Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

What Journalism is About


It's time to talk about Charlie Hedboe.  What's wrong with making fun of some prophet somewhere.  Today I am writing about this in an effort to take you to that edge where freedom meets the pavement.  

Wow, I think that pretty much says it all but I guess I will go ahead and write out the rest of my thoughts.  

I mentioned to you before about Demon Princes right? I have told you about righteousness yes? I have told you why the world was so against Hirohito, the emperor of Japan who could basically spill out words of good will and all would follow, even if those words were to act against others.  

As you can see from the movie The Last Samurai, it's a very tenable thing to have righteousness as a center of society, even in a boy.  When push came to shove, the highest and most righteous of his generals WOULD NOT DARE speak for the emperor, whereas his finance minister had no problem set things into motion using money offering his advice often and shutting down the advice of others when possible.  See, how having righteousness easily translates into we work for money which takes humanity right out of it, civility right out of it.  Working for money is a game of domination.  Eventually people's feelings come second.  Eventually the laws you are following, allow you to perpetuate evil, to act against others legally and wrongly.  Eventually, instead of money being a fluid thing that allows people to reward each other on the basis of effort, like tipping a waitress, it becomes an us/theming tool where some people pay a bunch of money, and others spend NONE of it and hoard the rest... like tipping a waitress.  

That's why charity should not be allowed or why tipping should not be allowed.  People have an ok job to do and they should get ok wages.  Owners don't get more pay because they work harder, they get more pay, ie their business is more successful, because they adjust their practices to become more efficient than competitors.  That doesn't mean OH they work 80 hours a week they deserve 100 times their pay.  If they knew how much evil is out there in the business world, they would just sit back and let their charming business overtake others that are sure to implode out of their own selfishness.  

Evil people, because they act against others, eventually act against the people they are working with.  That's why GW and Cheney eventually fell out.  That's why brothers and sisters fall out.  You have to have a religion, to know how to act against others, so that it never happens to people of your own type.  You have to be able to say, Jonny Quest, and then have them say oh yeah, Jonny Quest, the Invisible Monster, that's him, now throw some paint on him... now lead him back under that light... yeah now flip the switch! 

That last comment has nothing to do with Surveillance and the govt or mafia/local police creating monsters... yeah... nothing.  

So now that your goose is nice and cooked let's take you to the real reason you came to my website today.  We are going to talk about making fun of people.  

As you might guess, I am no longer religious.  I want to be, but I expect to have many problems with other preachers so I don't go to church.  I do watch Joel O'Steen and sometimes the local Baptist pastor and those guys seem to be spot on most of the time.  

This brings me to a good point is that you should not lay too much on me about inspiration.  My blog isn't here to inspire you, even though it might.  As I have moments of enlightenment I want you the public to have the same ones.  I want you to realize OH you take the diameter of the circle squared and that's the area of a circle if it was a square... OH! 

What I don't want you to do is watch the movie PI and then go wow if I become a genius, a whole lot of floppy furskins, one day hunt you down and TAKE what you spent years understanding and building.  Oh boy, you get to be completely powerless while retards beat you up until you work for them and how stupid were you to build your own BOX!  


Like I said that's what I don't want you to do.  It's important to note that education keeps people like me from actually being able to preach.  I have plenty of years of education but to be really good at it, I need a doctorate.  I need to be able to throw up stuff over and over like I have an specialized oil plug designed for that purpose that then throws up stuff over and over...  like Rachel.  Or like most preachers that have their doctorate of divinity.  It's not that there REALLY is a lot to study out there about the Bible(how many times do you think they read it?) but that they have been refined enough, writing papers over and over, in front of people, that they won't ever say anything faulty.  

Faulty is a BIG deal! 

Say I say that such and such government official was wrong to do what he did, now I am inspiring you to be a revolutionary.  Say I tell you that putting your wife in her place is what should happen in all families, well now is it my FAULTY when she grabs the cooking pan?  Say I explain that doing what children say is more important than respecting the parent, are there problems that arise out of giving children POWER over their parents?  Let's say I tell you that abortion is wrong, can we set up a temple of sacrifice for all those sluts and pricks that couldn't keep it their pants... while the rest of us revile in their weakness and deny the reality of what sex is? 

Faulty logic is what makes the world go round.  A leader with faulty logic is sure to fail.  It's a very difficult thing to always say the right thing... just ask Picard... who was always right, until the day his mind got hooked up to Dr. Crushers and she could read his mind.  What did she learn?  She learned that he was a fraud!  He didn't know the right way, he just pointed and if he went the wrong way well then it was time to go back and go the right way.  

It's worse not to be moving at all than to be moving in a wrong direction.  Gaining momentum is a difficult thing... very difficult.  A body at rest tends to stay at rest.  It's like inertia or like... gravity. 

Preachers are ... wait for it... demon princes.  What they say is meant to make making decisions about things easier for the people who listen to them.  I am like a preacher or like a shepherd if you will.  If I say something about ACTING against others, people will agree.  It's the basics of preaching.  The Pied Piper.  The rats are the first ones to come.  (SarahK said this recently and I agree that music is like a religion and probably should not be allowed but we need to ALL have music and then we should agree that it's bad for us, like guns, guns aren't bad but if we all had them, then we wouldn't need any.) But people like this, like me, need to be somewhat refined because otherwise, power corrupts, as Chris Hayes pointed out yesterday on his show oh so eloquently with his panel of experts.  And there's nothing more annoying that having someone that can't speak, sitting up there in front of you reading YOUR speech, when you know full well he couldn't spell abracadabra without your help.  

That's what education is is badges.  That's what makes Rachel better than others, makes Obama better than others, Einstein better than others, Hawking better than others, although something about Hawking and the wheelchair... Hawking and the wheelchair... just hold on it's gonna come to me... 

Nevermind, so today my focus is, oh wait I said that, Hebdoe.  WHY are we so afraid of free speech.  Because MOST of YOU haven't spent a full 3 hours in front of drug-dealers like I have.  Sometimes free speech is all about watch your mouth!   Yeah newspapers think the world is about improving the world and tripping up liars and making the bad people go away...  I hope I have opened your eyes to the fact that it's not.

You journalists are just the anti-Christ.  You are meant to point out people that become Christ and point them out to everyone.  Here he goes and there he goes and why is he still in charge ... like Chris Christie.  For every bad person there is someone willing to HUNT them down for profit.  Which is ok, and I'm not saying that it's not ok.  Profit is how we give applause to a job well done.  It's not evil until you treat people unfairly.  It's like LOKI.  When people get that wrong feeling like they have done too much wrong, you can bet they start to FEAR the journalist because that's what journalism is all about, lol, you know what I am going to say right?  What is journalism all about, everyone?! 


Yep, it's about re-balancing.  News Flash!  Yeah, it's about lightning! (Oh you get it now?!) 

But that doesn't mean what you do is good or righteous, it's just a necessary function in society.  It needs to be done by people of average worth that are not yet corrupt.  Remember that in Communism, where everything is run by the government, what people dislike about it is that the government ends up corrupt.  The system is not wrong, it's the people that make it wrong (And if we didn't have freedom of speech I couldn't even speak the words communism and I would have no idea if it was wrong really I would just know it's forbidden to talk about it.) It's not communism anymore if the same people are in charge, that's a dictatorship that just doesn't tell everybody who the leader is but my parents call it that because it always starts out the same and I guess they should know since in Central America, there's been nothing but dictators for eons.  Here's how it goes, the leaders start to vie for public attention much like I am doing now... then they say the rich people are starting to abuse their power so I get elected by throngs of say black people or poor peopleor Muslims... then as I realize that I need money to legitimize my standing in public office, I start to make deals which treat some people better, fast forward to some other people find out, and I can't give special treatment to everyone even though I needed to give SOME people special treatment for the sake of money and legitimacy, fast forward to now I have enemies who now employ OTHER poor people to harass me, fast forward to I hire a BUS DRIVER(current ruler of Venezuela) to fight off these enemies, but still portend great things for the country after I get rid of some enemies, fast forward to I put the rich people in their place but only some of them, let's call them JEWS, and then put them on a train, fast forward to the whole country in a week, starts to ask WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED, and fast forward to I die of cancer which had nothing to do with your new BUS DRIVER as president... 

See now that you read it, we can skip over the part where I take over the world and die betrayed like Caesar or Chavez or Arafat or whoever that thought he could wrangle with lions.  Like Arthur in my previous blog, these leaders aren't incredibly intelligent, they are incredibly LUCKY and then one day it runs out.  One day their heat vision meets the guy that foresaw that heat vision and whattdayaknow, lead pencil, heat vision doesn't erase lead pencil. (ie. makes no sense but what does it matter, you're dead) 

Life in politics is like a game of GO or better known by Othello I guess.  Flip this guy and all guys suddenly like him, flip this other guy and suddenly all guys suddenly like the other guy.  Once you understand how righteousness works, you don't have to be afraid of it and if your smart and a good leader, you stop playing the game.  You begin to understand both sides, and if you're really good you make everyone able to do this, for the good of the country, and if you're really good you do it for free so noone thinks you are batting on someone's team.  

As you can see from this rant, I don't want any of you to become this guy that needs to walk the field carrying the cross that will hang him.  Journalism is about reacting, not creating.  You are all REAPERS!  But that doesn't mean you need to act against others.  Like comedians, if the material isn't there, you're out of a job, but you should rest assured that if society is 50/50, as I have told you it must be, then it's only a matter of time before another news flash.  

Oh boy am I sidetracked, so Hebdoe, well I keep going back to Lawrence and his statements about disagreeing with putting the images on TV.  As you can imagine I'm getting tired of writing again but mark me on this.  Our country is an amoeba.  Inside we have the organs that all work together somewhat fluidly, and outside we have our cilia which direct our movement and capture our prey.  Such is the world of journalism, inside the eggheads, outside the jarheads, it's not hard.  All things are like this, McDonald's is like this, front counter deals with customers, back counter cooks the food, some people work in between cleaning things.  So when you as reapers go out to find your food as good comedians and journalists must do, it's important to gauge your food.  Bill Maher thought he could make fun of Trump without a cost right, Oprah thought she could provoke Tom Cruise and everyone would just be ok with it, (this reminds me of Megan's recent post that she was HOT PIECE OF GASH!), journalism itself can be licentiously wrong like it was with Princess Diana, like Surveillance is, like it is when it comes to celebrities' children.  It can be.  And remember that I just told you that people that have a Demon Prince do not respond well to attacks.  Organizations like that are "wild" in nature, like ISIL or like Hirohito or Kim Jong Un or maybe even like Muslims.  It's not hard to realize that someone got really rich and a WHOLE LOT of Muslims didn't.  People that are Muslim tend to be broke and use that lack of wealth to justify their outcries against the rich which may be justified... except that being broke is not a religion.  Being broke usually means you are not trustworthy.  It usually means you have USED UP your trust.  It usually means you spent all of your money and don't believe you have the charm to start over.

Being broke usually means, you have no faith.

That's why I rant and rave here about Rachel and her (I can't put good words to describe her this way but she said she was like a "babe in the woods" so I'll go with that, especially with the BABE part, lol)

Trust me on this, no matter where you are, it's 50/50.  Some journalists are bad.  They are hiding right behind the good ones waiting to sell off some private thing noone is supposed to know about.   And just like there are bad journalists, there are bad followers of righteousness out there, willing to fast forward their lives, to justify that they were not wrong, to skip over the dreary part where they actually have to grow things.   

So my message to MSNBC anchors is this, mind your mentors; because just like I would not send a journalist to cover a war where rich people live in a center that noone can get to and here you are in nice clothes, I would not have my people inciting or attacking others.  Responding, reacting, repeating, even complimenting maybe but never attacking and when it comes to nations or movements that are moved in a manner like this like Christianity and Muslims and others where interpretations change like people change their minds... I would have people recognize who they are dealing with... with demons. 

Demons are chaotic and evil.  You cannot predict what they will do but you CAN predict that they like hurting others.  And because this way of thinking is the most vile and the most unpredictable, it's a safe bet to say that when dealing with these... well, it's just better not to.  

Same goes for comedians who speak out against regimes I guess but that doesn't mean we censor their thoughts, or arrest them, it means we the public are cognizant or sensitive to a regime's feelings, like a diplomat would be.   Sure they are CHILDREN to have religion as a state but, as are many things... it is what it is.  

Remember my analogy of the flower?  First goodwill, then the laws, then the flower.  When people feel religion, it is a beautiful and temporary thing.  It's meant to inspire others to have sex.  We can feel righteousness for oh so brief a moment when being completely out of your mind is the right thing to do.  That's religion and righteousness.  That's the rose.  That's love... ageless and evergreen[seldom seen by two]. (Evergreen the song that I have memorized) 

What a beautiful thing yes, so temporary, so fragile, so precious?

You wouldn't take that from someone would you? Would you take their happiness? 

If you did, and if they weren't altogether there civility-wise, they might be really PISSED that you did it.  In fact a whole GROUP of them might be.

PS. It's important to note, that Chaotic Evil and Lawful Evil indicate selfless behavior, whereas someone Neutral Evil is selfish.  He puts all other concerns behind keeping himself alive understanding that good or bad must be sacrificed for the sake of their own existence.  Drug-dealers are a lot like liches or Neutral Evil, huh, and not so much devils  or Lawful Evil, yeah? Hmmf, now I've lost with it again, I can't tell which is which.  See I can preach but I'm not necessarily good at it yet.