Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The sum of all fears


A new thought pattern for you.  Since we know that eventually ALL changes to society follow the pattern of rich versus poor, it's important to note then HOW this happens.  

Today I will attempt to make that plain.  Recently I noticed that the government of Florida had allowed Satan's followers to establish a temple next to the traditional Christmas setup.  Free speech right?  What could happen?  

Well as you might think this led me to post my own OBSEQUIOUS comment on twitter requesting that I be allowed to place a guy in a suit with fangs NEXT to the Satanic Temple so that people would understand what people that worship Satan are all about.  

Fact is, if you haven't been to hell, you don't understand it and you are ill-equipped to combat it.  You can't place your shield in front of everything and expect to block magic.  Someone could be attacking you with fire so you face it that way, instead it could be they are attacking with cold from behind and now you've got your shield facing the wrong way.  Hell is chaos and if you want to be able to face your shield the right way, you're gonna need practice.  

Well, I've had some experience in this.  I know lies and I know fire and I know scorn and betrayal and I know frost.  So today besides giving you that little bit of help with fighting evil, I am going to give you a prelude to what Satan is.  

Satan is Jesus.  I have said this before.  He is the being cast out from heaven because he was too rowdy, too proud perhaps, too different, too righteous.  Righteousness is a bifurcation.  Order cannot exist NEXT to people that feel righteous.  Evil is defined as someone acting against others, in my opinion, but it is natural to act against someone that has acted against you or someone that has challenged you for a mate for example.  This is not evil.  So there are exceptions... the ones EYE lay out lol.  Just kidding.  

But you can form this for yourself.  You can tell what is natural order and what is evil for the sake of evil... for the sake of domination.  Domination is very natural but that part of nature is EXACTLY what civilization precludes or supplants.  Civility is an attempt to stamp out domination for the sake of establishing a larger family or "country" of people that follow the same purpose.  Now this is something that will blow your minds.  We do this with the understanding that our country must DOMINATE others.  

Sorry.  Yep, I'm Hitler... thoughtchu knew.  Hey, SarahK, just drew a dog for ya, wanna see?! 

That's all that can happen is that we treat each other VERY well with the understanding that we dominate others.  It's a very mixed bag.  So obviously instead of telling the world to watch out, we allow people to dominate each other right here at home just enough so the world doesn't see us as a threat and meh noone has come to kill me yet so I guess I don't need to take over the world so much.  

Now getting back to the altar to Satan.  I am opposed to things that are illegal.  Why?  Well, I didn't used to know why.  But after having a LOT of time off, I have put it together.  I know you are going to call me Captain Obvious for this but I am more analytical and less common-sensical, if you follow me.  Illegal things are achieved by people organized with their own set of rules.  These people are by definition... traitors.  They attack people or feed off of people that follow the rules by allowing them to break them for a price.  It's a nice thing to be free to do what you want but freedom to break the law is not Republicanism at its best, it's treason.  

Small wonder then that the richest among us are chock full of money they corralled by taking advantage of BLIND people, too full of working hours or too full of always doing the right thing, to really understand what drug-dealing and prostitution means to the average guy.  

Now don't get me wrong.  I think there is a right way to do prostitution and drugs.  Just make it legal.  People have an amazing sense of wanting to treat each other well as long as they are backed by police and both these actions, I believe, can be carried out well by people of goodwill.  

After all don't I have a handicapped friend that was kicked in the head and probably won't be able to have any sex if not for prostitutes.  Don't I have a brother who's first child was stillborn that died in his arms and probably needs some sort of shot in the arm for the anguish.  My second girlfriend warned me that she was very irregular during a certain month because her first child died that month.  It's no small wonder I have such contempt for doctors with so much incompetence literally visible to me with the deaths of babies.  She was slightly off also in my opinion but smart enough not to be addicted to drugs or even use them.

But I am getting sidetracked again.  My purpose here is to remind you that Satan is a perversion of Jesus.  An altar to Satan is an altar to chaos.  NO state or government should allow an altar to Satan because the purpose of any cult of Satan is to be free and to follow the animal instincts of... you guessed it... domination.  

It's like the charter to Hamas (the palestinian organization).  Their purpose is the destruction of Israel.  We can't allow that.  We can't allow people to follow this and call ourselves civilized and caring.  In my opinion, Israel is letting them have this organization just like having a black hand of society to keep Israelis in check and in the military.  It's a nice setup for Israelis who walk around with pride knowing they faced death for their country, which they DIDN'T, and all this next to the place of sacrifice where they took peoples lives to PROVE they were worthy.  Palestine is a cesspool of rejects but in reality just another example of the genocidal tactics used to create a cause that is tenable and self-perpetuating, imo.  


And that is what is happening when you set up a temple to Satan. You celebrate freedom to dominate.  You celebrate sacrifice not for the sake of the greater good but for the sake of the viral group of followers that feed off everyone else that is calm.  

I have one more thing to explain to you and that is people involved in illegality are organized in a way that may be traitorous but I believe that they are useful in keeping the country clean of refuse.   People that follow the law are the body, calm and clean, replacing their own obsolescence and improving their environment/organs of their bodies by slowly growing their wealth and happiness and the happiness of those around them. 

And, people that aren't part of the body are part of the blood.  These "organized" people are what clean out dead cells or people out from the system.  When "blood" people get sloppy or get caught, that's when the rest of the blood people gather up and fully digest the sloppy ones from the energized ones.  Amanda Bynes for example or Alec Baldwin.  When they get sloppy, it's a mad rush by people to slake their thirst by being brave enough to attack them especially if they seem scary or weak.  Bill Cosby is another example.  (on 2nd thought maybe we leave Bill Cosby on separate level from Bynes and Baldwin, oof, boy I feel bad now rereading this) These people are ones that were doing illegal things or unaccepted things or unpopular things that were ok to do if they got away with them... but then they got sloppy.  

It's in me too.  I was driving around quite often after going out to the bar and the only reason I got caught was that some drive-thru lady turned me in and betrayed me.  That's not sloppy, that is betrayal.  You can't point out someone and say there he goes and get him arrested, you need evidence!

Well, anyways it's been quite a few years since that happened so I am over it.  But nevertheless the lesson is there for me and for you that even though you have expectations, like to have something to drink and eat before you become dangerous while driving, you might be subject to a frost spell of betrayal by one of hell's minions that know just how to use magic.  

But fact is, and I realize this now that I have had time to reflect on it, I was scaring people.  This is why you need close friends.  Friends that will tell you you are doing this.  The friends I had DIDN'T tell me and that's why I am not going back to them.  They aren't guilty of anything but the are not good friends if they don't stop you from getting arrested.  

So that's my lesson for you today is that even though there are some bars chock full of drug-dealers and prostitutes, they are probably a part of the blood which keeps the body and the entire organism/city/country... FREE of sloppy individuals and as such deserve not your hatred, but your understanding.  

PS. The sum of all fears is not understanding everything, it's knowing that people can CHANGE what you know to be true or CAN know to be true. It's Satan. It's a perversion of the truth.  Hitler was brainwashed into his cause.  People have done it over and over in history, some call it racism, some call it genocide, some call it Hamas, but always it's plainly best described as domination. 

EDIT: You know what I find funny is a black man or a woman out there preaching about domination/republicanism... bwahahahaha... it's like they don't realize first thing that should happen is that they go right back into their cage.