Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, March 23, 2015

We are... Skulls


EDIT: That last journal was almost ready to publish a while back and the computer monitor finally went on the fritz and I had to figure out a new TV to use so now's when I finally got around to it and btw I had a new journal idea to write so today you get two. 

As you might imagine, I am much more happy with A Million Ways to Die in the West as a movie, now that I have seen it several times.  

I have to say that Charlize Theron as an object of my affection role is a much better use of her charm than as an evil-queen-what-just-happened-to-my-career... role. 

And as much as it pains me to say all this about SarahK... I'd still do her.  Even if she was doing 10 guys a day... hmm, ew, naw maybe not.  I'm trying to think now where I would draw the line on that though cuz, I mean what if she slept with 10 guys a week?  Or 10 guys a month?  Even 10 guys a year sounds like a LOT of guys actually so there goes a mind-boggler for all you guys and gals that like to have something to chew on at the cafeteria at HBO or wherever.  

Yeah, I admit it I watched Bill Maher Friday and boy does it sound like a nice place to work... I mean at HBO... working for Bill Maher might be nice but I'm kind of an Alpha male who is sensitive and petty so even though I might relish a nice group hug or two, getting together in a hot tub... EVEN with SarahK and Charlize... is still someone else's dream, not mine.  I don't think I could handle it, though I might just ask someone to tape my MOUTH shut and see if I can somehow survive it, hahaha.  

I was gonna put lol but if I did that and the hahaha THAT would be redundant, as Obama put it.  It's funny but watching Obama put up with twitter haters makes me wonder if that's a part of the life of a celebrity and maybe I shouldn't be so bummed out about it.  I have a lot of haters.  Not just online but nearby at stores and even my neighbors maybe.  I would like to think some of them heard of the great things I did for Citibank but probably what they have heard is what bars I sing Karaoke at and who my "questionable" friends are.  Maybe they have heard of the vehicle accidents I have had?  Dunno.  

Today I want to talk about exceptionalism.  I have told you all before that we have to take over the world.  The only fuel there is to progress is domination.  It's binary.  Putin just did a backflip probably.  He wishes our President would even HINT at domination so that all of his misdeeds can be justified in the name of a greater evil.  But no, exceptionalism and domination don't HAVE to mean us versus them.   

Just today on Alex Wagner's show, I noticed that they covered Bill Maher's monologue on ridding the world of fraternities which paid homage to what Alex said Friday.  And it's strange because I believe it was the FIRST time Alex had ever taken a side on anything.  Often we hear her ramble on about the facts and being amazed by them while lending a careful tone not to "personally" side with either side but in this debate she was not just against fraternities, she was for getting rid of ALL of them.  A sentiment not the least of which is not echoed by the Bush's membership into the Skulls which launched 3 movies and probably not just a few lunch date talks at Yale.  

Fraternities, like whorehouses(I'm guessing), are all about keeping secrets.  So it's a small wonder that most bars are like churches for the devil.  Not because there are actual devils there, but because secrets allow for the switcheroo to occur which can cause your mind to lose itself, more specifically to lose hold of where the truth is and what is normal and what is forbidden.  Once you've lost track of whether or not police will come running to help you if you get in trouble, you're lost in the woods so to speak.  You can yell and scream but most people will just call you a liar and once you start pointing fingers at people, you can expect some of them to not just point fingers back... you can expect to be attacked which means, you can expect people to start acting against you, or to dislike talking nicely to you in general.  This is what it means to be cursed.  Usually this happens to someone who didn't pay his whore or who "narc'd" on someone or to someone who I dunno insulted the wrong person... a somebody.  This means that all these people, usually the ones associated with whores and drug-dealers, now have free reign to spill gas on your shoes, douse your lawn with weeds and seeds, and to perhaps plague your computer and even your pets with all sorts of poison and things.  

This is what it means to be a part of a fraternity.  It means your little GROUP can do what it wants to enemies of the BROTHERhood.  See how that works?  You were teaching them trust and instead you taught them how to be pimps, how to dominate others, how to find fault without evidence, how to tell when it's a good day for a HANGIN'!  

See that?  That's Jesus.  You teach them to become a fishermen of men, yeah? But instead, they become slave-traders.  Good job...  perversion of Jesus is complete... welcome to hell. 

As you might guess now is a good time to figure out, now that we understand that bars and whores and drug-dealers all speak the same language, it's time to figure out what is so great about our country.  Why are we exceptional?  Some people don't see it.  Soldiers are dying, while pimps are playin, while Obama is shufflin, while Rick Scott's a rufflin.  How are we gonna dominate if we got problems?  

I was watching Joel this weekend and that guy is razor sharp.  I mean his words are like picked right out of my brain and I wonder if like maybe he needs my help, lol, yeah maybe not.  But that's how it should be.  It's not hard.  Figuring out what is right and what is wrong and which way to go from here is not an impossible task, but it DOES take work.  Most people working 9 to 5 can't go to the bar and UNDERSTAND whose seat is whose or what girls you can or can't talk to.  You can't just pick a path and know.  Once you pick a path, it's hard to KNOW if you're on the right path and even if it's the wrong path, your presence there, your optimism and clear-mindedness can help enchant people onto the right path.  You could "flip" those Othello pieces all into following your example and thereby MAKING the path you chose into a path that is viable and that perhaps should be stomped out and leveled and paved for others to follow.  Just look at what is happening to Marijuana.  It's getting accepted.  Just look at what is happening to black people.  They are beginning to study and have faith in education and they are starting to be worth listening to and even followed.  Look at what is happening to gays.  Some of them are the greatest artists of our time.  That's no accident.  The most supreme human being is one that has his feelings right at the center of gender roles.  SarahK is sort of a butch woman yeah?  Alex and Rachel too right?  Bill Maher is kind of a sensitive guy for a guy right?  Robin Williams too and Obama?  Girly men and butch women are the closest thing we can get to androgeny.  I don't have to remind you all that I am sort of a girlyman.  I used to sing karaoke, I read poetry for sport not because I have to, I used to watch a lot of porn.  I know that doesn't have a lot to do with it but trust me, it does.  Sensitive men like other people to help them and are generous with their thoughts and with their feelings.  Extreme men or butchy men won't accept help and like to dominate and possess as many things as possible that make him more an alpha ape with his gang of women rather than a member of society and you can never tell what his eyes are telling you unless you are actually standing there at high noon across from him.  Butchy women like to impress others not just with their looks but with their actions.  They are perhaps "generous" too yes?  Their razor sharp wit and mental processing make them dominate their counterparts especially to me since I have been on the lookout for an exceptional wife for like 20 years now.  My experience, is that I get along best with lesbians, not because lesbians give it up much more quickly(I'm guessing yes) but because lesbians tend to be more attracted to sensitive men like me who are WAY too nice for their own good, unless we are having an argument that is.  Regular women like to be taken care of, they like providers, they're not so generous imo.  Oh boy let me hear a date of mine chime out that word PROVIDER once before I haul ass... yeah... not looking like I'm gettin married in the near future here.  

So Joel Osteen's sermon was about finding good friends.  Yeah.  I have this attitude with people, especially because I could sing really well and most people could not, that everyone should be welcome to sing and that with practice, everyone eventually would get better and would receive applause and that nothing is better in life than to hear applause after you legitimately gave a decent attempt at singing well.  

The more the merrier, right? 

Well, turns out drug-dealers probably agree with that sentiment.  Fact is, I probably have been friends with a GREAT DEAL of drug dealers that I didn't know were drug dealers over the years, but sitting here in my house brooding about how I got here, unemployed, makes me wonder about my actions even years ago that led to people losing faith in me.   

Joel's right about friends though, once they become negative, once they don't help you forward or say things like you throw darts funny or we just playing after they insulted you or where's your date or let's change the ante... well, it's time to find new friends.  

People should want to be your friends NOT because they want to form a fraternity, so they can dominate others, they should find you interesting enough to fill a void, perhaps left there by a recent breakup or maybe you have a wife and you both work on cars and the other couple works on houses.  Building relationships, like being a part of a Chamber of Commerce, helps establish a body politic, that is all about subsistence, and then about nobility.  I stole that from Destiny lol.  But it's true.  Once you understand that the goal is not to send the Crusaders off to educate the natives by burning their villages... you understand that the goal of our country is to send the Crusaders off to educate the natives.  That's called doing the LORD'S work. Does that sound wrong?  We all exist.  THAT is our nobility.  We know how it should be just by looking at ourselves.  Do you want more servants?   Would you like people to carry you to your car or to the dinner table or the mall?  Slaves?  To be a noble part of our society is to understand this, that we should be as self-sufficient as possible.  That even though it's nice to have dental checkups, you should not have to go to the dentist once or twice a year because he's got whatever bills he can't afford, you should go and he should feel satisfied, he should feel applauded, as his time spent singing that karaoke has finally paid off and has found a usefulness in our society.  

So I would not be a slave, so I WILL NOT be a master. 

- Lincoln

That's what I like about SarahK.  She's not particularly funny... (ok, I take that back I love her work... wow I almost left it as "I love her" and I started to feel weird) but to me, noone is very funny, but she is enchanting and with effort, practice and rehearsal, and fine-tuning and filtering, she entertains me exquisitely.  I didn't like her at first, she seemed too butchy despite how good looking she is.  But fact is it takes a lot of gumption to stay in the business she was in.  And now that she has and is there as a good example of success, we can look forward to MORE funny ladies which by the way are easier to look at than say, George Carlin.  

It's like Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow.  You kind of see how Tom Cruise would be in love even if he doesn't say it.  Over time, if you watch enough of her stuff, and it's GOOD STUFF, you start to like her no matter what she does because you understand her intention is to make you feel better and you trust that... even if she makes fun of the chinks... in my armor, D'oh! 

Enchantment is the goal.  You must enchant people with reality.  Like Joel says, in time people will do great things together because they believe in a greater future.  God will take you places that you've never been.  Still I have to say, I don't want to carry his messages as my own because they seem stolen, like comedy perhaps, so this is probably the last time I will mention his sermons.  

I guess.  

Now that we understand what exceptionalism is, oh what we don't?  Well, a great society starts with your family.  Your brother, your sister, your parents will provide you with your greatest source of struggle mostly because you can't change them out.  And though Joel says you should move away from bad friends, which I totally agree with, you have to remember to maintain your family as best you can.  Understand that they did, and DO, things with good intentions.  And once you have a family that understands rules and boundaries and norms and everyone is happy, now we can have a neighborhood.  In this neighborhood we need to figure out where the black people are and move away... AH hah just kidding.  But once you've got your family loving you and you loving them, now it's time to get shocked by how everyone else acts.  You all grew up together but other families grew up in the sticks or at the halfway house or at the country club or maybe at a university or private school.  New families might even be filled with whores and drug-dealers, right?  Who knew?  These are a part of your community too and why aren't they in jail you ask?  Because you can't catch them.  They were BORN agile and fast and curious.  You aren't supposed to just go out to the police and point them out and say THERE GO THE WHORES, like they did to me in the drive thru by the way, no you are supposed to gather evidence that they have been misbehaving and if you can't do that... well then there is no crime.  

Oh you get it now?!  

Yeah, child abuse is only abuse if the child grows up and says my parents made me kill people.  You can't just ask children about abuse because they are too young to understand that the abuse is for their own good.  This is where having like minds is so important.  

For example, imagine that you live in the woods.  Father goes out digs wells, carries burros full of goods from the city out to his neighbors who he charges a slightly higher price to pay for his efforts and since he has no doctor, no police, no taxes or government of any sort, he kind of abuses his children.  Usually he grabs a switch, a tree branch, and when they get too curious about going into the woods filled with snakes or the river filled with crocodiles, or up a mountain where there might be mountain lions, he abuses them.  Terrible right?  What was he thinking abusing his children with violence when every civilized person knows that it's not necessary?  Now imagine these children come to America and raise children using the same violence.  Now imagine the writer is forced to punish his naked girlfriend in bed with her lover not with violence meant to abuse her but to correct her behavior.  Now imagine he's 20 years old.  Violence is a seed.  It's only learned through suffering.  If you are hungry enough, you can be forced into violence but more commonly someone does violence on you and you learn from it that it MIGHT be normal to do it to others.  Think of the werewolf.  The story is meant to show you what it's like to be violent.   Once people know you are violent, even in games, NOONE forgets your face and everyone wonders if you could be violent again and probably they might even try to provoke you so that they can hurry up and put you in jail.  

But... it's because others exist FILLED with evil that these sentiments can be switcherood.  Because you were once violent maybe it's ok to be thrown into a parking lot or thrown onto a bed and beaten or maybe you were man-handled by police, now it's ok to PROFESS violence in dealing with you.  Maybe it's ok to spew hatred through various SECRET forms of communication.  Now righteously you can exact violent behavior onto him and this "werewolf" can either react violently, and find that noone is on his side, to his own chargrin, or eke one step further, by ignoring it, towards his own oblivion...  

Sidetracked, yeah, hate is something that fades away like leaves from a tree.  Seasons change.  The only REAL werewolves are ones that WORK in that profession.  Violence is not natural, and more importantly it must be nurtured like FIRE or else it runs out of things to feed off of... in my opinion.  

Anyways, the message today from me to you is that we have a lot to work on right here at home.  We have to understand and correct how we became this way(we torture prisoners yeah?) and then take this vision of a world without secrets and without violence and spread that message to the world.  As intellectuals, we know superior beings always abuse their power, so we must strive forward to GIVE everyone that deserves that power, the people that understand our laws and the spirit behind them, we must strive to give them weapons.  Weapons make people superior and with weapons, slowly being doled out to clear minded individuals that defend only when attacked, who stand in front of victims, who ask WHY from our leaders with their weapons drawn and expect answers, who are the NODES of society that have earned not only the trust of the community, but that of their neighbors and families and wives; with weapons these EXCEPTIONAL people should be allowed and expected, to take over the world.  

Yes, really.  

And yes, most especially and starting with Mexico.