Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Star Power


Another theory that I have recently gleaned from the messerschmidt of my mind was that instead of our planet being the only one of its kind with impossibility lurking next door like a monkey in a closet... which happens to be controlled by the oh so knightly scientists that can't wait to shoot down any doubts you have to their conclusions, maybe EVERY system has an Earth.  Maybe EVERY star has a sweet spot that eventually passes through its inner planets creating "charged" life forms that allow its matter to dissipate in an orderly fashion as the star's color or maturity allows.  Maybe Carbon and Oxygen are common to EVERY system simply because ... well... because it's MATH.  Go five spaces and you always come to 5.  

I am of the mind that depending on the size of the star, that's how many planets it can hold and depending on its maturity, whether it is a blue giant or a weathered out red giant(if that's even possible), the maturity of the star decides where the "sweet spot" is which then tells you which of the inner planets can support life at any given point in an era.  This means that no matter which star we go to, there will be life there, though perhaps the "sweet spot" may be at a point in between planets.  

Again, I believe in corkscrews.  Gravity is a corkscrew.  It is caused by rotation and magnetism, not simply by mass.  And since rotation attracts or repels other objects I imagine planets and moons and pretty much all celestial objects to work like a set of gears or like cogs in a clock.  Such gears explain why things don't crash into each other because though mass would just pull two huge objects together, their pre-existing spin, their place in the gravity clock, would repel them enough to keep crashes from happening.  

We are all just positives and negatives.  Negative acts charge us up and eventually if you don't allow those feelings to vent, you get a Krackow, explosion which is what most psychologists warn you about when it comes to repressing feelings or hiding your emotions or being silent when you are being attacked.  

It's better NOT to be silent, especially if you are a star at the center of a very complex set of celestial bodies all dependent on your momentum and your... spin. 

This is my take on Christ also and it's why keeping aggressive people active is so necessary.  In a land free of oppression, someone amazingly evil is born, which is like an anti-christ, who begins to destroy trust like so much cotton candy in a giant maw.

Similarly, in a land of oppression, perhaps a ROMAN land, where some few rich people rule through slavery and debt, you can expect a Jesus to be born.  Someone that reminds everyone that dying ain't so bad for the right reasons.   Remember if the world kills you unjustly, you WIN the world! 

Such is what the Bible means by apocolypse.  It doesn't mean an end, it means a cycle.  Maybe it means, an example, or a precedent.  

ps. on lighter note, I have been playing a lot of Destiny lately and though it is rather mindless, I rather like how many different styles of play I can choose.  I am more cognizant of the news without having to report in all of the time and even though SECupp and Erin Burnett really hit my WOW buttons sometimes, I feel less of a need to remind them of it on Twitter, esp cuz they're married.  Same goes for other folks, they seem happier without my comments.  It's funny that this has happened many times at the bar also that after I leave to try out a new bar everyone at the old bar seems to have a GREAT time without me there for some reason, even though it seemed to me that I was helping.