, and deal with a homeless person.  That person is accustomed to being homeless and to stop him from being that, is a long process and may not even be possible.  They don't care about the collective... because they have never been a PART of a collective. 

And trust me when I say that everyone of them reading this, want to attack me now.  They are Vengeful and Common... and not to put too soft a point on it, they cost me my job.